Legal, Ethical, and Risk Issues in Organizations



Deliverable 4 – Performance Improvement Plan


Appraise the workforce relations of an organization to ensure optimal performance.


You are an HR Business Partner in a large electronics retailer. The VP of HR has recently implemented a new disciplinary process, which focuses more on performance improvement rather than automatic discipline and censure for behavior and performance issues. The VP of HR created a performance matrix to help guide managers to understand what types of disciplinary actions are appropriate for different infractions. The HR Business Partners have been instructed to use the matrix to coach line managers to better assess what type of disciplinary action should be taken for employee issues, with the use of a performance improvement plan whenever possible.

Your internal portfolio, as an HR Business Partner, includes the household machines division, which focuses on sales of washers and dryers, dishwashers, and other large home appliances. The sales manager of this division has requested assistance from HR in handling a performance problem. One of his employees is an innovative and energetic “star performer,” but becomes angry, defensive, and argumentative if the ideas, suggestions, and proposals he makes require changes or is not implemented. The sales manager has spoken to him once, but no changes have been observed. As the HR Business Partner prepare a coaching memo for the sales manager, which outlines which type of discipline the employee should receive as well as a performance improvement plan (PIP) for the employee.


Prepare a coaching memo and a performance improvement plan (PIP), using the organization’s new discipline matrix, for the employee that:

  • Provides primary issue/overall concern.
  • Explains desired and actual performance.
  • Demonstrates the impact (the sound business reasons why the problem must be solved).
  • Demonstrates the consequences (the logical consequences the employee will face if he fails to correct the situation).
  • Provides attribution for credible sources used as an appendix to the PIP.


Article Databases:

Case Study: Mortgage Approval Time Study

Read the following case study:

A major financial services company wishes to better understand its mortgage approval process. In particular, the company is interested in learning about the effects of good versus fair credit history, the size of the mortgage (less than $500,000 versus greater than $500,000), and the region of the United States (western versus eastern) on the time it takes to get a mortgage approved. The database of mortgages approved in the last year is accessed, and a random sample of five approved mortgages is chosen for each of the eight combinations of the three variables. The data are shown in the table.

(See attached file for more instructions)

Homework Question


6-1 Discussion: Data Analysis and Planning

Contains unread posts Available on Saturday, October 17, 2020 11:59 PM EDT

Review the case study data related to your research problem and describe potential analysis tools and methods you will use to answer your research question. Be specific: Reference specific descriptive and inferential statistics from your textbook that you plan to use in your analysis. To support your plan, reference a business research study that implemented this method, and explain why you believe it was appropriate.

mgmt 2


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 350–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Part 1

The style approach (also called behavior theory) asserts that effective leaders behave in certain ways. You can become an effective leader by watching and replicating how effective leaders behave and act. The two classifications of behaviors associated with the style approach are task behaviors and relationship behaviors.

Discuss the following for this assignment:

  • Do you  feel your leadership style is more task or relationship-oriented? Explain.      
  • Think of a  recent negative or positive experience where you were required to lead an individual or group of people (school, home, work, community, etc.).  Describe where do you think you would plot on Blake and Mouton’s  managerial leadership grid?

Part 2

Find resources on the great man theory, trait theory, and skills theory. Respond to the following questions: 

  • Which theory do you think best describes Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela? Justify your answer. 
  • Do you think some leaders are born leaders? Justify your answer.

In addition to addressing all requirements of the assignments, model answer includes the following:

  • Decisions      of who fits which theory will vary; however, your justification should align to the following facts about each theory:
    • Great Man theory: This theory posits that some individuals are born with the destiny to be a great leader. It is like a  divine purpose. Leaders are destined from birth.
    • Trait theory: This theory considers that some individuals are born with specific traits that are consistently found in great leaders. The theory believes that there are a group of traits or       characteristics that leaders are born with that are not found in  non-leaders. It is the theory that leaders are made.
    • Skills  theory: This theory postulates that there are specific skills (knowledge and abilities) that non-leaders can  learn or develop to become effective leaders.
  • Opinions of whether leaders are born or made will vary, but you should be able to justify your opinions using the leadership theories or scholarly research on  theories.
  • Recognize that situations open the opportunities for leaders to lead, or  environmental frustrations create the impetus to lead to relieve a pain or  to right a wrong. However, anyone who is compelled to address a situation  cannot be a leader. Sometimes they are the followers in the background      supporting the efforts on the front line.
  • Properly cite the required reading materials

Term Paper

First of all, below I’m gonna provide the instructions provided by the professor.

