LP01 Assignment: Impact Paper

HA3120D – Essentials of Managed Care

LP01 Assignment: Impact Paper


Write a 2 to 3 page paper concerning the impact the development of MCOs has had on the doctor-patient relationship.

.List issues that have impacted the doctor-patient relationship due to the development of MCOs and the change in what the MCO expects from a doctor.

.After listing the issues, discuss the positives and/or negatives of each.

.From your text readings and research through the virtual library, etc., do you believe that the doctor-patient relationship has been affected more positively or negatively?

.Cite references to back your writings.

Week 1 Discussion


Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lectures:

Discussion Questions

Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right” and any specific instructions for this topic.

Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.


By the due date assigned, respond to the assigned discussion questions and submit your responses to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area. Respond to the assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading.

Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub-questions of each bullet point. The sub-questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research. Select a different bullet point section than what your peers have already posted so that we can engage in several discussions on relevant topics. If all of the bullet points have been addressed, then you may begin to reuse the bullet points with the expectation that varied responses continue.


Question 1:

Analyze the global vision of Li Shufu, owner of Volvo.

Question 2:

Evaluate the success or failure of a multinational corporation (MNC).

Submission Details:

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite all sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 500–1,000 words as noted in the attached PDF.

Stress as a component of workplace efficiency.


Week 4 Brainstorming Discussions

Must post first.

Topic: Stress as a component of workplace efficiency.

The CEO of VMI is a confessed workaholic. In a recent HR interview with Chinn, he lays out his personal conflict of demanding employees to work long hours as he does. He also is conflicted with the need to be open for business all the time due to its international markets. He is aware that his own Chinese cultural heritage influences his work practices. In China, the issue of personal time is not a concern. Workers do what is expected of them. Chinn knows this is not true in many western companies and especially in the southern states of America. As the newest set of management employees, Chinn wants you to examine this issue and make recommendations on how to deal with conflicting cultural expectations. What demands should VMI place upon its employees?

Stress at the workplace is a constant problem especially since technology has placed the worker in a 24/7 work environment. Use the articles listed below and your required learning materials from our week 4-course content to address this specifically for the circumstances of VMI.

Why Work stress is Bad for Your Relationships

Whither the Ping-pong Table? Which Perks Matter Most to Employees

What is the future of office spaces? 


1. By FRIDAY, complete the following:

Preparation: It is necessary to read the articles listed above as well as those in your classroom materials. This assignment cannot be completed without required learning materials, in particular the articles on cultural values and Geert Hofstede’s website.

Orientation/perspective: Continuing on with our scenario, you are a newly-hired manager not yet placed into a permanent assignment. Since week 1, you and Chinn have been talking about your vision for VMI’s future as given in last week’s assignments. Ultimately, you are convinced that the future VMI needs to be cognizant of the changing workplace while embarking upon VMI’s further international expansion, all under the umbrella of developing a learning organization culture to support this.

Deliverable: Once prepared, you will create a 2-page single-spaced report for President Chinn on the topic of the new modern workplace. In this report, include the following:

  • Chinn has a sense of cultural differences between his own heritage and that of VMI. Explain to him your understanding of these differences and how these may be underlying his observations.
  • Share with him your knowledge of workplace stress: its effects upon the employee, the idea of work and family life balance, differing cultural and generational views on this, and ways that organizations address it.
  • Enlighten him as to the difference of an engaged vs. ‘happy’ employee, with that difference expressed in effects upon specific types of performance and commitment. (As we have had readings explaining engagement every week, you need to express your own understanding of this and not paraphrase an article).
  • Your explanations should indicate that you understand typical pitfalls, misunderstandings, and misperceptions in cross-cultural communications and age-cohort attitudes.
  • With an understanding of the above, include specific and clear recommendations of addressing this within VMI.

The above are not distinct questions to be answered. Rather, you are to formulate your own report (2 pages, single-spaced), structuring your own points in a conversation with your reader (Chinn) that convinces him of its importance. Your report should incorporate key concerns and knowledge that has been expressed in our readings this week while also tying in your knowledge gained from past weeks (all cited). In order to accomplish this, your report must be focused on VMI’s situation, the type of work they perform, and how to carry forward their excellence and familial culture. Do not pitch ideas from sources that do not apply to VMI’s circumstances.

You must use course material to support your initial and final reports as well as APA in-text citations with a reference list

HIMA 410 Informatics and Analytics: Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation with a title, introduction, and reference page

Using the Hospitals Compare feature on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website, access benchmarking data for local hospitals https://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare/search.html 

•Conduct a search by name, proximity, or geography following the instructions under the heading “Find a Hospital?”

•Select at least two facilities to compare by selecting “Add to Compare”

•Select “Compare Now”

•Select one of the Categories/Tabs at the top (example – Survey, Complications)

•Select a Category from the drop-down arrow(s)

•Select “Show Graphs”

•Copy and/or save graphs

Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation with a title, introduction, and reference page to:

•Describe the use of benchmarking and comparative data. Provide at least 3 examples, based on your Hospitals Compare results.  

•Discuss statistical data that allow comparative measures, such as mean and median. Provide at least 3 examples, based on your Hospitals Compare results. 

**See attachment for more details   

Part 1: Post a Response


Organizations from time to time must make hard decisions (expand,  layoff employees or close a facility). As a manager you will have to use  work experiences, advice from supervisors and the organizational  culture to support your decision. Organizational culture is the sum of  the values and beliefs shared among employees.

Suppose you are a manager who is faced with having to reduce  headcount (layoff one of your two employees) in your unit. Sales within  the company have declined due to the downward spiral of the economy each  department within the organization is faced with making the same  decision. Fortunately, you only have to cut one job; others are reducing  more.

Mary is in her mid-20s, single, college graduate,  she is very hard working and was in the top 10% of the performance  ratings this year, she constantly volunteers to travel, work weekends  and evenings. However, she supports political causes that could be  viewed as contrary to the goals of the company.

Alice is in her mid-40s, has two young children,  her husband is a doctor, her performance is good, and she has above  average performance reviews. However, she has limited availability on  weekends and limitations onovernight travel due to her volunteer work  with local charities.

  • As a manager who would you select to layoff and why?
  • What other factors can be used to decide who gets laid off in organizations?
  • How should an organization choose between a decision that is  legal and in the best financial interests of the organization, but which  could be viewed as unethical?

Unit 5


Using your selected BA plan template, begin to detail the requirements and solution you have selected.  Include all of the diagrams, figures, and templates you have used to date.  This document is an interim step, and NOT the full report (so some portions will remain blank).  Concentrate your efforts on requirements, including:

  • Requirements summary
  • Specifications
  • Scope
  • Process

Submit the Requirements Document with listed sections completed, as well as any supporting tools, figures and/or templates.

  • Neytcheva, V. (2018). Requirements document template by modernanalyst. Retrieved from https://www.modernanalyst.com/Resources/Templates/tabid/146/ID/494/Requirements-Document-Template-by-ModernAnalystcom.aspx


Conduct an Internet search on the position of chief resilience officer. What are your initial findings of this position? How might the creation of these positions elevate emergency services management? Discuss how aligning this position with the chief of police, the fire chief, the public works director, and the planning director might help to facilitate risk management activities in governments.