M4 Discussion Post Response #2_HRM522


Respond to classmate initial post. 275 words,  

First — DO NOT just write “yep, I agree” — that’s not helpful.

Be very careful with phrases that mean “I feel” — feelings are real, and usually based on something — so, when you start with “I feel” — continue with “because …..” Chances are pretty good that you’ll see the “I feel” part isn’t necessary.

When you say “I agree” — follow it up with a cause beginning with “because” — that will further explain your position.

Don’t shy away from conflict or objections in your responses — that’s what’s interesting.

I’m looking for your original thoughts — that means that I want to see what else you think on the topic. So, extend your ideas a bit — push the envelope, take risks, try out ideas that you don’t believe in. 

This also means that you can’t just copy and paste stuff.

Also, include references and citations. APA Format. 


The purpose of this assignment is for you to analyze the ethical considerations and team-based approach to leadership by reading a brief case study about a hospital in a flood and making decisions to mitigate the circumstances. 

In August of 2007, the patients and staff at a hospital in Dyer, Indiana, experienced rising waters from excessive rainfall. As such, an evacuation took place to protect everyone inside St. Margaret Mercy Hospital. Evacuations sound easy enough; however, they can be a bit tricky if the plan does not account for all of the important factors. In this case, 70 patients of the hospital had psychological difficulties, which prevented them from being able to effectively care for themselves. For example, the patients’ charts indicated descriptors such as suicide risk, severe depression, high levels of anxiety, and lack of proper medication. 

Using the foundations of this event as a learning platform, the challenge to address for this case study is how to effectively evacuate 70 dependent patients from a hospital by using ethical decision-making and a team-based approach to leadership. 

Consider each of the following details as you describe how you would effectively manage such an emergency as a leader: 

  • What types of things would lead you to decide that evacuating the patients is necessary? (You can address ethical decision-making.) 
  • Where would you place the patients? In other words, what would serve as your evacuation shelter? Be sure to explain why this would be an effective evacuation shelter by describing the location and its surroundings. 
  • How would you transport the patients and their medication to the evacuation shelter? 
  • Who would monitor the patients at the evacuation shelter? 
  • How would you apply team-based leadership in an emergency like this (e.g., interagency collaboration and cooperation)? 

Compile your answers in a three-page case study. Use APA style to format the paper, and make certain to include a title page. You are expected to conduct research for this assignment by including at least two references on a reference page. The research should focus on ethical decision-making and team-based leadership. 

week 4_ Discussion Post

Portion 1- Due Today 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • Discuss at least two self-interested reasons that a top earner might favor policies to redistribute income.
  • Discuss why the supply curve of labor for any specific occupation is likely to be upward-sloping, even if, for the economy as a whole, people work fewer hours when wage rates increase.

Portion 2- Due Saturday 

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.

** Classmate Responses Attached**

175 words to Discussion Post

125 Words Per Classmate Response (250 in total)

Organizing HR Projects

 Your company has had embedded HR generalists in business units for the  past several years. Over that time, it has become more costly and more  difficult to maintain standards, and is a frustration for business units  to have that budget “hit.” The leadership has decided to move to a more  centralized model of delivering HR services and has asked you to  evaluate that proposition and begin establishing a project team to  initiate the needed changes. The project team is selected, and you must  now provide general direction. 

HR 7


The employees at your organization have formed a union, and the bargaining process now begins. Write a case study in which you analyze the situation. First, begin with background information about the negotiation, and make certain to address the areas below.

  • Identify the state where the organization is located. Is the state a right-to-work state? If yes, explain what this means. If no, explain what this means. Why are the employees deciding to unionize? What are the mandatory bargaining subjects? Other than wages and hours, what are five other terms and conditions of employment? What are permissive bargaining subjects that will be negotiated? List at least five.
  • Second, you need to select members of your bargaining team. You will select four supervisors who were identified in the Unit VI Lesson. Discuss why you selected each supervisor, and compare/contrast their conflict management styles. Each supervisor must have a different conflict style. Explain how each supervisor can contribute to conflict resolution strategies used during negotiation.
  • Third, explain the two collective bargaining strategies, and identify which one you will recommend your team to use. Explain and support your rationale.
  • Finally, what will you propose happens if a labor management agreement is not reached by your team and the employee representatives?

