Selecting Metrics for a Home Renovation Project

Since metrics keep stakeholders in tune to the health of a project, metrics must be a clear and truthful representation of project status. Consider this scenario.

You are the project manager of a company that does home remodeling and you have just been given a major remodeling project which will update the electrical and heat and air systems, kitchen, and the single bathroom of a house built in 1930. Your project also adds another bedroom with a master suite. The client has authorized a budget of $95,000 and wants the house ready for Thanksgiving, which is six months away.

Your general contractor (GC) has called you in to discuss the project and asks you to put together a set of metrics that will communicate the project status to her, to the homeowners, the building trade groups, and any other stakeholders. Your GC has asked to meet again in three days with your recommendation which you must be able to defend.

Prepare your metrics of project health and be ready to defend the following:

  • how many metrics you will use and why that is the “right” number,
  • what the metrics are that you have chosen and why,
  • explain that you will use both quantitative and qualitative metrics what they are and why,
  • explain how and when you’ll get the data,
  • what metrics will allow you to find mistakes early enough in the project for correction, and,
  • explain which metrics will improve client satisfaction.

Remember that metrics must have a purpose, have a baseline and target, a way to measure, a way to appropriately interpret them and a reporting structure. Be ready to defend your choices relative to those things too. You will present your ideas in a formal paper for the purposes of this class.

Paper Requirements:

  • Be sure to properly organize your writing and include an introductory paragraph, headings/subheadings for the body of your work, discussion recommendations, and a conclusion.
  • Format your entire paper in accordance with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).
  • Your paper should be at least five pages. The page count does not include the required title page and reference page, nor does the page count include any supplemental pages, should you use them, such as appendices.

Project and Program Information & Communication Systems

 Task 2 (Due week 4, 1000 words) – Project Communication and Information Systems communication analysis.  Instructions: 

1. Read the article

 Hewage KN & Ruwanpura JY 2009, A novel solution for construction on-site communication – the information booth, Can. J. Civ. Eng, v. 36, pp. 659-671. The article can be downloaded from the Canvas Home Page. 

2. Assume that you are an IT project manager responsible for the development of the “Information Booth” described in the article. You decided that system will be Cloud based.  

Task 2 section you need to: 

• Describe the proposed system 

• Create the Stakeholder Communication Analysis plan 

• Create the Media Choice plan

 Task 3 ( 1000 words) – Survey of exiting Project/Program Information and Communication Systems. 


1. Open the website “Buyers’ Guide for Beginners Selecting PM Software” https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/buyers-guide-selecting-pm-software Read criteria for selecting Project Management software. Watch a video on this web page. 

2. Click on the “Solutions” tab and select the “Construction Teams” item from the menu. Learn the features implemented in the “Project Manager” software related to the Project Management in COnstruction. Watch the video on this web page. 

3. Open the GetApp website https://www.getapp.com/project-management-planning-software/projectmanagement/ and select three Project Management software that you think would best suit for the “Information Booth” software project in this assignment (see Task 2). 

4. Create a matrix showing each tool’s evaluation against the criteria provided in the “Buyers’ Guide for Beginners Selecting PM Software” website. 5. Insert the results of your research in the “Survey of exiting Project/Program Information and Communication Systems.

(harvard  style 1000 words) excluding reference in word count

socw 6456

In the 1950s, a radical shift in counseling occurred. Numerous key figures in the fields of family counseling and therapy proposed the view that pervasive mental health problems were not individual problems, as was previously thought, but originated with and were perpetuated by family dynamics. The shift from working with individuals with pervasive or severe mental illness or health concern via individual psychotherapy to working with the identified “patient” and their families in the 1950s provided the context for the birth and growth of family counseling/therapy. Since that time, mental health professionals working with families with a member experiencing pervasive mental illness or a health concern have moved away from the controversial stance above, to acknowledge that both genes and biology influence behavior and that relationships can maintain or exacerbate symptomology, as well as assist in alleviating it via various coping mechanisms.

