HRMN Discussion Questions


Discussion #1:

Multinational Corporations (MNCs) have experienced enormous growth in  recent decades. As a corporate manager, discuss two potential benefits  of being an MNC. Provide a least one reason your union might oppose the  company becoming an MNC?

Provide at least one scholarly reference.

Interact with at least one classmate.

Discussion #2

Most unions have opposed free trade agreements such as NAFTA and TPP. Most employer lobbying groups have been supportive.  Select a trade agreement and create a pro or con argument. (Please note what an argument is in the link below.)

Please use at least two references.

IOP 490

Resource: Ch. 11, p. 176 of Flawless Consulting

Block (2011) states, “The option is to involve the whole client system much more directly in redefining the problem, naming a desired future, outlined alternative actions, and deciding how to proceed. Many consultants and support people have adopted the whole-system approach and redefined their role to be one of convening people to collectively develop a change strategy (p. 176). Block introduces his concept of a whole-system discovery process and can be used in a workplace evaluation.

Evaluate your workplace or one that is familiar to you. Identify an organizational issue and complete a needs assessment of this workplace issue in terms of concepts learned throughout the BS/IOP program. Apply strategies for performance improvement related to the following:

  • Leadership style
  • Organizational culture
  • Mission, vision, and values alignment
  • System of management
  • Decision making
  • Motivational techniques
  • Employee morale
  • Ethics
  • Communication and feedback

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation detailing your workplace evaluation, including at least 100 words of speaker notes per slide.

You must support opinions and any facts by citing credible sources in the body of the assignment and listing the references including at least two scholarly references in APA style. See Tips for Success article for Class Announcements for guidance on selecting scholarly references. 

Block, P. (2011). Flawless consulting: A guide to getting your expertise used (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

Literature Review


Literature Review

Theories are important because they guide our human service practice. Theories enable us to see things from new angles and different perspectives. They help us to understand our social environment and explain behavior. Theories provide us a framework or lens through which we can view social problems.

For this assignment, you will select 2–3 human service theories that relate to your case study created in Unit 3. The theories selected should help to explain the scenario created in the case study. The paper should provide an analysis of the selected theories and how they support the case study.

Refer to the APA Style and Format link in the Resources for guidance on formatting all assignments in this course.


  • Font: 12-point Times or Times New Roman, double-spaced.
  • Writing: Writing should be clear, organized, and free of errors; it should also follow professional standards.
  • Research: Use at least four academic sources; at least two of those sources should not be course materials.
  • Length: Your paper should be 3–4 pages, not including the cover page or reference page.
  • Format: Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines.

Make sure to review the scoring guide for this assignment to familiarize yourself with the criteria on which you will be assessed.


Human Resource Discussion


Three months ago, you decided to hire freelance workers because the company was overloaded by data processing work (due to the growth of the company). Today is the last Friday of the month and you have to process the invoices from the freelance workers. The freelance workers are doing an excellent job processing the invoices. The amount of hours used to complete the work, however, increases each month. Last month, the freelancers’ timesheets showed they spent an average of 18 hours to go through the data for one client. This month, the freelancers spent an average of 25 hours per account. This is troubling since it took in-house processing 5–7 hours to go through the data for one client. The most inexperienced employee on the team took nine hours to process one client’s account.

You discussed the situation with another manager and he suggested using a software program called EyeSpy that takes pictures of freelancers’ computer screens and records keystrokes and mouse clicks periodically throughout the day. At the end of each week, you can drill down by worker, examining their productivity to give you an accurate report of who is doing what while on the clock.

  • Should the company be allowed to install the EyeSpy software to monitor performance? If not, what other suggestions do you have on finding out why there are variations in the freelancer’s timesheet?
  • Is it legal for organizations to monitor the performance of the employees without telling them? Why or why not?

Discussion 1A


After reading and reviewing Chapter 1 in the Public Value Scorecard, consider the following questions in your initial post:

  • What were the unanticipated consequences of the New York Police agency performance?
  • What were the costs of these unanticipated consequences?
  • Do you think justice and fairness were achieved?

Remember to support your answers with the readings and your learning in the PPA program.

LDR531 Week 1 Personal Leadership Evaluation


Purpose of Assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their personal leadership styles at the beginning of the class, as a basis for class learning. 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment

Take the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment

Create a 1,400-word analysis based on the assessment, text, video, and any other information you wish including: 

  • Explain how you view      your strengths and weaknesses, along with a development plan to address      both.
  • Be specific, and explain      your rationale based on the text and video, with cited evidence. 

You will use this assignment as a reference for the assignments in Weeks 2-6. You will be required to take the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment listed in the Resources.