Your essay is intended to examine a specific subject of the Humanities.  However there are numerous things to consider when writing in the Humanities.  First, make sure that your subject is clear.  The topic of your essay should not be in question. Your writing should offer some commentary upon the subject.  This commentary should follow from your thesis.  Facts are important, but more instrumental to the quality of your work is your ability to analyze the subject for the meanings that you find it to hold.Your work should meet the proper length, between 750 and 1000 words or 2 – 3 pages.Avoid overusing self-referential terms and statements, e.g. “I think”, “I believe.”  As the author of the work, the fact that the thoughts and beliefs are yours is a given.If using outside sources, cite appropriately. (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.)

Now, I’m gonna post the term paper essay question to work on the essay.

1. The style of the 17th century Italian artist Caravaggio may be described as quite instrumental to the Counter Reformation – the period in which the Roman Catholic Church sought to present religious art that would counter the threat of Protestantism. Why, in your opinion, were Caravaggio’s paintings considered to be so very suitable to this effect? Using at least one of his paintings, present an examination of what you find to be noteworthy about the piece, given its role in the church’s reform effort. Define the way in which the work might communicate the church’s efforts to revitalize its reputation through the medium of emotional imagery, and comment on any other aspects of the work which would engage the viewer with religious sympathy.

2. Consider the conflict which emerged between the Catholic Church and the figures who explained the new scientific theories of the 17th century.  Men were often killed and excommunicated by the church for their astronomical beliefs, and the scientific community often denied the church’s interpretation of God.  What are your views concerning this historical conflict?  Do you feel that one side was more justified in its position or its actions?  Also, how do you see current conflicts between the church and the sciences (e.g., stem cell research, abortion, theories of evolution) in contrast with the previous conflicts?

3.The style of Baroque religious painting of the Netherlands in the 1600’s, was much more intimate and personal than those styles Baroque art emerging in Italy during this same time.  Unlike in Italy, Dutch art was more likely to be displayed in a person’s home in order to inspire their own sense of religious devotion.  Examine the differences between these styles of Baroque art, and using one specific example from each region, explain which style more effectively communicates its artistic purpose.  For example, given the intentions of their pieces, do you find the paintings of Caravaggio and the sculptures of Bernini to be more religiously persuasive than the Vanitas paintings and Dutch genre scenes?  Explain your reasoning either way.  

4. The political concept of absolutism was very popular in the 16th and 17thcenturies. Absolute rule reigned prominently in England, France and many other regions around the world. What do you think are the assets and drawbacks of being a citizen of an absolutist government? Furthermore, how do such governments compare to the forms of rule that exist today? Could the functioning of any modern government be interpreted as an absolutist or aristocratic form of rule to your interpretation? Why or why not?

5.The Enlightenment in England was punctuated by social theories proposed by two men, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Each of these figures sought to explain a governmental reality which they felt would benefit the subjects of a given society. Hobbes, founding his theories on the acceptance of inherent human aggressiveness, claimed that government should be primarily authoritative and dominant. Locke, evoking the theory of Tabula Rasa, claimed that the government should guide citizens toward moral integrity and civility, through the preservation of the stated natural rights. Which of these theories do you find most appropriate? Is Locke’s notion about mankind’s birth with a blank slate more acceptable to your mind than Hobbes’ assertion of our inherent aggression? Explain your position on these points. Finally, what aspects of modern governments, if any, do you find to be influenced by these theories? 

I’m going to attach screenshots about the questions of the essay in case it is confusing to read the questions through this box and I’m also going to attach professor’s expectation of this paper or better known as the evaluation. 

Chapt 2 act 2

Chapter 2 brings up issues of diversity and describes the contributions of Mary Richmond. Research a program in your town or city (current or previous) and identify the population it serves. Imagine implementing this program in another area with a different population (for example, make a program that services inner-city youth work for rural youth or vice versa). Identify changes you would need to make in order to serve the new population adequately.





Write a research paper outlining possible career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM) and, based upon independent research, discuss how different organizations might develop and implement a strategic HRM plan. 

Edit question’s attachments.. 

Compensation, Benefits, and Retention

What is the relationship between compensation and employee retention?  Do employees stay with organizations based on salary?  Do they leave organizations because of compensation factors? How do benefits impact retention?  Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas.