Discussion Week 3


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Based upon what we learned from our required learning activities from this week:

  • Who should be part of setting the rules and regulations for public sector communication?
  • Should there be a requirement to have community members included in the establishment of rules and regulations in public sector communication?
  • Should police reports and other public documents be open for public release? Should current public records law be expanded or retracted?  

assignment 12


The Importance of Reflection

As we look back on 15 weeks of this course, I hope we remember that nearly all our early Experiential Education Champions (from the week 2 reading) identified Critical Reflection as a key element to Outdoor Education and broader Experiential Education. 

Reflection (also referred to as Debriefing) helps us create connections between seemingly disconnected experiences and across gaps in time. By purposely pausing, during/after an experience, we can reorient our current thoughts, knowledge and emotions to the beginning of the experience, to another situation in our lives, and/or toward the future. 

We can reflect on any element of the experience and gain some new understanding(s) that we can apply to future experiences. 

http://meganmcmillan.weebly.com/uploads/3/1/7/9/31791771/the_importance_of_reflection_outside_of_outdoor__environmental_education_settings.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Kolbs Reflective Cycle- (remove the narrators use of ‘teach

Please answer three guided reflection questions, and two questions that you create for yourself. 

*Reflections do not have to relate directly to subject material. Review your work from the entire course, and any reading that were meaningful to you and draw any conclusions that are readily available on a personal level. 

1. How did your understanding of Outdoor Education change from the first week of this course? How did your concept/perception of the Back Country change? (review your introduction from Week 1 if you need a reminder)

2. Reflecting on your academic career, would you like to see more Outdoor Education strategies practiced; in the elementary setting, in the secondary setting, in the collegiate setting? In what ways could Outdoor Educational practices be implemented at these levels? What might be the effects (positive or negative)?

3. Now What? How can you apply something that you learned to any of the following spheres-

1. Your social life

1. Family

2. Friends

2. Your Academic self

3. Your professional environment

4. Personally/Internally

4 and 5. Create two additional Reflection Questions and answer them. 

Transportation in the Supply Chain- Harley Davidson

In this SLP you will identify where the major transportation modes are used in the EESC from SLP3: rail, inland water, ocean steamer, and/or OTR.

There are five basic transportation modes: rail, inland water ways, ocean, over-the-road, and air. We will not be concerned about air transport in this SLP as it is the least used and most expensive in general supply chain transportation.

Review and read these resources on these three transportation modes: rail, inland water, and OTR. Ocean is not included in these readings since it is mainly used for importing and exporting. This will be covered in more detail in LOG502. But you are asked to identify where ocean transport is used, but not in detail.


Session Long Project

Review the EESC from SLP2. Identify in the EESC where each of the four modes of transportation are used: rail, inland water, ocean, and OTR. You can use topic headings for each mode. Identify the materials being transported from which industry to which industry. Discuss why this mode is being used and what the costs are on a per ton-mile basis.

SLP Assignment Expectations

The paper should include:

  • Background: Briefly review and discuss the targeted product, company, and industry
  • Diagram: Include the diagram of the EESC
  • Transportation Discussion: Discuss each of the four transportation modes (rail, inland water, ocean, OTR) in the EESC and where each one is used. Discuss why this mode is used and the costs of using.
  • Clarity and Organization: The paper should be well organized and clearly discuss the various topics and issues in depth and breadth.
  • Use of references and citations: at least six (6) proper references should be used correctly, cited in the text, and listed in the references using proper APA format.
  • Length: The paper should be three to four pages – the body of the paper excluding title page and references page.

NOTE: You can use the transportation resources. You should also do independent research and find at least two additional appropriate references, for a total of at least six.

SLP Resources


American Society of Civil Engineers. (2014). Report card for America’s infrastructure. Infrastructure Report Card. Retrieved from http://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/fact-sheet/inland-waterways

Texas Transportation Institute. (2009). A Modal Comparison Of Domestic Freight Transportation Effects On The General Public, retrieved from http://www.nationalwaterwaysfoundation.org/study/FinalReportTTI.pdf

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (2014). The U.S. Waterway System, Transportation Facts & Information; Navigation Center. Retrieved from http://www.navigationdatacenter.us/factcard/factcard12.pdf


Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Rail), retrieved from https://www.bts.gov/topics/rail

USDOT (2012). Freight rail: data & resources. Retrieved on 20 Sep 2016 from https://www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0365

American Association of Railroads. Retrieved from https://www.aar.org/

American Association of Railroads. Railroad Data Center, retrieved from https://www.aar.org/data-center/

