A project charter and RFP

Select a project to work on. Some options are listed below, select a project that you feel comfortable with, and understand (or feel you can easily learn about).

  • Implementing a new software system
  • Developing and launching an E-Commerce Website
  • Implementing a new process in an organization
  • Opening a branch office/new location
  • Starting a new business
  • Deploying a product/service to a customer

Now that you have selected a project, you will begin to develop standard documents used to guide and support your work. In this assignment, you will be creating two separate documents:

  1. A project charter
  2. A request for proposal (RFP) for a portion of your project (assume that you are outsourcing one portion of your project)


You may want to utilize templates for these documents; there are excellent free options available at the following sites:

ProjectMangement.com – https://www.projectmanagement.com/Templates/index.cfm 
ProjectManagementDocs.com – http://www.projectmanagementdocs.com/#axzz4dNyw1Mmr

Wk 2, HCS 341: DR 2

 Read and respond to your classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. 

APA format

175 word minimm

At least 1 reference

Alejandra Sipion-Zapata


Great job with this post. You have included a lot of substantive content here. This is a problem that is seen in many organizations. Great benefits and time off is definitely something that attracts the employee and can definitely serve as a good retention tool. When offered, employees should surely take advantage as much as they can. However what can be done if expenses or budget does not permit the organization to provide “the best”? Organizations can promote unity and create stable work environments that make employees motivated to perform their jobs. Sometimes creating a less stressful environment or a positive environment without quarterly raises can promote retention within an organization. Just job security alone as well as recognition for a job well done can go a long way for an employee.

 Alejandra Sipion-Zapata

8/18/20, 7:13 PM  

Hospitality Business Struggle with Labor Shortage in the Bay Area


This  assignment  aims  to  explore  some  challenging  HR  related  issues  on  the  minds  of  hospitality   owners,,  managers,,  and  employees  in  the  Bay  Area..  Particularly  Please  answer  the  following   three   questions..     Read  the  article  on  Restaurants  Struggle  with  Labor  S hortage  from  the  San   Francisco  Business  Times.  This  article  covers  one  of  the   burning  HR  issues  that  restaurants  are  facing  in  the  Bay  Area   

1..  At  the  hospitality  business  that  you  are  working  or  interning  at,,  what  are  s ome  burning   HR  issues??  Please  briefly  describe  one  or  two  critical  HR  critical  your  manager  or  you   are  facing  at  your  workplace..       

2..  Is  your  business  facing  labor  shortage??  If  yes,,  please  briefly  describe  the  causes  that  are   specific  to  your  business..  If  no,,   what  are  some  effective  measures  your  business  is  using   to  retain  and  recruit  employees..     

3..  Briefly  write  about  one  or  two  best  business  practices  that  address  labor  shortage   issues..   

These  best  practices  can  be  from  your  workplace,,  a  business  you  know,,  or  f rom   researching  other  sources,,  such  as  online..         

The  total  possible  score  of  this  assignment  is  40  points..  The  length  of  this  assignment  needs  to  be   at  least  one  page,,  double  spaced..       

Write the policy for the Pleasantville School District's person-focused pay program that will be shared with the teacher.


You are the HR Manager for the Pleasantville School District. Although it hadn’t done so before, the district recently implemented a person-focused pay program. This program offers a pay increase to teachers who pursue additional education and training. You were on the team that developed this policy, which has been approved but has not yet been disseminated district-wide.

One of the high school teachers has scheduled an appointment with you to review how the program works. You plan to review the policy with the teacher and give him a paper copy as a leave-behind piece.

In this post:

  • Write the policy for the Pleasantville School District’s person-focused pay program that will be shared with the teacher. At a minimum, be sure to address the person-focused pay program’s:
    • Purpose and description, including effective policy dates.
    • Eligibility requirements. (Who is eligible to participate in the program?)
    • Acceptable types of education and training. (What is eligible for reimbursement?)
    • Awards for successful completion of training or education (promotional opportunities, compensation, non-monetary rewards, et cetera).

Note: Remember that well-written policies are understandable and to the point. Keep the policy to one page at most

HRM 522


“Auditing of Organizational Ethics and Compliance Programs”  Please respond to the following:

  • Examine the significant values of conducting an ethics audit in an organization. Select five (5) areas that you would focus on if you must conduct an ethics audit and provide a rationale for your selections. What ideas might you have for implementing a checklist to be used as the organization’s ethics audit? Be specific.

Project: Scholar-Practitioner Project: Health Care Administration Leadership Theory

The Assignment (15–20 pages):

Section 1: Abstract and Introduction (1–2 pages)

Section 2: Revised Literature Review and Problem Statement (5–7 pages):

  • Literature Review to include: 
    • A synthesis of the literature of 15–20 peer reviewed, scholarly resources 
    • A description of theoretical gaps in the research 
  • Problem Statement to include: 
    • An explanation of the specific problem that addresses identified gaps within the literature 
    • An explanation of how your problem statement incorporates implications for positive social change

Section 3: Personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory (2–3 pages):

  • An articulation of your personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory 

Section 4: Revised Visual Representation of Your Health Care Administration Leadership Theory (3–4 pages):

Your visual representation should include:

  • Your personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory to address the gaps identified in the literature 
  • A visual representation of the theory (e.g., table, graph, matrix) 
  • An explanation on how the theory addresses the literature gaps identified in Week 5 
  • A description of how your theory incorporates aspects of systems thinking 

Section 5: Empirical Evaluation Plan for a Health Care Administration Leadership Theory (3–4 pages):

You will assess if the newly developed leadership theory addresses the problem you have been working on. What methodological steps will you use? How will you collect data? Suggestion: start with how theories in our text are evaluated. It does not have to be detailed, but it must include the methods, measures, and analytic techniques.

If the Assignments are done correctly, there should be an alignment from the topic of choice to the evaluation: 

  • The topic is researched in the literature. The literature review points out a theoretical gap that needs to be addressed by leadership. 
  • The gap is turned into a problem statement. 
  • A leadership theory to address the problem is proposed. 
  • The theory is depicted in a visual. 
  • An evaluation plan describes how the newly developed theory resolves the problem identified in the literature. 

Section 6: Conclusion (1–2 pages)

Section 7: References:

  • An APA-formatted reference list of 15–20 peer-reviewed, scholarly journals

Leading with values IP


The CEOs need to create a new Mission, Vision, and Values statement for the merged company. They have asked you to work with them on this project. They will create a presentation that will be communicated to all employees. The presentation will help to support unity in the merged company.

Review the scenario for this course, and in 5–7-slide PowerPoint presentation, please address the following:

  • Write a mission statement for the new company, and analyze how it helps to serve customers.
  • Write a vision statement for the new company, and analyze how it guides leaders.
  • Write a values statement for the new company, and analyze how it shapes employee behavior.
  • How should the CEOs communicate the statements to establish alignment across the merged organization?

Case Study – Intercultural Management

Write at least a three-page analysis using the case study on pages 343-344 of your textbook: “Expatriate Management at AstraZeneca PLC.”

Your analysis should address the prompts listed below.

  • Critically analyze AstraZeneca’s expatriate management practices.
  • Surveys show that most expatriates report feeling the strain of managing the demands of work and home while adjusting to the foreign environment, leading to more anxieties at home and at the workplace. What steps can an organization take to mitigate this?
  • What decisions related to expatriates can organizations take to maximize the benefits to the company despite the economic downturn? Do you think a company that paid more careful attention to selection could further boost its chances of success?

Your case study analysis should follow APA guidelines for formatting all resources, both in-text citations and references. Your analysis should include a title page and a reference page.