bharg research paper


Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing government planning and/or entrepreneurial innovation. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing. 

You should use the UC library ( and/or Google Scholar to find these types of articles ( )

Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it.  This is considered a research article review.

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

  • Be approximately 3-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


In 500 words or more, consider this statement: For cloud computing to become multi-jurisdictional, it must be separated from politics.

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.   Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Qualitative vs Quantitative


Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Focus on the following questions:

• Describe the differences in the content and structure of a qualitative literature review as compared to a quantitative literature review. (Remember that the literature review is the second chapter of a dissertation.  Limit your response to differences in the literature review only, and not the entire paper.) 


This week’s journal article focus on the how positive team culture can correct the impact of lagging leadership creativity. Additionally, we discussed how digital transformation leaders in regard to artificial intelligence (AI).  After reviewing the reading, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is your definition of AI?  Please explain.
  2. What is your opinion of AI, is the technology currently available? Why or why not?
  3. Please note at least four AI technologies, explain if they are truly AI or something else.  Thoroughly explain your answer.
  4. How is AI perceived as different in various industries and locations? Please explain.

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Performance Management

Write a single page on the below

  1. Discuss what performance management is and how it influences effective teams.
  2. Define leadership behaviors and note which behaviors are beneficial at specific organizational activities (example: project planning, leading coworkers, etc…). Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding.
  3. Note at least two organizational capabilities and compare and contrast each.

Use  at least one scholarly (peer-reviewed) resource.

BI Week 16 Assignment

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:

Chapter 14–discussion question #1, #3, #4 & exercise 2

APA in-text citations) to support the work this week. All work must be original (not copied from any source).

Discussion 1. Some say that analytics in general dehumanize managerial activities, and others say they do not. Discuss arguments for both points of view.

Discussion 3. What are some of the major privacy concerns in employing intelligent systems on mobile data?

Discussion 4. Identify some cases of violations of user privacy from current literature and their impact on data science as a profession.

Exercise 2. Search the Internet to find examples of how intelligent systems can facilitate activities such as empowerment, mass customization, and teamwork.

Week 8: Capstone Instructions: Excel 365/2019 – Level 3 Working with Sales Data Alternate with VLOOKUP

Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000203 EndHTML:000078331 StartFragment:000004186 EndFragment:000078212 StartSelection:000004290 EndSelection:000078196 SourceURL:  SIMnet – Excel 365/2019 Capstone – Level 3 Working with Sales Data Alternate with VLOOKUP         window.SP_CDN = ‘../’;       window.SP_CB = ‘fc826db6f4973d3f8643’;       window.SP_EMBED = true;      

In this project, you will work with sales data from Top’t Corn, a popcorn          company with an online store, multiple food trucks, and two retail stores. You will begin          by copying the sales data for one of the retail stores from another workbook. Next, you          will insert a new worksheet and enter sales data for the four food truck locations,          formatting the data, and calculating totals. You will create a pie chart to represent the          total units sold by location and a column chart to represent sales by popcorn type. You          will format the charts, and then set up the worksheet for printing. Next, you help          Top’t Corn calculate payments for a loan and decide whether or not the purchase is          a good idea. Working with the daily sales data for one of the brick-and-mortar stores, you          will apply conditional formatting to find the top 10 sales dates. Y ou will also calculate          the sales for each date, and the average, minimum, and maximum sales. You will use Goal          Seek to find the appropriate price to reach a higher daily average sales goal. You will          use VLOOKUP to look up sales data for a specific date. Finally, you will work with their          online sales data to format it as an Excel table and apply sorting and filtering. You will          create a PivotTable and a PivotChart from a copy of the online sales data to summarize the          sales. 