Your case study must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Your case study should present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. You must use three academically reliable sources to support your analysis.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and make certain to include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Human Resource Initiatives Review and Plan

Human Resource Initiatives 

Review and Plan

  • Annotated Bibliography (module 4)

We will complete an Annotated Bibliography utilizing our primary or secondary research topic.  The 5 sources researched and cited for our Annotated Bibliography must be utilized within our primary or secondary research paper.

  • Primary or Secondary Research Assignment (Module 5)

Primary research for this assignment can be in the form of a personal or telephone interview.  With COVID-19, please utilize technology to conduct your interview, so the interview is not face-to-face (teleconference, video conference, etc.).  The person must be an expert in the human resource field, someone who has first-hand experience with the initiative or issue, reporting of direct observation from you in a researcher role or a human resource role.

Secondary research does not require an interview and we continue to gather data by utilizing existing research.

Topic: Human Resource Working Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Topic Selections:

  • Remote Working Plan (telework)
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Managing Employee Communication
  • Maintaining Organizational Culture
  • Talent Acquisition and Retention
  • Engaging Remote Employees
  • Essential versus Non-Essential Employees
  • Implementation of COVID-19 Preventative Measures
  • Considerations to Remain Open or Re-Opening
  • Investment in Technology
  • Handling of Sick Leave and/or Time-Off

Our paper must select a minimum of 5 COVID-19 HR related topics.

  • Person to interview
  • Consider the COVID-19 learning objectives or concepts of interest to research
  • 5-6 page paper demonstrating an understanding of Human Resource application of course concepts
  • A minimum of 6 references
    • We must use a minimum of 3 references from our Annotated Bibliography. 
    • We must use information from the course textbook to support your paper.  
    • Find additional peer-reviewed journal articles from Welder Library E-Resources or Google Scholar to support your paper (minimum of 5). Your articles must be within the last 10 years. 
  • Paper Requirements:
    Write a 5-6 page paper demonstrating an understanding of the application of course concepts. A good rule of thumb is to introduce the subject discussed and use the information from your interview to support the subject. You must include citations from the course textbook and a minimum of four scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles (from Welder Library E-resources) to support your paper. Also, make sure how to review how to cite an interview in APA.  (Links to an external site.)

    • Your paper is required to be in APA. 
    • Include a title page 
    • You do NOT need an abstract
    • Avoid first person. 
    • Include a reference page with a minimum of 6 sources (the course textbook and 5 peer reviewed journal articles). If you list a source as a reference,  you must include an in-text citation within your paper for that source.v
Book Jacket



Before you begin this assignment, be sure to familiarize yourself with the following information including laws and their amendments.

Anti-Defamation League. (2012) Religious Accommodation in the Workplace: Your Rights and Obligations. Retrieved at https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/documents/assets/pdf/civil-rights/religiousfreedom/religfreeres/ReligAccommodWPlace-docx.pdf

Gepp, R. (2017). Religious accommodation in the workplace: Guidance for Avoiding Legal Trouble. HR Daily Advisor. Retrieved from https://hrdailyadvisor.blr.com/2017/05/23/religious-accommodation-workplace-guidance-avoiding-legal-trouble/

HR Hero. (2017) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA). Retrieved at http://topics.hrhero.com/americans-with-disabilities-act-ada-and-ada-amendments-act-adaaa/

Katz, H. C., Kochan, T. A., & Colvin, A. J. S. (2017).Employment law. An introduction to U. S. collective bargaining and labor relations. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pg. 71-79. Retrieved from Skillsoft Books in the Trident Online Library.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Enforcement Guidance on Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Retrieved at https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/accommodation.html

There are primarily two U.S. governmental agencies responsible for enforcing EEO laws. The two agencies are the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP).


Address the following questions in preparing a paper of 2 to 3 pages (not including cover page or reference page.)

  1. Summarize the reasonable accommodation expectations concerning religion and disability that employers must meet under the law.
  2. From your readings/research (stating employers by name), describe one specific private sector workplace example of a reasonable accommodation for religion, and one specific private sector workplace example of a reasonable accommodation for disabilities.