Tertiary intervention is the formal term for working with clients experiencing pervasive mental illness or health concerns, but it may also be referred to as remedial or rehabilitative counseling. When you encounter a couple or family for which tertiary intervention may be appropriate, your assessment focus should shift. First, you should be aware of any symptoms or cues that may substantiate your concerns, and assess whether couple and family therapy is indeed the best form of service to provide. It may be that one or more persons would benefit from individual services, whether simultaneously with or before any couple or family counseling.

For this Discussion, you will examine couple/family sessions requiring assessment and intervention, as well as exploring the challenges couple/family sessions might include.

By Day 4

Post a brief description of three symptoms/cues observed in a couple/family session that may require assessment and intervention beyond the scope of a couple/family session and explain why. Then, explain how you, as a helping professional, might take the next steps with the individual who requires additional assessment and intervention. Finally, explain any challenges of continuing working with the couple/family once an individual requires concurrent treatment.

respond to the following:


  • Think about the improvements you would make to your current or  previous organization’s human resource information systems (HRIS).
  • Review the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
  • Explain the system needs and provide a few details on what you would do during each phase of the SDLC.


 Wooden on Leadership
In the current business world, team projects are commonplace. This assignment will use John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, its different facets, how it relates to project management leadership, and how it is fulfilled in different circumstances. Visit John Wooden, Coach and Teacher to retrieve the information.
Write an 8–10 page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the extent to which John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success fits today’s business environment after reflecting on your own organization or one that you have observed. Provide three examples to support the response.
  2. Typify your leadership style and provide three examples of how your own temperament, motivation pattern, thinking styles, character, expectations, and leadership philosophy relate to or contrast with themes discussed in John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success.
  3. Analyze John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and identify the aspects with which you agree and disagree. Provide a rationale for each aspect.
  4. Create a new Pyramid of Success model based on your analysis of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and provide a rationale for each aspect or step of this new model.
  5. Using either the coaching philosophy of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success or your own newly designed Pyramid of Success model, develop a step-by-step strategy that self-directed project team members may use to adapt to any project-related crisis.
  6. Use at least four quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  7. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
  • Develop a step-by-step strategy based on a pyramid of success model that project team members could use to adapt to any project-related crisis.
  1. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

socw 6456

Each theory you examine in this course has its own framework for addressing client needs and its own set of theory-based interventions. As with any purely theoretical basis, implementation in real life may require adjustments. Select one of the theories demonstrated in the media this week (either humanistic, experiential, or emotional focused therapy [EFT]), and consider the challenges you may face when integrating this theory with your own theoretical orientation. Then, think about how you might mitigate these challenges.

By Day 4

Post a brief explanation of one challenge you may encounter if you attempted to integrate the theory you selected with your lens of couple counseling in your future professional practice. Then, explain how you might mitigate this challenge.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.


Social workers strive to make informed decisions about the interventions they implement. These decisions should be driven by what the research data say. As a result, social workers have been called to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions they implement. A common way to evaluate interventions is to use a single-subject design. This involves monitoring an outcome for an intervention implemented for one client. After a social worker works with the client to determine the outcome to be measured, the following steps to the evaluation might look like this:

  • Administer the instrument before the intervention is implemented
  • Implement the intervention
  • Administer the same instrument, after a specified time period
  • Monitor to determine if there have been any changes in the outcome

In this Discussion, you use the lens of resiliency theory when reflecting on a case from your fieldwork, and then you consider how to measure the effectiveness of a possible intervention.

To prepare, read this article listed in the Learning Resources:

  • Smith-Osborne, A., & Whitehill Bolton K. (2013). Assessing resilience: A review of measures across the life course. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 10(2), 111–126. doi:10.1080/15433714.2011.597305


  • Reflect on your fieldwork experience, and identify a case where it would have been beneficial to employ resiliency theory. Describe the case in 2 sentences.
  • Describe the presenting problem in one concise sentence.
  • Describe an intervention you would implement to promote resiliency.
  • Identify an instrument from the Smith-Osborne and Whitehill Bolton’s article that would be appropriate when employing a single-subject design to evaluate how effective the intervention is in increasing the client’s level of resiliency.
  • Explain why you selected the instrument.
    • In other words, why would the instrument be appropriate? (Consider the age of the client and for whom the instrument was designed, how feasible it would be to administer the instrument such as cost, time to administer it, etc.).