Skills needed to complete this        project: 

  • Open a workbook
  • Copy a worksheet to another workbook
  • Close a workbook
  • Insert a worksheet
  • Name a worksheet
  • Move a worksheet
  • Enter text
  • Enter numbers
  • Edit text
  • Autofit a column
  • Apply a cell style
  • Add cell shading
  • Change font color
  • Merge and center text across cells
  • Apply bold formatting
  • Apply number formatting
  • Enter a SUM function
  • Copy formula using AutoFill
  • Insert a pie chart
  • Apply a chart Quick Layout
  • Move a chart
  • Insert a column chart
  • Switch the row/column in a column chart
  • Change the chart title
  • Apply a chart Quick Style
  • Show chart data labels
  • Preview how a worksheet will look when printed
  • Change worksheet orientation
  • Change the print margins
  • Scale a worksheet for printing
  • Change the color of a worksheet tab
  • Apply a column width
  • Calculate a loan payment with PMT
  • Enter a simple formula using multiplication
  • Enter a simple formula using subtraction
  • Add cell borders
  • Create a formula referencing cells in another worksheet
  • Enter an AVERAGE function
  • Use the IF function
  • Hide a worksheet
  • Apply date formats
  • Apply Top Ten conditional formatting
  • Use an absolute reference in a formula
  • Name a range of cells
  • Use a named range in a formula
  • Use the MIN function in a formula
  • Use the MAX function in a formula
  • Wrap text
  • Analyze data with Goal Seek
  • Use the VLOOKUP function in a formula
  • Convert data into a table
  • Apply a table Quick Style
  • Use the table Total row
  • Sort data in a table
  • Filter data in a table
  • Create a PivotTable
  • Create a PivotChart
  • Unhide a worksheet

Note: Download the resource file needed for this project from the         Resources link. Make sure to extract the file after downloading the        resources zipped folder. Visit the SIMnet Instant Help for step-by-step        instructions.       

  1. Open the start file EX2019-Capstone-Level3.
    Note:If the workbook opens in            Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the            worksheet so you can modify it
  2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the           project file name if directed to do so by your          instructor, and saveit 
  3. Copy the OldTownStoreworksheet from the OldTownSalesworkbook (downloaded from the Resources link) to the capstone project. 
    1. Open the Excel file OldTownSales
    2. Copy the worksheet OldTownStore. In the               Move or Copydialog, be sure to check the               Create a copycheck box and select your capstone project Excel file from the               To bookdrop-down list. Make the correct selection to ensure the copied worksheet              will appear at the end after the TysonsStore2018worksheet in your capstone workbook.             
    3. Close the OldTownSalesworkbook when you have successfully copied the               OldTownStoreworksheet to the capstone workbook.             
    4. Before continuing, verify that you are working in the capstone project that you              downloaded and not the OldTownSalesworkbook that              you downloaded from the Resources link. 
  4. Insert a new worksheet and rename it: MobileSales
  5. If necessary, move the MobileSalesworksheet so it appears first in the workbook.         
  6. In the MobileSales worksheet, enter the text and sales data as shown in the          table below. Check your work carefully. 







Top’t Corn Mobile Sales (July)


Truck Location


Farragut Square



K Street


Old Bay












Sea Salt and Caramel





  1. Still working with the MobileSales worksheet, format the data as follows: 
    1. Apply the Titlecell style to cell A1.             
    2. Apply the Purplefill color to cell A1. Use the first color              at the right in the row of Standard colors.             
    3. Apply the White, Background 1font color to cell A1. Use the first color              at the left in the first row of Theme colors.             
    4. Merge and center the worksheet title across cells               A1:E1
    5. Apply the Heading 2cell style to cell B2.             
    6. Merge and center cells B2:E2
    7. Bold cells B3:E3.
    8. Apply the Accounting Number Formatwith 0digits after the              decimal to cells B4:E6.             
    9. AutoFit columns A:E.
  2. In the MobileSales worksheet, calculate total sales for each of the truck          locations. 
    1. Enter the word Total in cell A7
    2. Enter a SUM function in cell B7to              calculate the total of cells B4:B6
    3. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to cells C7:E7.             
    4. Apply the Totalcell style to cells A7:E7.             
  3. In the MobileSales worksheet, insert a pie chart (2-D Pie) to          show the Old Bay sales for the month by location. Each piece of the pie should represent          the Old Baysales for a single location.
    Note:You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for          completing the next step. Check your work carefully.         
  4. Working with the pie chart you just created, modify the pie chart as follows: 
    1. Apply the Layout 6 Quick Layout
    2. Move the chart so it appears below the sales data.
  5. In the MobileSales worksheet insert a clustered column chart (2-D Column) to          show the sales for each type of popcorn for each location. Do not include the          totals.
    Note:You must complete this            step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step.Check your work carefully.         
  6. Working with the column chart you just created, modify the column chart as follows:           
    1. If necessary, modify the chart so each location is represented by a data series and              the popcorn types are listed along the x axis. 
    2. Change the chart title to: July Sales by Popcorn Type
    3. Apply the Style 5chart Quick Style.             
    4. Display the chart data labels using the Outside Endoption. 
    5. If necessary, move the chart so it is next to the pie chart and the top of the              charts are aligned. 
  7. Preview how the MobileSales worksheet will look when printed, and then apply          print settings to print the worksheet on a single page. Hint: If you have one of          the charts selected, deselect it before previewing the worksheet. Preview the worksheet          again when you are finished to check your work. 
    1. Change the orientation so the page is wider than it is tall. 
    2. Change the margins to the preset narrow option.
    3. Change the printing scale so all columns will print on a single page. 
  8. Top’t Corn is considering a new truck purchase. Calculate the monthly loan          payments and total cost
    of the loan. 

