Measurements and Evaluations


Using your university library or an internet search, research an organization that has struggled due to a lack of measurement and evaluation within the workplace. In your paper, analyze the role success case methodology would play in improving organizational success. In addition, consider how the four keys of transformational performance measurement may impact this business.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

·  Write at least 4 pages using Microsoft Word in APA style.

·  Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

·  Include cover page and reference page.

·  Use at least three (3) references  

·  Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

Module 2: Article Analysis

Topics to choose from:

1. Organizational culture,

2. Organizational development

3. Change Leadership

Select an article within one of the three categories above – all of which are covered within this module. Your selected article must be sourced from a news or professional resource (not a personal blog). The following are three sample sources but you are not limited to using only these resources:

1. OD Practitioner

2. Harvard Business Review

3. Journal of Organizational Behavior

Conduct an article analysis, integrating the concepts from the articles, textbook readings, other research, and/or module presentation.

Describe the article and the reason it is pertinent to the course. What are the main points the author(s) make in the article? What are the key inferences and conclusions the author(s) make? What evidence or information is given to support the points, inferences, or arguments? What data, if any, was presented? Is the evidence consistent with the argument?  Is the argument convincing?  If yes, explain why.  If not, explain why not.

* Your assignment should be approximately 500 words in length (typically, two double-spaced pages), not counting cover page, reference list page, appendices, figures, or tables.

* Your assignment should include a title page and a reference list page (if using references), and be completed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with appropriate header, page numbers, one-inch margins, and meet all other requirements of APA Stylebook.

* A minimum of two references must be used. Please format them in the most current APA format.

grant writing final project

This week, you begin work on your Final Project. The Final Project consists of three written assignments that culminate in the submission of your grant proposal to your Instructor in Module 6. Parts 1, 2, and 3 will focus on major elements required of all proposals. In the final Grant Proposal Submission, incorporating the cumulative feedback you receive from your Instructor, you will compile these elements into your grant proposal.

The three parts of the Final Project are:

  • Part 1: Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives (Due Module 3)
  • Part 2: Methodology and Evaluation Plans (Due Module 4)
  • Part 3: Budget, Budget Narrative, and Sustainability Plan (Due Module 4)

The final Grant Proposal Submission is due in Module 6.

For this Assignment:

  • Review the Final Project Guidelines located in this module’s Learning Resources.
  • Download a copy of your selected RFP. You will use this document to guide, focus, and support the development of all parts of your Final Project. Keep in mind as you complete your Final Project assignments that you are writing in accordance with the requirements of the RFP. You must also include the use of evidence-based practice in the literature review.
  • Consider Module 2 – Discussion 2 feedback given by your colleagues and instructor and your continued evaluation of the literature and funder guidelines; then finalize your needs statement, project goals, and objectives.
  • Keep in mind that the needs statement must prove that it addresses funder interests as well as establish the specific problem the proposal will address.

Keep in mind that objectives must be specific and measurable and lead directly to your goals.

In 3–4 pages, excluding APA references, address the following:

  • Write your Needs Statement. Substantiate the need by presenting proof of need. Keep in mind that the Needs Statement must reflect best practices in grant writing.
  • Next, using bullets, list your goals, then your objectives, and finally your evaluation criteria for each one.

*Goal #1
*Goal #2
*Goal #3

*Objective 1
*Objective 2
*Objective 3

*Evaluation Criteria #1,n
*Evaluation Criteria #2,n
*Evaluation Criteria #3,n

It is imperative that your needs statement, goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria align.

For example, Goal #1, Objective #1, and Evaluation Criteria #1 must align and collectively meet the needs statement.

When developing your objectives, use the SMART objectives framework; list each of your project objectives.

  • Project objectives must be specific.
  • Project objectives must be measurable.
  • Project objectives must be achievable.
  • Project objectives must be realistic.
  • Project objectives must be time-based.

Human information Systems assignemtn 3


  1. Due Week 7 and worth 240 points  With the justification of an HRIS solidified, you need to show your client how you will implement the HRIS using one of the change models discussed in our text. You will also need to explain and justify cost associated with implementation via a cost benefit analysis. You want to ensure the system is properly maintained and evaluated for continuous improvement. Therefore, you include a maintenance and evaluation plan in your proposal.  Instructions: Write a three to four-page proposal, in which you:  Change Management

    1. Discuss the various reasons system implementation fails. Compare and contrast various change models. Then select a change model to use during system implementation. Provide details of how you will use the change model and justify why you selected one model over the other models. Explain the various steps that should be included to ensure the change model is effective.  HRIS Implementation

