straye r discussion

 Find a recent article or video describing a new product in development. Post a link to the article or video in the discussion thread and describe the following:

  1. What need is the new product trying to fill? Do you think it will meet that need?
  2. What type of innovation does the new product represent?
  3. What kind of process do you think will be used to make the product? Would it be possible to produce a lot of the product in a short amount of time?



12,000-15,000 words, not including references and appendices 

You have completed the development of an Organizational Change Action Plan. Your final project should include the following components:

Part 1: Background of the Organizational and its Current Situation


 Overview of the organization.

 Overview of the organization’s industry, environment, and competition.

 Background of the change initiative.

 Review of the failed change effort. 

Potential consequences if effective change is not adopted. 

Part 2: Review of the Literature 

Review of the academic literature of organizational change and development.

 Review of the practitioner literature of organizational change and development.

 Review of the academic literature of decision making and analysis.

 Review of the practitioner literature of decision making and analysis. 

Review of the academic literature of organizational learning.

 Review of the practitioner literature of organizational learning.

 Synthesis of the academic and practitioner literature. 

Part 3: Development of an Organizational Change Action Plan

 Evaluation of the academic and practitioner literature as it applies to the client organization.

 Creation of a detailed outline and implementation of the Action Plan.

 Systems thinking workshops

 Personal mastery workshops.

 Mental models workshops .

Building shared vision workshops.

 Caucuses to develop new change initiative.

 Review of new change initiative.

 Implementation of new change initiative .

Proposed time line and budget .

Part 4: References and Appendices 

Include a proposed implementation time line and a proposed budget that includes compensation for your services.

 Please submit your assignment.

Week 6 discussion


Question 1: Talent Management and Online Recruitment

Part A (Chapter 9)

1. After reading Chapter 9, read the two articles listed below: 

2. Why is it important to establish the meaning of talent and talent management in a particular organizational setting? How does the strategic direction of the organization influence human resource planning activities? What are some potential disadvantages of using a packaged application to help automate the employee goal-setting process? Why is it important to have an adaptable workforce in a global economy?

Part B (Chapter 10)

3. What are the pros and cons of recruitment and selection in an Internet context? Provide examples of your personal experiences with online recruitment and selection. Do you agree or disagree with online assessments during the recruitment and selection process? Why or why not? Be sure to include your personal experiences with online assessments


Question 2: “Building Functional Expertise and Operational Objectives and Talent Management”  Please respond to the following:

  • There are many ways to build functional expertise within an organization. Select one of the key roles in building functional expertise, and prepare a two-year plan to build functional expertise of a newly hired manager.
  • Analyze how operational objectives, their relationship to talent management, and the metrics could be applied to evaluate future talent management practices.

2 responses

classmate 1

Discussion 5

I believe customers are essential to keep businesses open. Customers are the driving force of organizations. I remember the old saying that business adopted, “the customer is always right.” This statement alone is one that would promote customer service to organizations. It is imperative for businesses to take into consideration customers’ input regarding their experience with the business and or employees. Customer service can be defined as the customer approval of their experience and satisfaction (Gegeckaite, 2011).  It is important for organizations to develop a strategic plan to envision how they will address issues as they arise and to envision how to improve customer satisfaction while maintaining job productivity from employees. Having a plan ahead of time can resort to being prepared, rather than being set back. As I previously mentioned, customers are essential. Customers are the reason as to how some businesses are still operating today. Without the customer where would businesses be today, is a question to ponder on.

One strategy to consider when working to improve external customer service is conducting an evaluation of the organization (Gegeckaite, 2011). Evaluating the organization can inform leaders of where the business stands overall. Additionally, businesses need to develop a strategic plan for their organization to improve external customer service. Strategic planning can be defined as a “set of concepts, procedures, and tools designed to help executives, managers, and others to think, act, and learn  strategically on behalf of their organizations and their organization’s stakeholders (Bryson, 2011).” Once the strategic plan is developed, as a leader, it will be important to communicate the strategic plan to employees. This step is significant as the employees need to ensure that they are on the same page, and all have the same information to present to customers. Additionally, it is imperative as leaders to remain abreast of their competition with other organizations. It is important for organizations to be mindful of what they bring to the table as well as what their competitors offer. Running specials to save customers money is a factor to consider. Customers love a sale or a deal. Customers love to feel as though they are getting a lot for their money. As can be seen, there are a variety of strategies that can be utilized to improve external customer service, however, it will be based upon the leader, as well as the mission and vision of the organization. If an organization is not customer-driven, then it may or may not take into consideration their customer feelings or experience.

