crisis management final project

Final Project

For your Final Project, you are asked to use theories, strategies, and concepts from the course to develop a crisis management plan for your community.

Your Final Project must be presented as a 12–15 page (not including references, title page, or abstract), double-spaced, APA-formatted project in the form of a paper that is submitted by Day 4 of Week 11. See Week 11 for specific instructions for submission.

Crisis Management Plan Guidelines

The Final Project must include the following:

  • A strategy for identifying and selecting a crisis management team
  • A description of the organizational resources available to you in a crisis (community, state, national, and international organizations). Explain what they are and how they might be used in a crisis in your community. Then explain how you might promote or expect collaboration between and among them.
  • A description of the trained professionals available in your community
  • A summary of ethical and legal issues/considerations that you might encounter when responding to a crisis in your community
  • A description of issues/considerations related to diverse populations that you might encounter when responding to a crisis in your community
  • A description of a model that you would use to train counselors for a crisis
  • A description of how you would use empirically-supported treatments with survivors and care takers
  • A description of how the crisis management plan would be evaluated (after the fact)

Note: You may wish to use the bulleted items above as the basis for topic headings throughout your paper.

Your Final Project will be graded on a 20-point scale and is worth 30% of your final grade.

Topic For PowerPoint Presentation2

Question: Process of hiring top talent


discuss the chosen topic.

 prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides per student not including the cover slide and the reference slide. Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section. 

 You must use at least one reference, in addition to your book. You need to use in-text citations. Your in-text citation and your reference (on your reference slide) must be in APA format.

ex. 3

The Case of Lonnie and Dorothy

Individuals or families who need case management services do so because they have a number of problems. Like Lonnie and Dorothy, they may “get by” for a period of time. At some point, their problems escalate, multiply, or both, making it difficult to cope. It is at the end of this case, when Lonnie is beginning to experience some serious medical problems, that you enter their lives as a case manager.

Lonnie and Dorothy live in the southern part of town in a low-income area. At one time, the neighborhood was nice. This was long before Lonnie and Dorothy arrived. They have two grown sons, John and Leroy, who occasionally come by to visit, and a grown daughter they never talk to. Lonnie, 62, works at a nursing home as a janitor. Dorothy, 60, does not work due to health problems, though she has worked as a personal nurse at some time in the past. They have been married for thirty-nine years but do not get along very well. They bicker constantly, and Dorothy has talked of times when Lonnie would lock her in the house due to jealousy while he was at work. Now, they basically coexist together without much substantial interaction.

Lonnie’s job is rough on him—he works seven-day shifts and then has three days off. He drives forty-five minutes to work in his 1985 pickup, on which he is still making payments. He spends all day on his feet and is exhausted when he gets home. For years, Lonnie was the head janitor at a truck stop and enjoyed the job. Unfortunately, he was laid off due to cutbacks and has been trying to find a job with better pay. He has found that his age has kept him from getting better work. He has been working at the nursing home since. He has talked of finding better work, but because he and Dorothy live from paycheck to paycheck, they cannot afford for him to take any kind of pay cut, even temporarily. Lonnie spends most of his spare time in front of the television.

This is hard on Dorothy. Due to heart problems, she is on disability and rarely gets away from the house, often spending days alone in the house. This causes her to be lonely and to have a limited view of the world—the “other side of town” is like another world to her. If she does getaway, it is only to go to the grocery store or the pharmacy. She also has a tendency to be paranoid. For instance, if her disability check does not come on the exact day it did the previous month, she spends the afternoon on the phone talking to the disability office and the post office, positive someone has “made a mistake” or has “taken her check.” In some ways, this is understandable, since Lonnie and Dorothy need the check to pay their bills. Dorothy’s check pays the rent and what little spending money she gets, while Lonnie’s covers the car payment, food, utilities, and medical bills. They spend every penny each month, leaving nothing for savings. Last month, Lonnie started to have medical problems himself and has had to go to the doctor more frequently than usual.


  1. List the needs that Lonnie and Dorothy have. Then prioritize them.

  1. Identify the necessary case management roles and purposes for each of the three most important needs Lonnie and Dorothy have.
  2. The three models of case management you read about in Chapter 3 provide a structure for the case manager’s roles, responsibilities, and length of involvement with a client. Review the models.
  3. Describe how each model applies to Lonnie, Dorothy, or Lonnie and Dorothy together.
  4. Which one would be most effective with Lonnie and Dorothy’s situation? Why?

Human Resource Management

 Discuss what talent management is and why it is a consideration addressed by a growing number of employers.

Your discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format.  You must have a minimum of two sources to support your answer. You must also have a minimum of two intext citation of your sources. This is very important.

Students are required to post their primary response (200 word minimum) by Wednesday midnight. Students will respond to 1 other posting (150 words minimum each) by Wednesday midnight..

BMGT 464 – Skills Assessment/Job Position

DUE THURSDAY (11/5/2020) AT 5 PM EST. 

2 PAGE BUSINESS REPORT / APA In-Text Citations/Reference


I have attached the assignment outline (BMGT 464 Week 3 Assignment Criteria), the company profile + candidate positions, the skill assessment results (KC Assessment Results), and some course materials.

Please read the assignment materials (criteria, profile, positions, assessment results, and template) carefully. All these elements must be used in the assignment. 

Type out what I need to say on the video

·  Create an informative 12-minute video or audio news segment on a contemporary social issue.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:

·  Competency 1: Explain the nature of ethical issues. 

o  Explain the selected contemporary issue, with reference to practical instances.

·  Competency 3: Engage in ethical debate. 

o  Describe the relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines.

·  Competency 4: Develop a position on a contemporary ethical issue. 

o  Explain at least two distinct positions on the issue.

o  Defend one’s personal ethical position on the issue.

·  Competency 5: Communicate effectively in the context of personal and professional moral discourse. 

o  Create a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue from multiple perspectives

·  Making responsible decisions about major public issues is more complex than a direct application of theory. One source of this complexity is the value of looking at the issue through a variety of disciplinary modes of inquiry:

·  Psychology and sociology inform our views of individual and collective behavior.

·  Mathematics and the sciences remind us that human life is part of a larger world.

·  Literature and mythology encourage us to remember the power of good and evil.

·  Medicine points out that what we do affects the health of our bodies.

·  Communication and information technology help us learn to talk to each other.

Once again, your instructor has selected a few big issues that need to be considered from more than one of these disciplinary lenses. Learning how to integrate knowledge from multiple fields is a vital transferable skill for practical life.

Another source of complexity in dealing with a major issue is that there are many alternative solutions to think about. Intellectual honesty demands that we think critically about all of them.

·  Be sure to describe and examine each alternative position fairly: 

o  Do not set up a simplistic version that will be easy to demolish rhetorically.

o  Taking each opponent’s view seriously clarifies our own convictions.

·  Apply critical thinking skills to the position you are defending, too: 

o  Think about what objections someone else might make to your view.

o  Try to show clearly and honestly why you take this position.

Think of your thought on this issue as a chance to practice your skills for engaging in productive moral discourse from multiple points of view.

You have seen how difficult it is to work through a complex public issue by integrating disciplinary insights, debating alternatives, and defending your own position. Now, what are you going to do about it? Perhaps, there is another grand issue about which you care deeply, and the skills you’ve practiced here will work well in dealing with the complexity of that issue as well. The question remains, what will you actually do?

Take a moment to reflect upon what you have learned here. What matters is not some set of facts you have memorized—you can always look up that stuff whenever you want. What does matter is what you can do—identify reliable sources, think critically about issues, engage in productive discourse, defend your positions well, and communicate effectively and creatively.

Like many of the elements of a liberal arts education, these skills are transferable to other aspects of personal, social, and professional life. Learning and growth don’t stop at the end of a course or the completion of a program: they become life-long habits for achievement and success.

·  Questions to Consider 

As you think about the theme “dealing with complexity,” consider addressing the following questions:

·  Which disciplinary lenses will you apply to your issue, and what resources have you found?

·  Which of the alternative positions do you find more compelling, and why?

·  What concrete actions will you now take to implement your own solution for the problem?

·  How has our work together in this course changed the way you deal with ethical issues every day?

·  Assessment Overview

As the producer and correspondent of a television or radio news magazine (like 60 Minutes, VICE News, or All Things Considered), you have been assigned to deliver an informative 12-minute segment on one of the contemporary issues being covered in this course. Corporate policy requires that you consider insights from two or more academic disciplines for example: nursing and social work, or philosophical ethics, psychology, and biology. (Note: These are only examples; you are free to choose your own disciplines!) It also requires that you interview credible representatives of at least two distinct positions on the issue. You need not remain neutral on the issue; in fact, you are expected to state and defend your own position with clear reasoning in your own words.

