Weight: 15% Format: Interview and Report Due Week 5, Day 7 INTRODUCTION To gain a real-world perspective on hiring, onboarding, and performance management, for this assignment you will do a short interview with an HR professional (or with a manager) at your workplace. You will ask a total of five questions and keep a record of the responses. Then you will write a paper of 2 to 3 pages, in the form of a report, summarizing the answers you received and reflecting on the impact the interview had on you. Use three of the suggested questions below and make up two questions of your own. Your questions should relate to at least TWO of the following HR topic areas: hiring, onboarding, and performance review. INSTRUCTIONS Approach your HR department (or manager) to arrange a short informational interview with a mid-level or senior professional in your workplace (half an hour or less). If you cannot make this happen in the timeframe required, you may instead interview a business professional whom you know outside of your current workplace. Questions for the Interview: Select three (3) of the below questions: 1. What 2 or 3 key competencies do you seek in job candidates? Why are these competencies at the top of your list? 2. When would you hire externally and when would you promote internally to fill gaps in your team? 3. How useful are references to you in assessing job candidates? 4. How do you onboard new members of your team or department? 5. What performance review process does your organization use? How effective is it? Create two (2) questions of your own, for a total of five (5) questions.
PAD540 W5
What are the inside-out and outside-in forces that prompt democratic initiation? Which do you think are most important for triggering democratization and why?
Assignment 3
In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next 20 years.
Write an eight (8) slide presentation in which you:
- Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.
- Presentation should include your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next 20 years. Only include one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides.
- Provide one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper.
- Provide notes on each slide, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
- Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment are:
- Analyze organizational behavior challenges faced by management professionals.
Discuss what you think are the most important Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) for a project manager.
LP07.2 Assignment: Self-Improvement Project Update
HA3110D – Quality Improvement and Risk Management
LP07.2 Assignment: Self-Improvement Project Update
Now it is time to study the data for your self-improvement project.
Submit a copy of your run chart. Compare how this data relates to your expectations (or predictions) at the beginning of the course. Summarize and reflect on what you have learned.
(Length: 250 – 300 words)
Submit both your excel file and a Word document for this assignment.
Performing Purchasing Agent Duties-NO PLAGARISM
Who can help with this paper?
Performing Purchasing Agent Duties Business is booming for Waters, Inc., a growing customer service fulfillment business. Most of its business is coming from clients who once outsourced their customer service needs to firms in India. A major client just signed a contract that will take effect in nine months. This means there are only nine months to purchase the equipment and to train 75 new customer service representatives. As a purchasing agent, you are tasked with getting the computer equipment and software that the new agents will need to the specifications of both the client and established company standards.
This assignment has three distinct parts that are outlined below. This paper will be 8–10-pages long. Label each part clearly.
Part 1: Need Identification and Specification
- Create 10–12 questions that you will ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provide a brief rationale for asking the questions.
Part 2: RFP
- Write a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage. Note: You will have to fabricate the needs and specifications based on outside research, e.g., standard computer specifications, basic software needs, etc.
- Describe how and to whom you will distribute the RFP. Assume the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP.
Part 3: Timeline of Tasks and Activities
- Develop a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario. You will be graded on the completeness of the list and the realistic nature of the timeline.
The format of the report is to be as follows:
- Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides.
- Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response.
- In addition to the 8–10 required pages, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.
UnacceptableNeeds ImprovementFairProficientExemplaryCreate 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provide a brief rationale for asking the question.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not create 10–12 questions that you will ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Did not provide a brief rationale for asking the questions; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information.
Points:46.8 (19.50%)
Attempted to create 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provided a brief rationale for asking the questions; omitted some key information.
Points:54 (22.50%)
Partially created 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provided a brief rationale for asking the questions; omitted some key information.
Points:61.2 (25.50%)
Sufficiently created 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provided a brief rationale for asking the questions.
Points:72 (30.00%)
Fully created 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provided a brief rationale for asking the questions.
Write a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not write a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information.
Points:31.2 (13.00%)
Attempted to write a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage; omitted some key information.
Points:36 (15.00%)
Partially wrote a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage; omitted some key information.
Points:40.8 (17.00%)
Sufficiently wrote a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage.
Points:48 (20.00%)
Fully wrote a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage.
Describe how and to whom to distribute the RFP. Assume the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not describe how and to whom to distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information.
Points:31.2 (13.00%)
Attempted to describe how and to whom to distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP; omitted some key information.
Points:36 (15.00%)
Partially described how and to whom to distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP; omitted some key information.
Points:40.8 (17.00%)
Sufficiently described how and to whom to distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP.
Points:48 (20.00%)
Fully described how and to whom you will distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP.
Develop a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not develop a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information.
Points:15.6 (6.50%)
Attempted to develop a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario; omitted some key information.
Points:18 (7.50%)
Partially developed a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario; omitted some key information.
Points:20.4 (8.50%)
Sufficiently developed a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that needs to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario.
Points:24 (10.00%)
Fully developed a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that needs to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not complete the assignment or explanations are unclear and not organized. (Major issues.)
