Analyzing and Visualizing data

  • Topic based on dataset
  • Describe the dataset fields
  • Summary of the data in the dataset
  • Research content (at least 1000 words and 4 references – 3 must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles)
  • Create visualizations using R Language (ggplot2) (Discuss findings)

Wk 3 – Apply: Core Solutions of SharePoint Server 2013 and Policy


The director of Information Technology (IT) has indicated that the Board of Directors is compiling a corporate portfolio on ethics and has asked all departments to contribute information on how to write policy statements that reflect a code of ethics. The director of IT has asked for you to provide an example of a policy statement that reflects work you do in IT administration.

Research the cultural and global political considerations for the use of a sharing service as presented in the lab and the data which could be hosted and made available via the Internet. Reflect on the idea that some issues, such as keeping data unalterable, could transcend cultures, while other IT choices could depend on your cultural perspective.

Consider the following:

  • How cultural perspective could impact the security decisions of an administrator setting up SharePoint® Server 2013 citing choices that were made in the labs
  • Global political issues, such as corruption, human rights, and rights to privacy in the U.S. and Key Nations, based on your readings and discussions this week

Write a 1- to 2-page example of a policy statement using Microsoft Word. Complete the following in your document:

  • A brief description of the types of data that are hosted and made available via the Internet using SharePoint® Server 2013. Include at least 2 types.
  • At least 2 cultural or global political considerations for sharing services (e.g., privacy rights)
  • Your opinion regarding any IT choices that seem to transcend culture
  • At least 1 example of choices you have when administering SharePoint® Server 2013 that could depend on your ethical stance
  • A brief policy statement for configuring SharePoint® Server 2013 that aligns with your ethical stance on data integrity (e.g., “The organization will seek to protect confidential and proprietary information when configuring SharePoint® Server 2013.”)

Cite any references to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Physical Security


Topic: My father use to tell me that “locks keep honest people honest”. What do you think he meant by that? Is there any such thing as total security? Once you make your original post comment on a classmates post.

Instructions: Note that the requirement is to post your initial response no later than Friday and you must post one additional post during the week (end of Sunday). I recommend your initial posting to be between 200-to-300 words. The replies to fellow students and to the professor should range between 100-to-150 words. All initial posts must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.


I have online work to do in excel it’s easy but time consuming please help


1. Compare the IoT with regular Internet.

2. Discuss the potential impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives.

3. Why must a truly smart home have a bot?

4. Why is the IoT considered a disruptive technology?

5. AT&T is active in smart city projects. Investigate their activities (solutions). Write a summary.

6.It is said that the IoT will enable new customer service and B2B interactions. Explain how.

7.Find information about Sophia, a robot from Hanson Robotics. Summarize her capabilities

 be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.
All work must be original (not copied from any source).  

2 pages length


Final Assignment – Project Plan (Deliverables):

Securing IoT Devices: What are the Challenges?

Security practitioners suggest that key IoT security steps include:

1) Make people aware that there is a threat to security;

2) Design a technical solution to reduce security vulnerabilities;

3) Align the legal and regulatory frameworks; and

4) Develop a workforce with the skills to handle IoT security.

Final Assignment – Project Plan (Deliverables):

1) Address each of the FOUR IoT security steps listed above in terms of IoT devices by explaining in a step-by-step guide, how to make people more aware of the problems associated with the use of IoT devices.

2) If you owned a large company like RING, SimpliSafe, MedicalAlert or NEST that experienced a data breach due to faulty security settings on one of your IoT devices (such as a video doorbell or medical alert bracelet or a similar device) what would you tell your business partners and customers? Prepare a letter to send to your customers explaining the situation and what you plan to do about it. Keep in mind you want to do all you can to avoid losing business over this breach.

Question 2:

Your Research Project on “Cloud computing” topic the surveillance state consists 750 word research paper with at least 3 sources. 

You must include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line. 

There should be no lists – bulleted, numbered or otherwise. 

Write in essay format with coherent paragraphs not in outline format. 

Do your own work. Zero points will be awarded if you copy other’s work and do not cite your source or you use word replacement software

IT Project Management


n your initial post, answer the following questions about IT Project Management. In addition to your course textbook (chapter 11), utilize the UC library for information and examples.

What is a project, and what are its main attributes? How is a project different from what most people do in their day-to-day jobs? Discuss the importance of top management commitment and the development of standards for successful project management. Provide examples to illustrate the importance of these items based on your experience on any type of project. Discuss the unique challenges that an IT project presents.