Master Budget:

You have just been hired as a new management trainee by Earrings Unlimited, a distributor of earrings to various retail outlets located in shopping malls across the country. In the past, the company has done very little in the way of budgeting and at certain times of the year has experienced a shortage of cash. Since you are well trained in budgeting, you have decided to prepare a master budget for the upcoming second quarter. To this end, you have worked with accounting and other areas to gather the information assembled below. 

The company sells many styles of earrings, but all are sold for the same price—$13 per pair. Actual sales of earrings for the last three months and budgeted sales for the next six months follow (in pairs of earrings): 

January (actual)           20,600                                June (budget)                    50,600 

February (actual)         26,600                                July (budget)                      30,600 

March (actual)             40,600                                 August (budget)                 28,600 

April (budget)               65,600                                September (budget)           25,600 

May (budget)             100,600 

The concentration of sales before and during May is due to Mother’s Day. Sufficient inventory should be on hand at the end of each month to supply 40% of the earrings sold in the following month. 

Suppliers are paid $4.30 for a pair of earrings. One-half of a month’s purchases is paid for in the month of purchase; the other half is paid for in the following month. All sales are on credit. Only 20% of a month’s sales are collected in the month of sale. An additional 70% is collected in the following month, and the remaining 10% is collected in the second month following sale. Bad debts have been negligible.

Monthly operating expenses for the company are given below: 


Sales commissions            4% of sales 


Advertising                         $ 230,000 

Rent                                   $   21,000 

Salaries                              $ 112,000 

Utilities                               $     8,500 

Insurance                           $     3,300 

Depreciation                       $   17,000 

Insurance is paid on an annual basis, in November of each year. 

The company plans to purchase $17,500 in new equipment during May and $43,000 in new equipment during June; both purchases will be for cash. The company declares dividends of $17,250 each quarter, payable in the first month of the following quarter. 

The company’s balance sheet as of March 31 is given below: 


Cash                                                                                                                   $    77,000 

Accounts receivable ($34,580 February sales; $422,240 March sales)                 456,820 

Inventory                                                                                                                  112,832 

Prepaid insurance                                                                                                      22,500 

Property and equipment (net)                                                                                  980,000 


Total assets                                                                                                          $  1,649,152 


Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity 

Accounts payable                                                                                                    $ 103,000 

Dividends payable                                                                                                        17,250 

Common stock                                                                                                            860,000 

Retained earnings                                                                                                       668,902 


Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity                                                                   $ 1,649,152 


The company maintains a minimum cash balance of $53,000. All borrowing is done at the beginning of a month; any repayments are made at the end of a month. 

The company has an agreement with a bank that allows the company to borrow in increments of $1,000 at the beginning of each month. The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month and for simplicity we will assume that interest is not compounded. At the end of the quarter, the company would pay the bank all of the accumulated interest on the loan and as much of the loan as possible (in increments of $1,000), while still retaining at least $53,000 in cash.


Prepare a master budget for the three-month period ending June 30. Include the following detailed schedules: 

1. a. A sales budget, by month and in total. 

    b. A schedule of expected cash collections, by month and in total.  

    c. A merchandise purchases budget in units and in dollars. Show the budget by month and in total. 

    d. A schedule of expected cash disbursements for merchandise purchases, by month and in total. 

2. A cash budget. Show the budget by month and in total. Determine any borrowing that would be needed to maintain the minimum cash balance of $53,000. 

3. A budgeted income statement for the three-month period ending June 30. Use the contribution        approach. 

4. A budgeted balance sheet as of June 30. 


Mobile Paradigm Assignment.   

Prototype: 30 marks

Build your application as a web app. If there is too much to build you may need to reduce your MVP further. This will need to be more than just a mobile web site and should include functional interactivity. If any core functionality is too complicated to build in the available time try and “fudge” it with dummy functionality that feels the same. You will need to include a link to your git repository and hosted application on github pages.

Make sure your code conforms with our best practices and outline any external libraries you use in your github file.

Use Javascript and make the prototype based on the paper prototype in the document

depth research on a web browser

 You are to take one of the web browsers from the top 10 (see website below) and provide in depth research on the web browser to include such things as history of the web browser, operating system compatibility, including computer and mobile, security features and weaknesses, location of forensic artifacts, how is data stored, where web browser artifacts are found, chart of statiscal information, articles on attacks/hacking of web browser,and any other forensic data needed for an incident response to understand how an attack on a computer or computer network began and finding the source of compromise. This list is just an example and can include more than this but at a minimum should at least include these items.

