Week 3 Discussion


Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lecture:

Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right” and any specific instructions for this topic.

Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.


The possibility approach to consulting is a future-oriented, forward-looking approach to solving problems. It relies upon relationships and trust. A consultant’s goal is to change the employees’ fixation on problems and wanting answers to a discovery approach. The discovery approach focuses on what is working well in a workplace and creates a story or vision for the future. The discovery approach, therefore, looks to what is possible, which means the consultant must be a little more patient and relaxed when dealing with resistance.


Question 1:

As an HR consultant, how will you use the possibility approach when working with difficult people and situations?

Question 2:

As an HR consultant, make a distinction between the stated (presenting) problem and the underlying (drivers) problem.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 500–1000 words as noted in the attached PDF.

Research Assignment

Human Resource Initiatives (Primary Research Assignment)

Primary research for this assignment can be in the form of a personal or telephone interview.  With COVID-19, please utilize technology to conduct your interview, so the interview is not face-to-face (teleconference, video conference, etc.).  The person must be an expert in the human resource field, someone who has first-hand experience with the initiative or issue, reporting of direct observation from you in a researcher role or a human resource role.

Secondary research does not require an interview and we continue to gather data by utilizing existing research.

Topic: Human Resource Working Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Topic Selections:

  • Remote Working Plan (telework)
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Managing Employee Communication
  • Maintaining Organizational Culture
  • Talent Acquisition and Retention
  • Engaging Remote Employees
  • Essential versus Non-Essential Employees
  • Implementation of Preventative Measures
  • Considerations to Remain Open or Re-Opening
  • Investment in Technology
  • Handling of Sick Leave and/or Time-Off

Our paper must select a minimum of 5 COVID-19 HR related topics.

  • Person to interview
  • Consider the COVID-19 learning objectives or concepts of interest to research
  • 5-6 page paper demonstrating an understanding of Human Resource application of course concepts
  • A minimum of 6 references
    • We must use a minimum of 3 references from our Annotated Bibliography. 
    • We must use information from the course textbook to support your paper.  
    • Find additional peer-reviewed journal articles from Welder Library E-Resources or Google Scholar to support your paper (minimum of 5). Your articles must be within the last 10 years. 

Paper Requirements:

Write a 5-6 page paper demonstrating an understanding of the application of course concepts. A good rule of thumb is to introduce the subject discussed and use the information from your interview to support the subject. You must include citations from the course textbook and a minimum of four scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles (from Welder Library E-resources) to support your paper. Also, make sure how to review how to cite an interview in APA.  (Links to an external site.)

  • Your paper is required to be in APA. 
  • Include a title page 
  • You do NOT need an abstract
  • Avoid first person. 
  • Include a reference page with a minimum of 6 sources (the course textbook and 5 peer reviewed journal articles). If you list a source as a reference,  you must include an in-text citation within your paper for that source.v

Week 5


Your written paper assignment should be submitted this week.

For the paper, your assignment is to write a 3- to 5-page paper, double-spaced and with 12-point font (approximately 1,500 words), describing the status of your needs assessments efforts for your Individual Course Project. The paper should incorporate concepts discussed in the text, articles, case studies, and discussions, and it should describe the methods and processes being utilized to gather the information. The paper should include information regarding the three levels of analysis (individual, task, organization) and should also discuss any difficulties experienced in getting the data. You should also discuss your initial insights regarding the data and your thoughts about a training intervention that could be pursued as a result of these data.

This is part of your Individual Course Project, which is due in Week 7.


Your response should be at least two pages double-spaced throughout (NO EXTRA SPACING BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS)

1) A Brief Description of the work (LOOKING)

2) A Brief Formal Analysis (highlight those aspects of the work you find most significant)

3) A brief Iconographical analysis


5) Conclusion

Remember that iconology should be relevant to your analysis.  What about Renaissance culture aids us in a deeper understanding of the work?




IP 2


Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Select one of the theories that was covered in this week’s discussion (great man theory, trait theory, skills theory, transformational leadership, transactional  leadership, style approach). 
  • Create a connection between the selected theory and a personal or professional situation that you have experienced. 
  • Why is this theory important to your personal and professional leadership development? 
  • How will  you apply this theory in your daily life?