American Association of Railroads. (2019). Freight Rail Stories. Retrieved from https://www.aar.org/freight-rail-stories

Over the Road Trucking (OTR)

American Trucking Association (2015). Retrieved from http://www.trucking.org/

ATA (2016). Reports, trends & statistics. Retrieved on 20 Sep 2016 from http://www.trucking.org/News_and_Information_Reports.aspx

Center for Climate & Energy Solutions. Freight Transportation Comparison, retrieved from http://www.c2es.org/technology/factsheet/FreightTransportation

Final Paper


Introduction: Throughout this course, you will be working on a staged project researching a public policy issue as identified in your project proposal. At this point, you are being asked to write and deliver your findings and evaluation to your classmates and instructor in a final Research Paper.

Instructions: At this point, you will submit your final Research Paper evaluating your chosen policy and making recommendations based on your research. Your Research Paper should include the following components:

   Abstract: Please provide an abstract (one paragraph) for your paper. (I did not see this in your instructions but I do want it included.)


  • Identification of the issue
  • Description of the background context and significance of the issue
  • The research question behind this project
  • Literature Review
  • Methods
  • Findings from your data collection
  • Public Score Card
  • Recommendations regarding this policy
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

Remember to support your evaluation of this issue and your recommendations with the data you collected and any additional information you learned from your literature review.

Submission: Your Research Paper should be about 12-15 pages (about 3,000-3,750 words) in length. Submit this as a Word document. Follow APA style guidelines.

I have included stage 4 of the project as a refernce.  This paper should be an extension of the attached paper.

Steps of Control

Steps of Control

Explain why the four steps involved in the control function are important. How are the various ratios used by accountants and managers differently in the control function? Support your claims with specific examples from required materials and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Your initial post should be a minimum of 200 words.

Due Thursday by 5 pm

 Case Scenario 

 Read the following case first; then proceed to the next steps. 


Jim and Mary work in the same department for a company. Mary is a new employee. Jim has worked at the company for 11 years. Both employees have the same job title and do the same job. The nature of their work dictates that they have to work together.

Jim believes if something works or if a procedure has been successful then it should not be altered. Jim likes to do things the way they have always been done. His personality is such that he is very outspoken. Because he’s been with the company 11 years, he ”freelances” at times when it comes to company policy is comfortable with his performance. Simply put, Jim thinks he knows how to do things better. He will share his opinion on the best way to complete a task, even if his coworkers do not ask for his input.

Mary tries hard to follow company rules. Mary is a very quiet person and doesn’t say much at work. Mary has conservative and traditional values. So when the policy is that employees must clock in within 5 minutes of the start of their shifts, Mary always adheres to the rule.

Employees are supposed to clock in at their own buildings, but there isn’t any way to check this as the company has employees working at multiple sites.

Jim has developed the habit of clocking in at another building when he is running behind so he won’t be docked for being late. Jim has begun getting late to his work station at least 10 minutes on most days.

At least a couple of times each week, somebody asks Mary where Jim is because they are supposed to be working together.

Mary has been covering for Jim for a long time; however, she now feels that she is being taken advantage of rather than just being a good coworker. She is tired of covering for Jim.

Finally, one morning, Jim is 20 minutes late. Mary has to cover for Jim twice that day. When Jim finally arrives at work, Mary tells him she will not make excuses for him anymore.

Jim says, “Hey, I clocked in at the other building. I’ve been doing that for years so what is your problem? As long as you don’t say anything, nobody will ever know. Just shut the %&# up and do your job.”

Mary feels betrayed and she and Jim start shouting at each other. You are the supervisor and you walk in just as it looks like Jim is going to hit Mary. 

Step 2 Reflection


Ask yourself:

As a team supervisor for this company, what would you do?

After you have thought through your position on this scenario, apply your thinking to this week’s philosophers and complete Step 3 – the writing part of this assignment. (John Rawls)

Writing Part

 In 2 pages, explain how Rawls might suggest that you respond to the scenario of Jim and Mary if he was the supervisor and confronted with this situation. How might he apply consensus and public reason to illustrate his philosophy? Support your analysis with quotes or paraphrases from the philosophers. Use APA format and citation when writing your assignment. 

Step 1: Case ScenarioRead the following case first; then proceed to the neJim and Mary work in the same department for a company. Mary is a new employee. Jim has worked at the company for 11 years. Both employees have the same job title and do the same job. The nature of their work dictates that they have to work together.