Top 10 Internet Browsers – Most Popular Web Browsers of 2019 (Reviewed & Compared)


What is MLP , and how does it work ? Explain the function of summation and activation weights inMLP-type ANN.

Need 1 page document with References

Need this paper APA 7 format in text Citation

APA Sources *

*Full PDF *

Sample Paper

*APA 6 vs APA 7 *

parsing tree programing assignment

Similar to the parsing tree example in class, there is not much usefulness in parsing and evaluating statements without an operator. Therefore, it is safe to assume that any input to your parsing tree will contain an operator.

Examples of valid inputs are: 

  • ( T AND F )
  • ( ( T OR M_0.3 ) AND P_0.8 )
  • ( P_0.9 OR M_0.4 )

Example of inputs that are not expected (and that you don’t need to account for):

  • ( T )
  • ( P_0.85 )
  • ( F )

Also, if you haven’t started, and want a clean slate to start with, use this skeleton code in MS Teams: (Links to an external site.)

What is the assignment?

  • To implement functions to build, evaluate, and print expressions using our (made-up) maybe-probably logic

What to hand in? 

  • One (and only one) *.py file should be handed in. All your checks, unit tests should be inside of this file (similar to last assignment).
  • Note that your program should be able to be run at console/terminal (e.g. $ python If it does not, then the execution portion of the assignment will be 0. 
  • Also note that you do not need to hand in nor; and you do *not* need to copy them into your file. Just import them. (For Peer Reviewers, ensure you put the code you will review in the same directory as 

What needs to be done? 

The primary tasks in this fourth assignment are to implement the following three functions.

1. buildMPLogicParseTree(s) – this function should take a string as input (e.g. s = ‘( T OR P_0.9 )’) and should return the binary tree representing the parse tree as described in class

2. evaluateMPLogicParseTree(t) – this function should take a binary tree as input and should return a T or an F that is based on the on the input statement

3. printMPLogicExpression(t) – this function should take a binary tree as input and should return the string that looks like the original string (perhaps with extra parentheses)

4. create some examples of how your functions work (inside of def main()), and test that each of the functions works correctly (using unittest)

Note: Those exact function names above should be used. If those name are not used 10pts will be automatically deducted.


  • you should use the file for inspiration (located in MS Teams -> General -> Files -> Code); note: that file is for building entirely different types of parse trees so only parts of it will be relevant to this assignment
  • you will also want to download the files and, and import them from your *.py file (all three files will need to exist in the same directory/folder)
  • as with the last assignment, your *.py file will be run through a test script 

When you submit your assignment, it will be graded in large part based on whether it successfully runs when using different input strings. The tests will roughy look like the following:

pt = buildMPLogicParseTree('( ( T AND F ) OR M_0.3 )')
ans = evaluateMPLogicParseTree(pt)
exp = printMPLogicExpression(pt)
# pt, ans, and exp will all be checked to ensure they are correct

Again, several different input strings will be also be tested.

When an M_x or P_x is present then the test will confirm that your tree evaluates to the correct average.

For example, the above input string will evaluate to T roughly 30% of the time. 

What does maybe-probably logic look like again, exactly? 

The symbols of our maybe-probably Boolean logic are:

  • T – denotes True
  • F – denotes False
  • M_x is a maybe symboled that evaluates to true with probability x, 0.0 <= x <= 0.75 Ø
  • P_x is a probably symbol that evaluates to true w/ probability x, 0.75 <= x < 1.0 Ø
  • AND, OR – the two operators (note, these are binary operators)
  • (, ) – parentheses are to be used in the same way as with the parse example we saw in class

Some additional examples of statements in this language are:

  • ( T AND F ) a should evaluate to F for False
  • ( T OR F ) a should evaluate to T for False
  • ( M_0.7 ) a should evaluate to T for True 70% of the time
  • ( M_0.9 ) invalid since parameter x is greater than 0.75!!
  • ( ( P_0.8 AND T ) OR ( M_0.25 ) ) a should evaluate to true 85% of the time

As with other assignments, the final code should be your own work. However, discussing the general approach, or specific Python issues/functions, with others (e.g. on MSU Discord server), is acceptable, and encouraged! Of course, don’t hesitate to ask questions in MS Teams, by email, and in class. Again, note that the tree should include x, and that M_x or P_x terms should evaluate only inside of the evaluate function.

discussion 11/07

Discuss how your employer prepares to establish, maintain, and execute your temporary work area to reestablish or maintain your business operations.  You can use information from your employer, outside research, or your personal work experiences as your basis for this discussion. 

400 words.