    1. Insert a new worksheet between the MobileSalessheet and the OnlineSalessheets.             
    2. Name the new worksheet: TruckLoan
    3. Change the color of the TruckLoan worksheet tab to               Orange. Use the third color from the left in the row of              Standard colors. 
    4. Enter the loan terms in the TruckLoan worksheet as shown below. 







Interest (annual)



Loan term (in months)



Monthly payment

  1. AutoFit column A.
  2. Set the width of column Bto 16.         
  3. Apply the Currencynumber format to cell B1. Display two digits          after the decimal.         
  4. Enter a formula using the PMTfunction in cell B4. Be sure to use a negative          value for the
  5. In cell A6, type: Total payments
  6. In cell B6, enter a formula to calculate the total paid          over the life of the loan (the monthly payment amount * the number of payments). Use cell          references. 
  7. In cell A7, type: Interest paid
  8. In cell B7, enter a formula to calculate the total          interest paid over the life of the loan (the total payments – the original price of the          truck). Use cell references. 
  9. Apply borders using the Thick Outside Bordersoption around cells A6:B7.         
  10. In cell A9, type: Average sales
  11. In cell B9, enter a formula to calculate the average          sales per month for the truck locations. Hint: Use cells           B7:E7from the MobileSalesworksheet as the function argument.         
  12. Apply the Currencynumber format to cell B9. Display two digits          after the decimal.         
  13. In cell A10, type: Buy new truck?
  14. In cell B10, enter a formula using the           IFfunction to display Yes             if the monthly payment for the truck loan is less than the average          sales per month for the current trucks. Display
    Noif it is not. 
  15. This workbook includes two worksheets for data from the Tysons store. You should only          be working with the latest data from 2019. 
    1. Hide the TysonsStore2018worksheet.             
  16. Complete the following steps in the TysonsStore2019 worksheet:           
    1. Select cells A2:A32, and apply the               Short Datedate format.             
    2. Find the top ten sales items for the month. Select cells               B2:D32and use conditional formatting to              apply a green fill with dark green textto the top 10values.             
    3. In cell F2, enter a formula to calculate the daily              total in dollars. Multiply the value in the Daily Total (#                Sold)column by the current price per box in cell               K1. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy              the formula to cells F3:F32.             
    4. In cell G2, enter a formula using the               IFfunction to determine whether the daily sales goal in cell               K2was met. Display yesif the              value in the Daily Total ($)column is               greater than or equal tothe daily sales goal. Display noif it is not. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the              formula to cells G3:G32.             
    5. Create a named range DailyTotals for cells               F2:F32
    6. In cell K3, enter a formula using the named range               DailyTotalsto calculate the               averagedaily
      sales in              dollars. 
    7. In cell K4, enter a formula using the named              rangeDailyTotalsto find the lowestdaily sales
      in dollars.             
    8. In cell K5, enter a formula using the named              rangeDailyTotalsto find the               highestdaily sales
      in dollars.             
    9. Wrap the text in cell J7
    10. Use Goal Seekto find the new price per              box (cell K8) to reach a new daily average sales goal of              $3,000 in cell K7. Accept the solution found by Goal              Seek. 
    11. Modify cell K8to show two places after              the decimal. 
    12. Create a named range SalesData for cells               A2:G32
    13. In cell K10,enter 8/19/2019 as the lookup date.             
    14. In cell K11,enter a formula using VLOOKUP to display whether or not the sales goal              was met for the date listed in cell K10. Use the named              range SalesDatafor the               Table_arrayargument. The formula should return the              value in the Sales Goal Met?column (column               7in the data array) only when there is an               exactmatch.             
  17. Make a copy of the OnlineSalesworksheet and name it PivotData. The           PivotDataworksheet should be the last          worksheet in the workbook.         
  18. Go to the OnlineSalesworksheet and format the sales data as a table using the table style           
    Aqua, Table Style Light 9.         
  19. Continue working with the table on the OnlineSales worksheet and display the          table Totalrow. 
    1. Display the total for the Quantitycolumn.             
    2. Remove the count from the Statecolumn.             
  20. Continue working with the table on the OnlineSales worksheet and sort the data          alphabetically by values in the Itemcolumn.         
  21. Continue working with the table on the OnlineSales worksheet and filter the          table to show only rows where the value in the Statecolumn is MD.         
  22. Create a PivotTable using the data in cells A3:D120from the data in the PivotDataworksheet. The PivotTable should appear on its own worksheet. Use values from          the Itemcolumn as the rows and the sum of          values in the Quantitycolumn as the values.         
  23. Name the PivotTable worksheet: PivotTable It should be located to the left          of the PivotDataworksheet.         
  24. Insert a PivotChart on the PivotTableworksheet. Use a pie chart to represent the total quantity           
    for each item. If necessary, move the PivotChart to the right of the          PivotTable so it does not cover the data.         
  25. This workbook includes a hidden worksheet with online sales data from the 2018 buy one          get one free sale. 
    1. Unhide the BOGOSale2018worksheet.             
  26. Save and close the workbook.
  27. Upload and save your project file.         
  28. Submit project for grading.

