Using the information presented in Practical Project Risk Management Figure 6-3, “Common Influences on Risk Perception,” determine the conscious factors, subconscious factors, and affective factors for this project. Examine how awareness of such factors influences the decision to hire outside vendors. In addition, analyze how the stated factors help improve the overall facilitation and effectiveness of the risk management.
Discussion Question 1 week 4
Please respond to the following:
- Design a table using three of the six contextual factors (for example, environmental uncertainty, task uncertainty, error criticality, task structure, proximity to the organization’s core mission, and organizational structure). For each contextual factor, create one brief scenario that is beyond management’s control. Then, develop one corrective action to increase management’s success. Note: Use Microsoft Word or similar software to create the table, then copy and paste it into the discussion board.
Big Data
Review the below references and write a 4 page paper in APA format with atleast 3 references to address the following:
Focusing on a private-sector organization doing business in another country.
Discuss how this organization is approaching the issue of “big data” and analysis of big data.
What data is it analyzing and why?
How is it transforming the data to useful information?
What future directions do you see this global company taking with regard to data collection and decision making insofar as HRM is concerned?
Du Plessis, A. J., & Fourie, L. D. W. (2016). Big data and HRIS used by HR practitioners: Empirical evidence from a longitudinal study. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 12(2), 44-55.
Ward, D. (2017). Big data helps workers thrive: A Q&A with Jenny Dearborn. HR Magazine.Retrieved from
How to write a Expository prompt:
Expository Prompts
The purpose of expository writing is to inform, clarify, explain, define, and/or instruct. Sometimes this prompt type is referred to as evaluative, analytic, or reflective writing. The subtypes of problem and solution, cause and effect, and how-to essays also are grouped with this category of writing. Expository essays are typically guided by a purpose and with a specific audience in mind, where voice and organization align with subject and audience.
For expository prompts use the cue words: why, how, what, and explain.
- Look for the words “why, how, what, and explain” in the writing prompt for a expository prompt.
- Brainstorm about what the prompt is asking you to write about.
- Create a thesis statement. …
- Think of strong topic sentences that support your thesis statement.
- Compose the introduction for your essay.
- Write the body of the essay.
- Add your conclusion.
Responses should be written in 4-5 paragraph (minimum) form. If any sources other than the textbook for the course are used, they need to be cited in APA format. For quotes and paraphrased material from our textbook, simply include the parenthetical citation with the author and the applicable page number.
Every students posting is going to be different. After reading those pages you are writing about them as explained above.
This week you were introduced to the three (3) conditions that must be in place in order to show performance management. Analyze the use of these tools using your workplace as an example. In addition, expand upon how the three conditions are applied and how they may be used for workplace improvement.
crisis management
Crisis situations are not discriminatory—they affect everyone associated with them regardless of gender, age, race, religion, or any number of cultural considerations. As a developing counselor educator and/or supervisor, your attributes as an effective crisis responder are key behaviors that you will model for others. These attributes include self-awareness, awareness of the cultures with which you will work, culturally appropriate intervention skills, and experience in crisis responding. Remember that the definition of crisis involves perception of an event. Perception of a client’s worldview is essential for crisis responders to recognize.
To prepare for this assignment:
- Review the sections of the Stafford Act noted in the Learning Resources for this week to understand the crisis response criterion set forth by the federal government.
- Review the article, “Legal and Ethical Implications of Refusing to Counsel Homosexual Clients” in order to understand the principles of nonmaleficence, justice, respect for autonomy, and beneficence as they apply to counselors’ ethical behavior.
- Review the article, “Preparing Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities for Public Health Emergencies” to examine the gaps in emergency preparedness initiatives for racially and ethnically diverse communities and the considerations that should be taken in order to close these gaps.
- Review the article, “Counselors” Values Profile: Implications for Counseling Ethnic Minority Clients’ to examine the attribute of counselors’ self-awareness and its respect to working with ethnically diverse clients.
- Review Chapter 10 in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, and consider the legal issues and organizational ethics challenges that may arise during a crisis.
- Review the media presentation, “PTSD 101: General Cross-Cultural Considerations” to understand the considerations that counselors should take when working with culturally diverse clients.
- Review the article, “Critical Incident Analysis Based Training: An Approach for Developing Active Racial/Cultural Analysis,” and think about the role that CIABT has in assisting counselors and students in overcoming challenges in multicultural awareness.
The assignment: (3-5 pages)
- Provide an analysis of the ethical, legal, and multicultural challenges/barriers that are relevant in crisis management and response.
- Then explain methods by which counselors can help overcome these ethical, legal, and multicultural challenges/barriers when managing and responding to crises.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, APA style, all references used within your assignment.
For each of the following advertising resources for recruitment answer the following questions.
Advertising Resources:
- Internal Recruitment
- Print Advertising (Local media, National publications)
- Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Job Fairs
- Professional Conferences
- Internet Sources (monster, indeed, careerbuilder, etc.)
- Universities & Colleges
- Search Firm
Answer the following questions for each resource:
- What are the pros and cons for each of each advertising resources.
- As the recruitment officer, what do you need to do to prepare for each resource? (ie. For a job fair you would need a table presentation, information pieces – what are those?, swag)
- Do you feel you would yield the needed results from this resource? Would this resource provide an ROI?
- In the current industry that you work which of these resources are most often used or seems to be the most beneficial?
The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to human resource management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.
Recruitment Tool
Read all information provided in this section before beginning this assignment, which accounts for 20% of your grade.
You are a Consultant Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contacted by “State University” to conduct a search to fill a critical position (management level).
For this assignment, create a PowerPoint slide presentation for the university that explains your recruitment strategy, process, and procedures, and what makes your recruitment agency the right choice for this assignment. Your presentation must be comprehensive, to include the role of the recruiting agency and the role of the university HR team in the recruitment and selection process.
Review the article below for examples of information you may wish to include in your presentation:
Maurer, R. (2015). Assessing Your Recruiting Function for Compliance and Best Practices. Retrieved from:
Submission Instructions: Submit your work as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation. The body of your presentation should include at least 10-12 presentation slides, plus a title slide, introduction slide(s), and a references slide for a total of no more than 15 slides.
You must support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, and include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (Note: do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites).
Helpful Tips:
Your grade will be based upon:
- Depth and applicability of the research that you conduct.
- Effectiveness of the recruiting presentation and proposal as a consulting tool.
- Critical thought and analysis; and
- APA format (APA, 7th Edition).
- Use of the PowerPoint Notes section*
*Students will be graded on their use of the Notes section of the slides in formulating the narrative portion of the presentation to minimize lengthy narrative on the slides. This approach will allow the use of bullet points on the slides but demonstrate the depth and scope of the research conducted in the Notes section.
APA Resources:
I encourage you to go online to Purdue OWL, or Excelsior OWL, which have writing labs for students. Look up PowerPoint presentations in APA format in the search box. These websites will have helpful tips on best practices.
Excelsior OWL:
Purdue OWL:
Discuss about the Chinese Learners Meet Constructivist Pedagogy Online.
Discuss about the Chinese Learners Meet Constructivist Pedagogy Online.