You will choose which of the complex social issues to present here. The intended audience for your segment is an intelligent but perhaps uninformed public, so this is your opportunity to engage them in an issue that matters to you.

Assessment Instructions

The final script for your production should, of course, include APA-style citations and references. 

You may submit the assessment itself in either of two formats:

1.  Option One: Produce the video segment. You should appear as the correspondent, but you may enlist family and friends to play other parts. You might even take on distinct roles yourself, in a video “selfie” where you consider the alternatives accurately. Kaltura is recommended, but you may use any device or software of your choice, so long as you are able to submit the work to your instructor for assessment.

2.  Option Two: Produce the audio segment as you would for broadcast as a radio program or as a podcast. Once again, you will be the correspondent, but you are welcome to invite others to participate or record yourself in different roles. As with the video option, you may record the audio in any way that suits you, making sure to submit the audio file or a link to it as the submission for assessment.

Include the following concepts in this assessment:

3.  Explain the selected issue you selected, with reference to practical instances.

4.  Describe relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines.

5.  Explain at least two distinct positions on the issue, considering each fairly.

6.  Defend your own position on the issue clearly.

Submit this assessment to your ePortfolio. 

Your instructor may provide video feedback on your work, as well as completing the official scoring guide for the assessment.

Assignment Requirements

·  Communication: Create a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue from multiple perspectives.

·  Media presentation: Ensure your video or audio recording is a minimum of 12 minutes in length, with notes or a transcript to ensure accessibility to everyone. Upload the presentation.

·  Resources: Use your judgment to ensure your topic is thoroughly researched. There is no minimum number of resources required, however.

·  APA guidelines: Format resources and citations according to current APA style guidelines. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.

·  Font and font size: Use a font of appropriate size and weight for presentation, generally 24-28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text

Dealing With Complexity Scoring Guide

Dealing With Complexity Scoring Guide 






Explain the selected contemporary issue, with reference to practical instances.

Does not describe the selected contemporary issue, with reference to practical instances.

Describes the selected contemporary issue, with reference to practical instances.

Explains the selected contemporary issue, with reference to practical instances.

Analyzes the selected contemporary issue, with reference to practical instances. 

Describe the relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines.

Does not list the relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines.

Lists but does not describe the relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines.

Describes the relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines.

Explains the relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines. 

Explain at least two distinct positions on the issue.

Does not describe at least two distinct positions on the issue.

Describes at least two distinct positions on the issue.

Explains accurately at least two distinct positions on the issue.

Assesses accurately at least two distinct positions on the issue. 

Defend one’s personal ethical position on the issue.

Does not state one’s personal ethical position on the issue.

States but does not defend one’s personal ethical position.

Defends one’s personal ethical position.

Defends one’s personal ethical position with the support of research. 

Create a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue from multiple perspectives.

Does not create a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue from multiple perspectives.

Creates a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue, but the presentation lacks detail or does not include multiple perspectives.

Creates a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue from multiple perspectives.

Creates a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue from multiple perspectives, and the presentation is engaging and detailed. 

Expatriates and Repatriation

  1. Learning Activity: Expatriates and Repatriation
    Employment insecurity in the United States caused by layoffs and downsizing is experienced by other countries as well. As an HR leader in a multinational corporation, you could be responsible for both expatriate and repatriate employees in many different countries who are concerned about their careers. You realize that most of your expatriates normally have a greater degree of flexibility, autonomy, and independent decision-making while working abroad than their counterparts in the U.S.

    • Explain, in one or two paragraphs, how you would address the repatriation of expatriate employees when they may not have a job opportunity, experience difficulty readjusting to the culture, or struggle to learn a new job, after returning to their home country.
    • Provide an example and the rationale for your proposed approach to repatriation.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Social Change Experience


Social Change Experience

What is your experience with social change?

Drawing on your readings on progress and degeneration, and considering D. B. Bury’s and Benedict Morel’s perspectives, describe your personal experience in defining social needs for change either progressively or in degeneration (social worsening) as a professional in your community.

Include the following in your discussion:

  • Identify the problem.
  • Explain how the problem was first identified.
  • Describe the population or individuals affected.
  • Identify what or who was responsible for responding to the need for change.
  • Explain whether the community, business, non-profit, or government agency was expected to implement social change policy.

Use a minimum of two references (and their associated citations in your discussion narrative), applying APA style.