Note: Download the resource file needed for this project from the         Resources link. Make sure to extract the file after downloading the        resources zipped folder. Visit the SIMnet Instant Help for step-by-step        instructions.       

  1. Open the start file EX2019-Capstone-Level3.
    Note: If the workbook opens in            Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the            worksheet so you can modify it 
  2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the           project file name if directed to do so by your          instructor, and save it 
  3. Copy the OldTownStore worksheet from the OldTownSales workbook (downloaded from the Resources link) to the capstone project. 
    1. Open the Excel file OldTownSales
    2. Copy the worksheet OldTownStore. In the               Move or Copy dialog, be sure to check the               Create a copy check box and select your capstone project Excel file from the               Move selected sheets to book drop-down list. Make the correct selection to ensure the copied worksheet              will appear at the end after the TysonsStore2018 worksheet in your capstone workbook.             
    3. Close the OldTownSales workbook when you have successfully copied the               OldTownStore worksheet to the capstone workbook.             
    4. Before continuing, verify that you are working in the capstone project that you              downloaded and not the OldTownSales workbook that              you downloaded from the Resources link. 
  4. Insert a new worksheet and rename it: MobileSales 
  5. If necessary, move the MobileSales worksheet so it appears first in the workbook.         
  6. Enter the text and sales data as shown in the table below. Check your work carefully.         







Top’t Corn Mobile Sales (July)


