Discussion 2 – Week 11

Discussion 2: This Course as a Prerequisite for the Final Doctoral Study

How might this course contribute to your final doctoral study? As you continue exploring the field and practice of health care administration, your experiences throughout the Doctor of Healthcare Administration program will help inform the planning, design, and completion of your doctoral study. As you explore the topics in each course in your program, reflect on how the topics covered might relate to and contribute to your research.

For this Discussion, reflect on your experiences in completing this course. Consider how this course might contribute to your doctoral study and practice of health care administration. Then, review the DHA doctoral study guidebook in this week’s resources. This doctoral study guidebook outlines the processes necessary to complete the requirements for the doctoral study in the DHA program.

By Day 5

Post an explanation of how this course contributes to the doctoral study you will complete in the research forum (DDHA 8900/9100).

Research paper



Select the company from the Fortune 500  https://fortune.com/fortune500/ 

Prepare a 10-page Research paper on one of the following topics:

  • Changing Organizational Priorities that change scope of projects
  • Change Management impact on Projects and/or Change management impact on operations management
  • Lack of accountability on project requirements
  • Unrealistic deadlines for project completion
  • Relationship of project to strategy of the business


  • Relate your paper to a specific project or initiative (this can be a past or future project at your organization, a past project from another company or a future project you wish to undertake). In review of all of the aspects of Project Management what one area do you believe will be your biggest challenge? Explain for the project chosen, explain, analyze, synthesize, and summarize the impact that the application of operations management will have. Provide examples of specific projects or operations failures for the chosen company, and relate how this conforms or deviates from effective project management standards/theory.
  • Research Paper will be in APA format
  • Research papers will be 10- pages in content length (not including cover and reference page)
  • Research paper will have a minimum of 10 quality peer-reviewed references in APA format including intext citations.


FYI, it doesn’t have to be *just* a Fortune 500 company, it can be a previous employer or even a current one as well, whether they are a Fortune 500 or not. You can analyze and discuss a project or standard operating procedures that you witnessed or went through there, discuss the specs, challenges, risks, failures, aspects that went well, etc. If you’d like you can do some comparing to your current/proposed project you’ve been working throughout the term as well…but I’m most interested in seeing you analyze and breakdown a project of some sort. Be sure to tie the discussion back to content, concepts, and theoretical frameworks that we have discussed throughout the term.

Now, you can also analyze a company that you’ve never worked with. A great place to look for an example is in our current textbook. Beginning in Part Six (page 433), it is all case studies. This would be a great place to find an organization, get the details on a project/operational dilemma, and be in a position to analyze the material in more detail. Of course, you can use some additional research, like looking at the organization’s website and other Internet searches for background info on the company as a whole…but those case studies will provide a great deal of info for you in regard to the content we’re discussing.


Schroeder, R., Goldsetien, S. & Rungtusanatham, J. (2010). Operations Management: Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Case, 6th edition. ISBN:978-0073525242




  1. Does  your organization use e-Learning? What training methods does your  organization use? Are your organization’s training methods effective?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of your organization’s  training and development methods? What online training and development  systems/methods would you recommend? Explain.  



Employee Development and Performance


Employee Development and Performance


Continuing from the Strategy, Planning, and Selection assignment, you were selected as the new HR director for the retail company and now have been in the position for approximately six months. Your approach to strategy, planning, and selection have been quite successful thus far, and now it is time to address the organization’s expectation for performance and development of employees since these components of HR strategy are critical in achieving business outcomes and success.


Write a four- to five-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Critically analyze and discuss any researched (web or textbook) training process model you may consider for use in developing employees (Here’s an idea:The Addie Model or exhibit 7-1, page 230 in the textbook). Then, identify and discuss some possible challenges that might be faced in implementing a new training process in the company.
  • List and briefly discuss at least three types or methods of training that can be used for employee training. Of the three, which would you select to train the retail employees, and why? Be specific.
  • Differentiate the concepts of performance management and performance appraisal with three to four key points. Then, make your case to leadership for or against using annual performance appraisals in the organization. Be specific with your perspective.
  • Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment, one of which must be the assigned textbook. 

NOTE: You are not allowed to use non-academic websites except for those listed in the course resources list, or SHRM, ASTD, HCI, or WorldatWork. There are no exceptions to this requirement.  You may also use Strayer University Library to locate additional sources to support your work.

Managing Diversity in Organizations: Unit III Journal, Unit III Project, Unit IV Journal, Unit IV Assessment

Each assignment should be done on its own word document. Please read all instructions and follow all guidelines. Information for Ebook is posted also link to CSU Library is posted. If you have any questions please let me know. 