Points:15.6 (6.50%)
Explanations generally unclear and not well organized. (Many issues.)
Points:18 (7.50%)
Explanations somewhat unclear and somewhat unorganized. (Some issues.)
Points:20.4 (8.50%)
Explanations generally clear and/or organized. (Minor issues.)
Points:24 (10.00%)
Explanations very clear and well organized. (Added helpful details.)
Writing – Grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Major issues.)
Points:15.6 (6.50%)
Had 8–9 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Many issues.)
Points:18 (7.50%)
Had 6–7 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Many issues.)
Points:20.4 (8.50%)
Had 4–5 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Minor issues.)
Points:24 (10.00%)
Had 0–3 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.
MH681D Activity 6
MH681 Health Care Human Resources Management
Lesson 6: Workplace Safety and Global HR
Activity 6: Google Case Study Continued
For this activity, you will continue consulting with Google executives. They informed you that they are opening offices in Paris and London. They plan to relocate current employees who work in its Bay Area location. Google believes the use of expatriates is the best approach given their familiarity with the company and its strategic mission. The HR department is concerned about the safety of its employees. The Google executives and HR managers you meet with pose the following questions.
- What sorts of factors do you think Google will have to take into consideration as it tries transferring its culture and reward systems and way of doing business to its operations abroad? We believe that if we fail in London and Paris, plans to expand further will be abandoned.
- What measures should we take to relocate our executives? Obviously, in London language is not a barrier. We are concerned about their safety, especially due to terrorist activities in France. We are also concerned about some of the spouses’ abilities to relocate and be happy.
reply to the students’ response and not the question in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name
Read the hypothetical below. What are John’s potential claims if he is terminated this week?
John is a 54-year-old man with diabetes. He has worked for Telco for 20 years. Lately, he has difficulty concentrating and makes numerous mistakes. He has missed several days of work due to his diabetes. Supervisor Mark wants to fire John this week.
Instructions: Please write in essay format. Include the guidance below in your analysis:
a) Set forth the federal statute and/or theories of law that are applicable.
b) Identify the legal issue(s) that exist and claims that may be brought based on the facts of the case.
c) Apply the facts of the case to the elements of the law/theories of law.
d) Cite a case in the text which is on point with the scenario, or compare and contrast with a case in the text.
e) Provide an action item agenda of specific objectives you would recommend implementing in order to prevent future exposure to liability. Be specific (e.g., if training is a recommendation, describe the type of training in detail).
Students response
Something in human nature causes us to start slacking off at our moment of greatest accomplishment. As you become successful, you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your sense of balance, humility, and commitment,” (Bush, G.W, 2019). People tend to settle once they have achieved a little part of success and miss out on bigger success. People must continue to be sle motivated to continue to reach their goals and desires of success. John dedicated 20 years to Telco, and after 20 years, an underlying disease has affected his performance at work.
John has not just worked at Telco for 20 years, he has dedicated 20 years of his life to Telco. Telco has seen John highs and his lows, his bad and his goods so they should be able to understand what John is going through. John has been diagnosed with Diabetes and it has impacted his ability to perform at work. However, we do not know what kind of job John has and how his job affects Telco and other employees. At the end of the day, most companies are a for profit company and any mistake or leave of absence may cause hardship to them. In the John situation, Telco would need to evaluate the situation and attempt to accommodate John without causing a financial hardship to Telco. In Atkins v. Salazar, a 2011 Fifth Circuit case, similar situation was presented, however, we do not know the extent of how John is being affected bedside his performance and absence, but more information should be collected and find a common ground before telco decides to fire John. In Atkins case, his accommodation to Salaza where his accommodations would push the NPS in a financial hardship resulting in a demotion to Atkins following that Atkins diabetes impaired his performance as a park ranger.
Before John is layed of and then he retaliates with filing a case under the ADA act, Telco must attempt to accommodate him to prevent him from being sued by John. In addition, If John decides no to co-operated and leaves the company willingly, then Telco will not be liable for his actions.
Bennett-Alexander, D., & Hartman, L. (2019). Employment Law for Business (9th ed.).
Retrieved From
Heathfield, S. (2019). Inspirational Quotations About Commitment for the Workplace.
Retrieved from
discusion for pm
Write about what project management means to you. Use references if would be great from
Fundamentals of Project Management 5th Edition, Joseph Heagney
Human Resource Discussion
Your company promoted you to a management position in a new research facility in India. Surprisingly, you have adjusted to the new culture, language, and city, despite never having lived outside the country before. You arrive to work early to get a jump start on your day and notice on the payroll report that there are a few employees who have taken an occasional three-day weekend. None of the employees have taken a full week off, however. You know from previous management training classes that overworked employees are more prone to stress-related health issues and less safe at work. You must also consider the company’s bottom line. You want your employees to take more time off work to enjoy time with friends and family, but how? Please respond to the following questions:
- Which motivational theory or theories do you think would help communicate the importance of vacation time to your employees?
- How would you convince your employees that taking time off work is more beneficial in the long run for them and for the company?
- Add a source