Case Study:The Closing and Relocation of a Call Center

Analyze the information presented in this case study, present your communication plan, and answer the questions below. Your case study paper should be at least three pages in length and should follow APA guidelines. 

Your communication plan should address the following questions: 

What are your concerns? For example, how will you motivate the employees to stay throughout the 60 days if they have other job offers? How will you motivate all employees to maintain their productivity levels? 


1. From a letter to the editor: “the idea of a free press in America today is joke. A small group of people, the nation’s advertisers, control the media more effectively than if they can dictate everything from programming to news report content. Politicians as well as editors shiver in their boots at the thought of such a boycott. This situation is intolerable and ought to be changed. I suggest we all listen to National Public Radio and public television”. Is there an argument in this phrase, if yes what is the premise and conclusion

Discussion 02.2: Health Care Structure

HA3120D – Essentials of Managed Care

Discussion 02.2: Health Care Structure

.Review the structure of your health care insurance plan.

.From your readings, discuss what organizational structure appears to form the basis for your plan. Is it an IPA, a PPO, a staff model or group model, and so forth?

.Include speculation on how physicians are likely paid. Is it a pure traditional indemnity plan?

If you currently do not have a work health care plan, you can review one from a past work environment, your current student plan and/or the plan of a friend or relative.

Wk 1, IOP 470: Working in Groups Worksheet

Complete the Working in Groups Worksheet.

Use this week’s text readings to complete the worksheet, as well as the “40 Years of Storming: A Historical Review of Tuckman’s Model of Small Group Development” to complete this worksheet.

Use the 3 attachments


Bonebright, D. A. (2010). 40 years of storming: A historical review of Tuckman’s model of small group development. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), 111-120.

Stagnor, C. (2016). Social Groups in Action and Interaction (2nd ed.) Florence, KY: Taylor & Francis.

Wk1 QA

  • In your opinion, what is the difference between being a manager and being a leader?
  • Read research findings by Kabacoff (1998) that, although men and women are perceived as equally effective in leading, women tend to focus more on production, attaining results, and people, while men tend to focus on strategic planning, organization vision, and business tasks.
  • Considering this, in your opinion, which leadership theory or style will be effective when leading the merger and why? 

450 words. 

Research Findings attached below.

Leadership Position

Imagine that you are in a leadership position within a healthcare organization. How would you, as the healthcare leader, attempt to overcome the many barriers that may be encountered with the management of supplies for your healthcare organization? 200-word minimum w/cited references.


Empirical research articles document a study that is either quantitative, qualitative or a mixed methods research design. When authors write an empirical research article they typically follow a format that looks like this: Introduction/Background, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, and Discussion. The authors recount literature on their specific research topic and describe in a systematic manner how the data was collected and then analyzed in order to answer the research question(s). Once the data is analyzed, they present the findings. Finally, they interpret the findings using past literature to help understand the findings.

What we broadly describe as a “quantitative study” includes numerical summaries that involve descriptive statistics (averages, standard deviations), correlations, and inferential statistics (such as T-tests, Chi Squares and other kinds of analyses). These kinds of studies can include certain elements such as per- and post-tests or survey results looking at correlations between variables.

Qualitative articles, on the other hand, use interviews, focus groups, observations, and written answers to questions. Rather than using statistics to summarize the study, these studies look at themes and present the material using words, phrases and often paragraphs to illustrate what they are representing.

To prepare for this assignment, review Week 1’s readings and resources on how to locate an empirical research article using the library’s databases.

For this Assignment,

  • Locate an empirical research article that is either a quantitative or qualitative study from a peer reviewed social work journal for the final assignment. Download the PDF copy of the article.
    • Do not select an empirical research article that describes a mixed methods study. The reason is a mixed method study involves both a quantitative and qualitative component. You would have to do two reviews – one for the quantitative component and one for the qualitative component — for the final assignment.
  • Attach the PDF of the article to the assignment link. Your instructor will review the article to make sure it is an empirical research article and will evaluate it for approval for use in your final assignment due in Week 10.

I attached book for resource