humn 8660

Human services professionals contribute to addressing societal issues; to do so, they might review the literature to explore recommendations others have made. These recommendations might be based on experience and/or research. Once possible recommendations have been identified, it is important to consider any potential ethical challenges that might arise in addressing the issue by following the recommendations.

To prepare:

  • Select a societal issue that detracts from the mental health and welfare of society members anywhere in the world.
  • Identify at least two recommendations that leading scholars and/or practitioners have made for resolving the societal issue you selected, and reflect on the ethical challenges that might emerge if the recommendations were implemented.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post a brief description of the societal issue you selected, and describe two recommendations experts have made for resolving this societal issue. Then, identify two ethical challenges that might arise when following these recommendations. Finally, explain how you might address those ethical challenges. Be specific, and reference a professional code of ethics to support your response. Please be certain to include references and clearly identify the experts and type of expertise for the individuals you have selected.

Job Analysis Research Presentation

Job Analysis Research

In conducting a job analysis, there are two areas: (1) job-based and (2) person-based structure. For this assignment, identify the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs); the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs); and any other specifics for a registered nurse’s position.

We will be using research efforts to complete the assignment. Refer to to identify and collect needed data/basic information about a registered nurse’s position. Utilize to the A-Z Index to access information on registered nurses.

Then, use the following website to create your own structure-based analysis: Follow the steps listed below for the website to access the needed information.

  1. Search
  2. Go to the Occupation Search section.
  3. Enter the keyword (registered nurse) or the O*NET-SOC code.
  4. Click the arrow.
  5. Identify/record code for registered nurses.
  6. Click Registered Nurses.
  7. View the report.
  8. Click the Custom tab at the top of the page. (Note: You will customize/select your own job analysis specifics based on the job and person-based specifics.)
  9. Check the appropriate boxes (see below for required information).
  10. Click GO.

Once the data is collected, complete an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint presentation about the job-based and person-based structure needed for the registered nurse’s position.

The following information should be identified in the PowerPoint presentation:

  • education,
  • credentials,
  • KSAs,
  • tasks,
  • work activities and detailed work activities,
  • technology skills,
  • tools used,
  • wages, and
  • an explanation of what a job analysis is and its purpose.

As you create the content slides for your presentation, be sure to use the speaker notes function to explain the content in detail for each of the slides. Imagine you are presenting to your company leaders.

Note: Keep the 6×6 PowerPoint rule in mind (i.e., slides should only include six to seven lines of content with no more than six to seven words per line). Any illustrations should relate to the content being discussed. Be creative!

Include a title slide and references slide in your presentation; however, please keep in mind that these do not count toward meeting the minimum slide requirement.

Click here to access a tutorial on PowerPoint presentation best practices.

need tomorrow

 The triple constraint in Project Management is known to be time, cost and scope. The ability to manage these three items very often leads to project success. Identify two success factors from Chapter 11; then compare them with two components of failure from the same chapter. Provide an example of a project you led or were a team member where one or more of these factors came into play. Respond to at least two of your fellow classmates’ postings. 

Essay on Human Resource Management – Performance Management and Appraisal 

 Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. 

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Performance Management and Appraisal 

Learning Objectives

·  Describe performance management, the performance appraisal, and the performance appraisal process.

·  Explain the uses of performance appraisal and performance criteria.

·  Describe the choice of various performance appraisal methods.

·  Assess the effectiveness and limitations of performance appraisal practices.

·  Explain how to conduct the appraisal interview.

·  Summarize key trends in performance appraisal practice.

After reviewing this week’s text on Performance Management and Dan Pink’s The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink TedTalk answer the following questions.

1.  What do you feel are the most important aspects of performance management?

2.  How do you feel the changing job market has changed performance management?

3.  How do you feel technology has changed performance management?

Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion

Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review

BUSI530 Week 6 Discussion 9


Staff members who work at a women’s medical clinic are required to provide clients with information about various community resources available to them on a variety of medical conditions. Some of the resources include information regarding abortions. One staff member claims that her religious beliefs do not permit her to provide information about abortions, which is against her religion. The director of the clinic claims it would cause an undue hardship to accommodate her religious beliefs. 

What are your thoughts?

Leadership Empowerment & Self-Leadership Analysis

  • Based on the readings describe how leadership empowerment can help an organization serve its customers better. What can you do personally from a leadership perspective to help the organization serve its customers better?
  • On a practical and individual level, how can you become a self-leader through individual learning? Based on the text, can you use the three skills of a self-leader to help your organization or team become more high-performing?



Any papers/assignments should at a minimum contain 3-5 pages of content (double spaced), include a properly formatted cover page, and a reference listing page with at least three (3) NEW references properly listed at the end of your work. Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area and can improve your research skills. 

With all assignments, include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain what is your original thought or ideas and what portion of your work is taken from credible sources to support your work. It is really important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field.

Interpret the Forces Shaping the Modern Workplace

Begin by researching academic resources on the new realities in the modern workplace. Be sure to research any applicable laws and regulations, either newly enacted or that have been in place. Then, prepare a white paper that includes the following:

  • Identify and assess at least two new workplace realities.
  • Explain how new employee legislation, organizational change, and/or workforce diversity can present challenges in the modern workplace.
  • Recommend strategies for a supervisor and/or organization to positively manage these identified challenges.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. 


To open the new warehouse, management staff will be transferred from the company’s current locations. They will also have to hire approximately 500 warehouse personnel and a logistics manager. South Korea is proving to be a very competitive environment for online retailers. The human resources (HR) staff must develop a workforce plan that can create a competitive advantage for Sahara Oasis. All functional areas of HR will be involved in making this expansion a success. As the human resources director for Sahara Oasis, you will be held responsible for planning, managing, and presenting information to the vice president (VP) of HR and the board of directors for the organization.

  • What role will the different functions within human resources play in the opening of this new facility?
  • How will each function aid in creating a competitive advantage for Sahara Oasis? Address each of the functions of HR including: staffing, training and development, performance management, compensation, and employee relations.
  • How will the organizational structure and culture adapt to the changes that would result from globalization (how would you empower teams, resolve conflicts, and motivate employees to support the changes from this workforce plan)?

Provide a reference list at the end of your primary task response of at least 5 articles, and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format.