Use at least 3 reputable books and/or journal articles found in the Trident Online Library, plus any applicable background readings to support your discussion.

Cite all sources utilized to write your paper.

Online Books


Encountering Religion in the Workplace : The Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Workers and Employers

Raymond F. Gregory


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In a recent survey, 20 percent of the workers interviewed reported that they had either experienced religious prejudice while at work or knew of a coworker who had been subjected to some form of discriminatory conduct. Indeed, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the filing of religious discrimination charges under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, color, national origin, sex, and religion) increased 75 percent between 1997 and 2008. The growing desire on the part of some religious groups to openly express their faith while at work has forced their employers and coworkers to reconsider the appropriateness of certain aspects of devotional conduct. Religion in the workplace does not sit well with all workers, and, from the employer’s perspective, the presence of religious practice during the workday may be distracting and, at times, divisive. A thin line separates religious self-expression—by employees and employers—from unlawful proselytizing. In Encountering Religion in the Workplace, Raymond F. Gregory presents specific cases that cast light on the legal ramifications of mixing religion and work—in the office, on the factory floor, even within religious organizations. Court cases arising under Title VII and the First Amendment must be closely studied, Gregory argues, if we are to fully understand the difficulties that arise for employers and employees alike when they become involved in workplace disputes involving religion, and his book is an ideal resource for anyone hoping to understand this issue.


Examining the Effects of Exposure to Religion in the Workplace on Perceptions of Religious Discrimination

Scheitle, Christopher P; Ecklund, Elaine Howard.Review of Religious Research; Dordrecht Vol. 59, Iss. 1,  (Mar 2017): 1-20. DOI:10.1007/s13644-016-0278-x
 Abstract Charges of religion-related employment discrimination have doubled in the past decade. Multiple factors are likely contributing to this trend, such as the increased religious diversity of the US population and the increased interest of employees and some employers in bringing religion to work. Using national survey data we examine how the presence of religion in the workplace affects an individual’s perception of religious discrimination and how this effect varies by the religious tradition of the individual. We find that the more an individual reports that religion comes up at work, the more likely it is that the individual will perceive religious discrimination. This effect remains even after taking into account the individual’s own religious tradition, religiosity, and frequency of talking to others about religion. This effect is stronger, however, for Catholics, Mainline Protestants, and for the religiously unaffiliated. In workplaces where religion is said to never come up these groups are among the least likely to perceive religious discrimination. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Evangelical Protestants are more likely to perceive religious discrimination in the workplace even if they say that religion never comes up at work, which makes the effect of exposure to religion in the workplace weaker for these groups. These results show that keeping religion out of the workplace will largely eliminate perceptions of religious discrimination for some groups, but for other groups the perceptions will remain. 

Religion and the Workplace :Pluralism, Spirituality, LeadersBook JacketAuthors:Hicks, Douglas A.Publication Information:Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. 2003Resource Type:eBook.Description:How can company leaders and employees negotiate different religious and spiritual commitments in the workplace? At a time of international debate over religious conflict and tolerance, workforces in various parts of the world are more diverse than ever before. Religion and spirituality are, for many employees, central to their identities. From the perspective of the employer, however, they can be distracting or divisive influences. This book analyzes the current interest in religion and spirituality in US companies. It offers conceptual distinctions and comparative examples (from the pluralistic contexts of India and Singapore) to trace the myriad ways that religion is present at work. It offers a model of respectful pluralism, asserting that the task of effective and ethical leadership in organizations is not to promote a single spiritual or religious framework but to create an environment in which managers and employees can respectfully express their own beliefs and practices.Subjects:Religion in the workplace–United States
Employees–Religious life–United States
Management–Religious aspectsCategories:RELIGION / Sexuality & Gender StudiesRelated ISBNs:9780521822404. 9780521529600. 9780511061998.OCLC:57254262Accession Number:120536Publisher Permissions:Print/E-mail/Save 100 Pages 



I currently work in management for Norwest Exterminating. Our mission and vision statements are as followed:

Mission: Creating healthier living and working environments, for homes and businesses.

Vision: To be an extraordinary company, creating extraordinary experiences.

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