Unit III Journal


Diversity has many advantages and disadvantages within an organization. In regards to gender identity and embracing diversity in the workplace, do you consider yourself an accepting person? How important is it to you to accept diversity? Remember that there are no right or wrong answers; this is simply a reflection.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit III Project

E-BOOK  Diversity in Organizations, 3rd Edition


[email protected]




Improving Organizational Culture: Acceptance of Religion and Orientation

Fig Technologies has identified concerns at several of their offices globally. Division has been noted on key teams based upon religion and sexual orientation. Several team members have complained that the non-Christian holidays and LGBT celebrations are not recognized by the established company celebrations or paid time off for observance. There have been complaints with regard to coworkers making harassing comments to this effect. The Executive Leadership Council has asked for you to draft an assessment of these concerns and then to propose a plan of action for addressing these concerns. Further, include a preliminary draft of policy to be included as an addendum to the organizational policy on discrimination and harassment. In your report, be sure to address the following: 

  • Compare the impact of different religious beliefs and practices (choose three to four different religions) and how these affect the organizational culture, and describe how your new plan and policy will improve organizational culture through inclusion of different religious beliefs and practices. 
  • Compare how belief systems of different gender orientations and sexual orientations may impact the organizational culture, and describe the effects of discrimination against any of these. In your plan of action, address how inclusion and assimilation of different orientations will improve organizational culture. 

Support your recommendation through the use of at least two sources, one of which can be the textbook. Content should be two to three pages in length. Length does not include an assessment tool, if used, though it may be added as an addendum (recommended, not required). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style. 

Have some fun with the assignment. Use your creative thinking along with your critical thinking to include your perspective of the findings and how to address the issue.

Unit IV Journal


Please respond to questions from both of the following scenarios:

  • An individual who looks different than you (color, age, ethnicity, disability, or orientation) comes into your favorite dining establishment. Some of the restaurant staff treat him or her poorly, providing lesser service to the individual. You hear snide (off-color) remarks being made by staff and fellow patrons. What action do you take?
  • Similar scenario, though instead of a restaurant, it is coworkers mistreating a coworker who is visibly different than they are. What actions would you take, and why? Please explain.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit IV Assessment 

E-BOOK  Diversity in Organizations, 3rd Edition


[email protected]




  1. The blending of cultures is becoming increasingly prevalent as individuals of different races or cultures intermarry. As a manager, how would you address an individual’s cultural needs that are broad-based across several different cultures? Also, how would you address integration into the organizational culture to prevent any misconceptions in the workplace?
    Your response must be at least 500 words in length.


  1. Fig Technologies has acquired a network services firm that has several Native American workers. The events team in the local office is putting together the calendar of events for the next year. How do you educate, inform, and assimilate Native American culture and traditions into a self-described White Anglo-Saxon Protestant workplace environment?
    Your response must be at least 500 words in length.


                                        *********** JUST 150-200 WORDS********

 IN THE BOOK OF History of Modern Art

In Chapter 18 of your text, you met Armand (Arman) Fernández (1928-2005), a performance artist of the Nouveau Réalisme (New Realism) movement. To prepare for this discussion:

  • Read “Arman,” pages 448-449. 
  • View Long-Term Parking, 1982 pictured upper left and in Figure 18.10 on page 449.

Please respond to the following in a post of 150 to 200 words:  

Compare/contrast Arman’s Long-Term Parking, 1982 with the image of cars in an elevated parking ramp (circa 2020) pictured upper right in light of Arman’s comments on the waste inherent in contemporary consumerism.  

In your response, consider these questions: 

  • What thoughts come to your mind concerning our role as consumers in a consumer world? 
  • What message do you think Arman hoped to convey in Long-Term Parking, 1982? 
  • In your opinion, how does the idea of consumers parking their cars in an elevated parking ramp capture Oscar Wilde’s famous quote: “Life imitates art?”

Discussion Board 3 Management Long Term CAre Facilities


Based on your review of the Regulation and Enforcement section of the text and powerpoint presentation and now knowing the vital role that each interdisciplinary staff member has in ensuring the compliance of those regulations:

Answer the following question

As a nursing facility administrator, what would you do to ensure that your organization is in compliance with the various regulatory standards? {be specific as to the actual plans you would put into place in the facility in order to stay compliant with the regulations}



5-7 page discusses the impact of people, human resources (HR), personnel policies, and culture and the relation to the transformation process. Your paper should include the following roles:

  • Internal  and external stakeholders 
  • HR or personnel policies and how they support or harm transformational strategies 
  • Organizational  culture and its link to transformational strategies