Truck Location


Farragut Square



K Street


Old Bay












Sea Salt and Caramel





  1. Format the data as follows: 
    1. Apply the Title cell style to cell A1.             
    2. Apply the Purple fill color to cell A1. Use the first color              at the right in the row of Standard colors.             
    3. Apply the White, Background 1 font color to cell A1. Use the first color              at the left in the first row of Theme colors.             
    4. Merge and center the worksheet title across cells               A1:E1
    5. Apply the Heading 2 cell style to cell B2.             
    6. Merge and center cells B2:E2
    7. Bold cells B3:E3.
    8. Apply the Accounting Number Format with 0 digits after the              decimal to cells B4:E6.             
    9. AutoFit columns A:E.
  2. Calculate total sales for each of the truck locations. 
    1. Enter the word Total in cell A7
    2. Enter a SUM function in cell B7 to              calculate the total of cells B4:B6
    3. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to cells C7:E7.             
    4. Apply the Total cell style to cells A7:E7.             
  3. Insert a pie chart (2-D Pie) to show the Old Bay sales for the month by          location. Each piece of the pie should represent the Old              Bay sales for a single location.
    Note: You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for          completing the next step. Check your work carefully.         
  4. Modify the pie chart as follows: 
    1. Apply the Layout 6 Quick Layout
    2. Move the chart so it appears below the sales data.
  5. Insert a clustered column chart (2-D Column) to show the sales for each type of popcorn          for each location. Do not include the totals.
    Note: You must complete this            step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step. Check your work carefully.         
  6. Modify the column chart as follows: 
    1. If necessary, modify the chart so each location is represented by a data series and              the popcorn types are listed along the x axis. 
    2. Change the chart title to: July Sales by Popcorn Type 
    3. Apply the Style 5 chart Quick Style.             
    4. Display the chart data labels using the Outside End option. 
    5. If necessary, move the chart so it is next to the pie chart and the top of the              charts are aligned. 
  7. Preview how the worksheet will look when printed, and then apply print settings to          print the worksheet on a single page. Hint: If you have one of the charts selected,          deselect it before previewing the worksheet. Preview the worksheet again when you are          finished to check your work. 
    1. Change the orientation so the page is wider than it is tall. 
    2. Change the margins to the preset narrow option.
    3. Change the printing scale so all columns will print on a single page. 
  8. Top’t Corn is considering a new truck purchase. Calculate the monthly loan          payments and total cost
    of the loan. 

    1. Insert a new worksheet between the MobileSales sheet and the OnlineSales sheets.             
    2. Name the new worksheet: TruckLoan
    3. Change the color of the worksheet tab to Orange. Use              the third color from the left in the row of Standard colors. 
    4. Enter the loan terms as shown below.







Interest (annual)



Loan term (in months)



Monthly payment

  1. AutoFit column A.
  2. Set the width of column B to 16.         
  3. Apply the Currency number format to cell B1. Display two digits          after the decimal.         
  4. Enter a formula using the PMT function in cell B4. Be sure to use a negative          value for the
    Pv argument.         
  5. In cell A6, type: Total payments 
  6. In cell B6, enter a formula to calculate the total paid          over the life of the loan (the monthly payment amount * the number of payments). Use cell          references. 
  7. In cell A7, type: Interest paid 
  8. In cell B7, enter a formula to calculate the total          interest paid over the life of the loan (the total payments – the original price of the          truck). Use cell references. 
  9. Apply borders using the Thick Outside Borders option around cells A6:B7.         
  10. In cell A9, type: Average sales 
  11. In cell B9, enter a formula to calculate the average          sales per month for the truck locations. Hint: Use cells           B7:E7 from the MobileSales worksheet as the function argument.         
  12. Apply the Currency number format to cell B9. Display two digits          after the decimal.         
  13. In cell A10, type: Buy new truck? 
  14. In cell B10, enter a formula using the           IF function to display Yes             if the monthly payment for the truck loan is less than the average          sales per month for the current trucks. Display
    No if it is not. 
  15. This workbook includes two worksheets for data from the Tysons store. You should only          be working with the latest data from 2019. 
    1. Hide the TysonsStore2018 worksheet.             
  16. Complete the following steps in the TysonsStore2019 worksheet: 
    1. Select cells A2:A32, and apply the               Short Date date format.             
    2. Find the top ten sales items for the month. Select cells               B2:D32 and use conditional formatting to              apply a green fill with dark green text to the top 10 values.             
    3. In cell F2, enter a formula to calculate the daily              total in dollars. Multiply the value in the Daily Total (#                Sold) column by the current price per box in cell               K1. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy              the formula to cells F3:F32.             
    4. In cell G2, enter a formula using the               IF function to determine whether the daily sales goal in cell               K2 was met. Display yes if the              value in the Daily Total ($) column is               greater than or equal to the daily sales goal. Display no if it is not. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the              formula to cells G3:G32.             
    5. Create a named range DailyTotals for cells               F2:F32
    6. In cell K3, enter a formula using the named range               DailyTotals to calculate the               average daily
      sales in              dollars. 
    7. In cell K4, enter a formula using the named              range DailyTotals to find the lowest daily sales
      in dollars.             
    8. In cell K5, enter a formula using the named              range DailyTotals to find the               highest daily sales
      in dollars.             
    9. Wrap the text in cell J7
    10. Use Goal Seek to find the new price per              box (cell K8) to reach a new daily average sales goal of              $3,000 in cell K7. Accept the solution found by Goal              Seek. 
    11. Modify cell K8 to show two places after              the decimal. 
    12. Create a named range SalesData for cells               A2:G32
    13. In cell K10, enter 8/19/2019 as the lookup date.             
    14. In cell K11, enter a formula using VLOOKUP to display whether or not the sales goal              was met for the date listed in cell K10. Use the named              range SalesData for the               Table_array argument. The formula should return the              value in the Sales Goal Met? column (column               7 in the data array) only when there is an               exact match.             
  17. Make a copy of the OnlineSales worksheet and name it PivotData. The           PivotData worksheet should be the last          worksheet in the workbook.         
  18. Go to the OnlineSales worksheet and format the sales data as a table using the table

