4s week 15 assignment EH Final Project

in 750 words, + 10 PowerPoint presentation Slides

Please find the attachments below.

Securing IoT Devices: What are the Challenges?

Security practitioners suggest that key IoT security steps include:

1) Make people aware that there is a threat to security;

2) Design a technical solution to reduce security vulnerabilities;

3) Align the legal and regulatory frameworks; and

4) Develop a workforce with the skills to handle IoT security.

Final Assignment – Project Plan (Deliverables):

Address each of the FOUR IoT security steps listed above in terms of IoT devices.

Explain in detail, in a step-by-step guide, how to make people more aware of the problems associated with the use of IoT devices.

Include references.

No copy-paste strictly, plagiarism results in course termination. 

Tailored vs. Ready-made Software



In your position as the IT manager at your local hospital, the medical staff of the cardiac ward would like to build an expert system for diagnosis. Your preliminary review shows that the financial investment would be considerable. Your IT Director asked you to write a 2-3 page white paper that he will review and submit to the executive team.


In this paper, you will need to develop the following points:

• Explain the differences among the alternatives to tailored system development,

which include:

o outsourcing

o licensing ready-made software

o using SaaS

o encouraging users to develop their applications.

• List the business trade-offs inherent in the various methods of acquiring systems.

• Describe which systems acquisition approach is appropriate for the medical staff

of the cardiac ward at your hospital.


• This assignment is a paper consisting of 2-3 pages, using APA formatting and


• Include two references.

Infer Stats in Decision-Making “QUANTITATIVE” Journal Article Review


You will review both quantitative and qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece.  I suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the same family as your expected dissertation topic so that you can start viewing what is out there.  There are no hard word counts or page requirements as long as you cover the basic guidelines.  You must submit original work, however,  and a paper that returns as a large percentage of copy/paste to other sources will not be accepted.  (Safe Assign will be used to track/monitor your submission for plagiarism. Submissions with a Safe Assign match of more than 25% will not be accepted.) 

Please use APA formatting and include the following information:

  • Introduction/Background:  Provide context for the research article.  What led the author(s) to write the piece? What key concepts were explored? Were there weaknesses in prior research that led the author to the current hypothesis or research question?
  • Methodology:  Describe how the data was gathered and analyzed.  What research questions or hypotheses were the researcher trying to explore? What statistical analysis was used?
  • Study Findings and Results:  What were the major findings from the study? Were there any limitations?
  • Conclusions:  Evaluate the article in terms of significance, research methods, readability and the implications of the results.  Does the piece lead into further study? Are there different methods you would have chosen based on what you read? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article in terms of statistical analysis and application? (This is where a large part of the rubric is covered.) 
  • References  

BSWP Week 4

Assignment on secure passwords. 

Then pick and three passwords: one not secure, one acceptable, and one very secure. Then write a brief description of the passwords you have chosen, indicating why they are secure or not secure. 

Post between 200 and 300 words. 

Week 6 discussion


The proliferation of the Internet of Things (interconnected devices, primarily using wifi as the means of communication) means that most individuals will be using a wifi network or be exposed to wifi networks on a daily basis. Reflect on the following:
1. What risks and safeguards are associated with wireless communication? 
2. Are you comfortable (or would you use) a wireless “hot spot” to do computer work?
3. What safeguards might you use in accessing an unprotected (public) wireless communications? 
4. Are you more at risk using a wireless connection via laptop or a connection via a smart phone?

For the curious, take a look at What is “war driving” or “war flying.” How prevalent are these two terms today?

journal Activity 1

  1. How would you personally define ethics?
  2. How do business ethics differ from your personal ethics?
  3. What is the biggest influence on your personal ethics? Why?
  4. Do you try to always be ethical? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think you have a high personal standard?
  6. Do you know an adult that has lied, cheated, or stolen anything? How might an adult justify this type of behavior?


  • Answer each question not less than 100 words.
  • Include the list of references used.
  • Avoid Plagiarism.

Practical connection to the Subject

Subject Name : Business Intelligence


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words  (double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of  this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical  manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently  working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and  knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of  study. 


Provide a 500 word (double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you  are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work  environment. 

Note:  I am currently not applied so you can write this assignment as how the subject knowledge is used for  future 

You will develop a Python program to dynamically complete certain tasks, such as list, find, sort, and save, in course listings from schedule portal.

You will develop a Python program to dynamically complete certain tasks, such as list, find, sort, and save, in course listings from schedule portal. You will mainly use “request” and “BeautifulSoup” libraries (or similar, see exercise 12.1). The program will operate at different level: Semester and Department.  Your program will be a menu based application. Assume that you project file is myproject.py. Once you run, it will show last 5 semester (fall, spring, summer only, (not winter, may mini))

> python myproject.py
Choose a semester: 1) Sprint 2021   2)Fall 2020  3)Summer II  4)Summer I 5)Spring 2020 
Selection: 2

Here, your program will parse the data from website and show only last (most recent) 5 semesters. User will make selection, then, you will show departments for the selected semester (Fall 2020). Note that selected semester is visible before a “>” sign.

Fall 2020> Select a department:
1) Undeclared
2) Accounting and Finance
3) Art
4) Ag Science & Natural Resources

30) Social Work
31) Theatre
Q)Go back

Selection: 3

Fall 2020> Art > Select an option:
1) List courses by instruction name
2) List courses by capacity
3) List courses by enrollment size
4) List courses by course prefix
5) Save courses in a csv file
6) Search course by instruction name
7) Search courses by course prefix
Q)Go back
Selection: ??

Here, your program will parse the data from website and show all available department then list of tasks. Q (go back) option will take user to previous level. 

Course listing output should show the following fields. For instance for course listing for “Fall 2020> Computer Science & Info Sys> List the course by prefix ” should show

PrefixIDSecNameInstructorHoursSeatsEnroll.COSC130101WIntro to CompuLee, Kwang33510COSC143601EIntro to Comp Sci & ProgBrown, Thomas44036COSC143601LIntro to Comp Sci & ProgBrown, Thomas4036COSC143601WIntro to Comp Sci & ProgHu, Kaoning44543COSC143602EIntro to Comp Sci & ProgHu, Kaoning43532

as first 5 rows.

You will follow above headers and order (prefix (col. width 6), ID (5), Sec (5) ,Name (25), Inst (20), Hours (5), Seats (5), Enroll. (7) ) for other listing selections too. Data cell should be aligned with column header and left justified. A course name should not have a word more than 5 chars. For instance Algorithms should be abbreviated as “Algor”. The length of course name will not exceed 25 chars. In option 5, the above format should be used to save a listing to a file as .csv format. User will be able to provide a filename for csv file.

For this program you need to develop at least one class (chapter 10) with (possible) many methods.