Bryson, J. M. (2011). Strategic Planning For Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Gegeckaitė L. (2011). Factors of customer satisfaction on services. Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 4-13. ISSN 2029-0365. [ (Links to an external site.)]

classmate 2

Discussion 5

Topic:  Discuss strategies for improving services for external customers in your organization.

            Strategic planning aids leaders in formulating strategies and plans to address issues within the organizations, including how to maximize profits by improving customer service. According to Bryson and Alston (2011), strategic planning is defined as a set of concepts, procedures, tools, and practices designed to help an organization’s (collaboration’s or community’s) leaders, managers, planners, staff, and other stakeholders to think, act, and learn strategically. Studies demonstrate that 70% has lost customers due to customer service (Eger & Micik, 2015).

          Effective communication is vital in any business. Eger and Micik (2015) explained that effective communication can result in increased sales, profit, and customer’s satisfaction within the organization. However, this can only be achieved through employees receiving adequate training. I work in a local mental health agency and I believe effective communication can definitely aid our business in maximizing its’ profits. I’ve always stated that there is a large gap between the needs of our consumers and upper management. I feel that if upper management would ask our (counselors that work directly with clients) views on how the business can be improved, we can inform them of our client’s desires and derive a solution on how the company can be lucrative while benefitting employees and increasing services for our consumers.

          An organization must have strategies formulated to assist in determining productive future, within the organization. “Strategy may be thought of as a pattern of purposes, policies, programs, projects, actions, decisions, or resource allocations that defines what an organization (or other entity) is, what it does, and why it does it” (Bryson & Alston, 2011). The development of an effective strategy can assist a company in ensuring long-term profits and the maximum growth of the company. This tactic is beneficial as it aids the business in sustaining growth, building a sturdy financial foundation, and preparing for challenges that may lie ahead. However, in order to secure this success a strategic plan must be developed and implemented.

Bryson, J.M. & Alston, F.K. (2011). Creating your strategic plan: A workbook for 

          public and nonprofit organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Eger, L., & Mičík, M. (2015). Improving the quality of customer service by using the technique

of mystery shopping. ACC Journal, 21(2), 65-76. doi:10.15240/tul/004/2015-2-006

Understanding Medical Information Discussion


All healthcare professionals that conduct research must be familiar with statistical terminology.  To become an informed consumer of medical information, one must learn a few easy to understand concepts.  This is important so one can interpret study results in journal articles, conference presentations, drug advertisements, and most importantly when conducting one’s own research.  Therefore, healthcare professionals should be familiar with clinical research methods and basic statistical terminology. 

Answer this question: 

In your own words, define and describe three primary ways that statistics are used in medical literature.  

Music Paper


For the music paper you must create 500 to 600 words of written text. You need to select a program on Youtube to watch. As a first step read an article about the type of music or dance you have chosen to watch. So if you pick Salsa for instance search the article for information about the instruments used, the choreography presented, the types of rhythm and sounds that are presented, the kinds of lyrics that are developed. Then pick a Youtube program that presents a major artist or artists doing a performance.  Since this is part of the international education component of the course you may not use American musicians or American based compositions i.e. no Japanese rock and roll for instance. Select a style of music that originated abroad i.e. classical music and composers that worked in Europe, opera created by European artists, Latin American music such as the lambada, the macarena, the salsa, the tango and the list goes on, traditional forms of Asian music such as Japanese music or Chinese music, or forms of African tribal music. As you watch the presentation select two of the songs that are performed. Tell me who created them, what the songs symbolize, what kinds of lyrics and instruments are used, what the songs sound like i.e. rhythm, tempo , pitch etc.  Some of these types of music are closely associated with dance or ballet. So if the music includes elements of either of those, briefly describe their impact on the production.Also briefly describe your aesthetic response to each piece of music. Whatever  you watch  electronically cite the program using MLA style.


Hrmt 420 3

Traditionally, the activities of labor unions have supported the development of gains for the American worker. As labor unions negotiate with management, those gains set a standard for other non-union organizations. The U.S. has enacted a number of laws that protect workers such as the Civil Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act. In this assignment, you will explore some of the major US labor laws.

Prepare an 800 word paper that addresses following:

  • What is a yellow dog contract as described in the Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932?
  • What was the purpose of the Wagner act of 1935?
  • Compared to the Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 and the Wagner Act of 1935, what impact did the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 have on labor unions?
  • Do employment laws replace the need for labor unions? Are these acts still relevant in today’s business environment? Why or why not?