Wk 1 – Apply: Identifying and Mitigating Risks

Assignment Content

  1. You’ve been learning about various vulnerabilities and their associated risks this week. Keep in mind that companies are not always able to fix all their discovered vulnerabilities.

    Select an organization of your choice and research 5 of their most common vulnerabilities, threats, and risks.

    Write a 2 – to 3-page recommendation on the steps the organization should take to remediate or mitigate these vulnerabilities, threats, and risks.

    If you found actual examples of an organization’s vulnerabilities, risks, or threats, describe how the organization approached remediation and/or mitigation. Annotate those that were fixed or unable to be fixed.

    Include impacts to the organization in terms of people, network, data, or reputation.

    Cite references as necessary to support your assignment.

    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

    Assignment checklist: 

    1. The total paper must be 700 – 1050 words (about 2-3 pages but I will be looking at word count) 
    2. Use the bullets or key points in the instructions and create corresponding heading and sub headers. This way it will be obvious that you hit the key points 
    3. Include at least one references that are properly cited 
    4. Any images must have a caption and referenced in the paper. 
    5. Combine the screenshots and the remainder of the assignment into one APA formatted document. If you submit the assignment in multiple parts you will lose points   
    6. Follow APA format (fonts, etc) – For details on the formatting see the UOP library tab. 

Computer Science


Explore CNET

Right click the link above and open it in a new tab or window. You may also right click and copy the hyperlink and paste it into the address like of Chrome or Firefox.

CNET is a great website for technology news and review. Their About Us page states, “CNET tells you what’s new in tech, culture and science, why it matters, how it works and what you need. Our global team works 24/7 to explore and explain the changing world around us. You can depend on CNET for news, commentary, analysis, features, FAQs, advice, hands-on reviews, buying guides, amazing photography and fun and informative videos.”

We want you to read at least one article or view a video about hardware (not software). Then write a brief summary (or create a short presentation) summarizing the article using MS Word or PowerPoint. Brief means no less than 10 sentences but not more than one page. Make sure to cite your source properly.

Post this summary to the Hardware Assignment discussion board. Read at least one other student’s summary on hardware and provide a peer review. A peer review is an evaluation of another student’s academic work. This could include but is not limited to taking a stand on the topic and providing evidence for/against it; providing additional information on the other student’s topic; posing questions about the topic and possible answers; demonstrating your understanding or application of the topic with examples. You may need to cite a source in your reply. Remember that if the information does not come out of your own head, you need to cite it. The summary is work 35 points and the review 15 for a total of 50 points for this assignment.

Check your course Detailed Schedule for the due date.  

Emerging Threats -5

Considering the importance of data in organization, it is absolutely essential to secure the data present in the database. What are the strategic and technical security measures for good database security? Be sure to discuss at least one security model to properly develop databases for organizational security. Create a diagram of a security model for your research paper.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clear and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.