    2. Discuss the activities that are necessary prior to the system going live and provide a timeline for these activities. Specify which change management team member will be responsible for each activity and explain their role.     Cost Benefit Analysis
    3. Create a cost benefit analysis matrix for the HRIS vendor you chose during Phase III: Design. Analyze the cost justification strategies that you will use to justify the cost of the HRIS, including data that identify each benefit and cost component examined, estimates of the dollar amount for each, estimates on when the organization will incur each cost and receive each benefit, and documentation justifying each decision you made in listing these benefits.  Maintenance
    4. Discuss how you will ensure the system is properly maintained and evaluated for continuous improvement.    Resources
    5. Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.  Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: 

    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. 
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. 
    • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. 
    • The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: 
    • Create an HRIS needs analysis and evaluate the acquisition process.  
      • Understand the management of change through the perspectives of various change models. 
      • Create a project management plan and prepare the organization for the implementation. 
    • Click here to view the rubric for this assignment. 
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Persuasive Speech

Corporal Punishment or Not!!

Activity 2: Persuasive Speech

First, you want to write a short persuasive speech, just two pages long, using any one of the following five speech types: (1) stimulate, (2) convince, (3) call to action, (4) increase consideration, or (5) develop tolerance of alternate perspectives. Use the Principles of Persuasion in Chapter 14 to develop your speech. Post your speech text in the discussion thread area. 

Week 2 Project



Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lectures:


The line manager in your organization wants to terminate a long-term tenured employee due to the lack of productivity and improvement over the past six months. Your job, as the organization’s HR generalist, is to meet with the employee to fully understand both sides and possibly mediate a solution. In this meeting, you are collecting information on the problem, testing out some of your own theories, and giving and getting feedback to the employee and recording reactions to it. Your goal is to jointly define the problem and make plans to address it.


  • Explain your expectations and goals to this employee.
  • Develop questions to determine the root cause of the problem.
  • Analyze legitimate concerns that this employee might have that would excuse his or her low productivity.
  • Explain how to control the conversation if this employee loses control or if the conversation goes in the wrong direction.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details

  • Create a 3–5-page Word document.
  • Name your file as SU_HRM5090_W2_Project_LastName_FirstName.


Sometimes, during heated discussions and debates about social policy, the underlying reasons for the policy go unnoticed. Advocates and policymakers may become so committed to their perspectives and to winning the debates that they lose focus on the larger context surrounding an issue. The purpose of policy is to improve the lives and well-being of individuals and groups in our society. As you assume the role of a social work policymaker, consider the importance of keeping the needs and experiences of vulnerable populations at the forefront of your mind in your advocacy efforts. This can help to assure effective policy practice.

For this Assignment, you will analyze a state, federal, or global social welfare policy that affects an at-risk, marginalized, oppressed, underrepresented, or over looked group population. Finally, consider the impact of social policy from the perspective of the group you selected.

Assignment (5-7 double-spaced pages, APA format). In addition to a minimum of eight scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites, your paper should include:

  • A description of the current policy approach for addressing the social issue you selected
  • A description of the current policy goals for addressing the social issue you selected
  • A description of the population the current policy approach covers
  • An explanation of the funding levels for the current policy approach and whether they are sufficient to address the issue
  • An explanation of how this policy may affect at-risk, marginalized, underrepresented, overlooked, or oppressed populations. Identify a specific at-risk population.
  • An analysis of whether or not the policy meets the needs of the population groups most affected by the policy.
  • Recommendations for alternative policies that would address the gaps identified in the policy. Please be specific in recommendations.

You need to find a peer reviewed journal article, that has been published within the last 5 years. A peer reviewed journal article is an article published in a peer review journal only after it has been reviewed by numerous experts in the field.  This review is to make sure the article is not rubbish and provides useful information.  

If you using websites, remember many websites that information comes from are suspect in terms of factual and unbiased information. In a nutshell, never use Wikipedia,,, or similar websites.  Though some .com sites are acceptable, most students have trouble identifying whether they can be trusted, so an easy guideline to follow is to avoid them. Websites ending in .gov, .net, .edu, .org, and so forth are typically more trustworthy than a .com source.

Your written assignment is point heavy (190 points).  It will be a very intensive paper and there are specific sections which need to be addressed.  To help provide an organized paper, APA headings must be used.  Below I included information on how to format the headings.  


APA Style uses a unique headings system to separate and classify paper sections. There are 5 heading levels in APA. The 6th edition of the APA manual revises and simplifies previous heading guidelines. Regardless of the number of levels, always use the headings in order, beginning with level 1. The format of each level is illustrated below:

APA Headings: Level  Format

  1. Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings

  2. Left-aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

  3. Indented, boldface, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period. 

  4. Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period. 

  5. Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period.