Discussion 5B

 Operational capacity seeks to examine how well and how reliably programs, policies, and procedures work to create value, efficiency, and effectiveness. Discuss one or two key policies and procedures that the Chicago Police Department should consider modifying, and offer a rationale to explain why. Use the Operational Capacity Perspective form for reference. 

csu week 8 discussion

apa format

1-2 paragraphs


need today

Module 8: Discussion Forum

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Leaders don’t always know about, understand, or recognize the many leadership theories that are in operation each day within organizations. Leadership theories provide the foundation for motivation and leadership, helping us to form ideas and setting the stage for strategies and goals. 

  1. Name one leadership theory that realistically could be in place and exhibited by supervisors/employees without their even knowing it. Explain your answer and back it up with research. 
  2. Discuss how the leadership theory is put in place to motivate, nurture, and increase performance of employees or followers. 
  3. Practical Application: Describe a situation where you or another colleague had to make a tough decision at work. What leadership or decision-making theory was at play? Did you recognize this at the time? If not, might you have used more intricate pieces of the theory to make the situation go smoothly? 

Note: If you do not have a work experience upon which to base this answer, you may research an organization or leader, but name the organization and provide evidence of your research (e.g., a newspaper article, for example, that describes the scenario). 


Privacy in the Twenty-First Century

For this discussion, consider that privacy is an increasingly sensitive workplace issue, due to recent advances in technology. Answer the following questions in your discussion post, making reference to the articles and ideas that you have read about this week where appropriate.

  • How can we use technology and legislation to prevent workplace discrimination?
  • How should the HR professional approach privacy issues in the workplace?
  • Why are clear expectations important?
  • What added considerations might HR have in the health care field?

Case study

Successful joint venture of Maruti and Suzuki. The paper should include general information about the two companies before the joint venture. The need for their joint venture. How the joint venture formed between maruti and suzuki. The objectives,vision, matching needs and capabilities,overlapping value of the joint venture.



Topic #1:  LEARNING SYNTHESIS (25 Points)

Create a high level summary of the things that stood out for you over each of the last seven weeks.  Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that shares these highlights with us. You must also narrate that PowerPoint presentation so that you are actually telling and showing us (i.e., teaching us) what you learned.  You may use software other than PowerPoint, provided it has the audio component as well as the visual piece that PowerPoint has. YOU CANNOT, HOWEVER, SAVE YOUR PRESENTATION IN GOOGLE DOCS – THESE FILES ARE UNACCESSIBLE AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Here are some resources to help you craft your presentation:

Best Practices in PowerPoint Design


Written Instructions for Narrating a PowerPoint Presentation


Video Instructions for Adding Narration to Your PowerPoint


Don’t forget to include citations and references

HRM 532 DQ 5


Talent Pool Management and Engagement Research”  Please respond to the following:

  • Synthesize the key characteristics of an effectively managed talent pool for leaders.  Justify how you would initiate and maintain this talent pool of potential leaders.
  • Discuss an approach to engagement research that would encompass the necessary components to your profession or industry. Itemize the areas that must be considered in the future talent pool and how one would design research that answers these questions.

HRM (3) questions+ (3) paragraphs each= 9 paragraphs of COLLEGE LEVEL writing (I will dispute for refund for bad work)

Answer the following (3) questions.  Each question needs to be a minimum (3) paragraphs in length.  Each question must have (3) citations (1 from textbook provided and 2 from recent websites 2019/2020).  

Writing must be COLLEGE LEVEL, APA 7th Edition, proper citations, grammar, English etc.


Question #1

What are the differences between staffing in the private and public sectors?

Questions #2

How does mobility differ in organizations with innovative career paths?

Question #3

Do individuals making staffing decisions have an ethical responsibility to know the measurement issues? Why or why not?

Discussion: End-User Satisfaction of Health Information Systems


Review the article, “Clinical information systems end user satisfaction: The expectations and needs congruencies effects”, and discuss the following:

  1. The importance of understanding end-user needs in health information systems.
  2. Why is it important to understand end-user expectations when designing health information systems?
  3. Do you believe health information systems can be successful without end-user input in the design? Why or why not?

Training Needs Analysis of a Retail Company, SOURCES PROVIDED


Select or create an organization for the authentic assessment. In this first assignment, you will begin to develop a training needs analysis (TNA) for your chosen organization. Company is Seventh Sense, a retail CBD company that is doing badly. 

Provide information about the organization and its needs regarding the training issue:

This should include general, high level information about the company in terms of product/services, size, geography, workforce attributes, etc. The training issue is the problem or challenge (could be deficiency OR need based on a predicted change in the operation, workforce, etc.). Here this should be “high level”, focused on the organization (not specifically the individual workers yet).

Determine the group or individuals who will receive the training:

This should include information about the target audience as it will impact the training developed – including demographic information, type of work, location of work, etc.

Identify the training issue:

This is a continuation from item 1. Here you will focus more on the individual workers and/or teams.

NOTE: the training issue should NOT be that they lack training. It should be tied to a performance deficiency or need. 

Provide a training needs assessment questionnaire:

The questionnaire should provide insight into the training need/gap; therefore it should focus on the training issue itself – choose questions that provide insight to the issue. In a sense, the questionnaire helps you identify and analyze the “why” (e.g., if you are addressing a performance issue, the questionnaire would help you hone in on the real issue).

SUGGESTION: think hard about using questions that ask how the audience “feels” about something – you want to obtain the most tangible and useful information.

NOTE: you will NOT administer the questionnaire! 

Your questionnaire should be included as an appendix to your paper – inserting questions within the narrative of your paper does not suffice.

Explain how the questionnaire will be utilized and will lead to the development of training outcomes/learning objectives within your written report:

Here you will essentially validate the questions posed in your questionnaire – if you can’t do that, you should probably revisit your questions.

You will probably not have the time or resources to implement the questionnaire or compile all the organizational and training-specific information necessary to complete the TNA. (If you are able to get real data and results, great! Otherwise, be creative and fabricate results.) The goal is to understand how a TNA is done effectively and to practice completing one.

(Assignment 2 items below)

Include at least three training outcomes, based on the TNA

Identify the expected performance of the group or individuals as a result of the training

Identify performance gaps and detail how training can help close those gaps