Read Carefully

Assessment 4

Create a 7–10-slide presentation and record a 4–6-minute voiceover presentation that explains who you are as a professional, your strengths and professional attributes, how you will maintain lifelong professionalism, and your educational plan for continuing to develop and market your skills.

What does it mean to demonstrate professional presence? An employee, a leader, or an entrepreneur with professional presence has confidence, poise, and competence and knows how to communicate effectively, take initiative, and innovate to achieve results. This course has introduced you to 10 skills that together form a toolkit you can use to demonstrate a powerful professional presence to your current or potential employer. In this assessment, you will explain how your accomplishments, professional attributes, and skills have contributed to your professional presence, and you will also discuss ways you will continue to practice lifelong professionalism. Creating this presentation will help you clearly communicate who you are as a professional and market your talents, skills, and achievements to colleagues and other key stakeholders in your professional life.

Assessment Instructions


In this assessment, you will build on the work you have done in this course to create and record a professional presentation. Your presentation will explain who you are as a professional, your strengths and professional attributes, how you will maintain lifelong professionalism, and your educational plan for continuing to develop and market your skills. 


Review the assessment resources. Use the Capella library to locate at least two additional articles or books that discuss professional presence.

In your presentation, you will need to record a voiceover narration. It is recommended that you use Kaltura, a program that records audio and video. Refer to Using Kaltura if you need help using this courseroom tool.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact [email protected] to request accommodations.


Create a 7–10-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

  • Step 1: Describe your professional attributes and skills. 
    • Include a Title slide with a title for your presentation and your name. 
    • Include an Introduction slidethat introduces who you are and your chosen professional field, with an appropriate photo.
    • Include at least one Professional Attributes & Skills slide that provides a description of your professional attributes and skills (such as professional attire, strong communication skills, self and social awareness, et cetera). You may need a second slide to cover this component. Reference the course resources or other sources to support your description.
  • Step 2: Explain what it means to demonstrate professional presence, citing support from credible sources. 
    • Include a Professional Presence slide that explains what it means to have professional presence, citing evidence from your library sources to support your explanation.
  • Step 3: Describe personal examples of professional presence. 
    • Include at least one Examples of Professional Presence slide where you describe clear, concrete examples of how you have demonstrated professionalism in your career and/or academic program. You may need two slides. 
  • Step 4: Discuss strategies that will be part of a continued plan for maintaining professionalism.  
    • Include a Lifelong Professionalism slide explaining how you will continue to develop your professionalism. Consider how you will continue to hone the skills you learned about in this course as you continue in your career or enter a new field. 
  • Step 5: Demonstrate effective oral and visual presentation skills. 
    • Prepare notes for your oral presentation and add them to the presenter notes in PowerPoint. You can type your notes in the Notes area below each slide.
    • Record a voiceover presentation to accompany your slides (approximately 4–6 minutes). Focus on how you have demonstrated professional presence and your plan for lifelong professionalism. It is recommended you use Kaltura to record your presentation. Refer to Using Kaltura if you need help using this courseroom tool.
  • Step 6: Write coherently with correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and citation of sources. 
    • Include a References slide that cites at least four credible references, two from the Capella library. 
Additional Requirements

Your presentation should also meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA format: Citations should be formatted according to current APA Style and Format guidelines. 
  • References: Your presentation should include at least four credible references (two from the Capella library).
  • Visual appeal: Slides are clear and visually appealing.
  • Speaker notes: Notes accompany the content slides to provide more detail and expand on points made in your slides.
  • Length of PowerPoint presentation: 7–10 slides.
  • Length of voiceover presentation: 4–6 minutes.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Describe the importance and impact of key skills and behaviors that are necessary for success in the future of work. 
    • Describe professional attributes and skills.
  • Competency 2: Analyze factors that contribute to professional presence.  
    • Explain what it means to demonstrate professional presence.
    • Describe personal examples of professional presence.
  • Competency 3: Develop skills to support a successful learning experience and career. 
    • Discuss strategies that will be part of a continued plan for maintaining professionalism. 
    • Demonstrate effective oral and visual presentation skills.
  • Competency 4: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience. 
    • Write coherently with correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and citation of sources.
  • Professional Presence Presentation Scoring Guide
    Professional Presence Presentation Scoring Guide Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Describe professional attributes and skills.Does not attempt to describe professional attributes and skills. Attempts to describe professional attributes and skills, but the description is unclear or incomplete.Describes professional attributes and skills.Describes professional attributes and skills, including specific examples of how those attributes and skills are demonstrated. Explain what it means to demonstrate professional presence.Does not attempt to explain what it means to demonstrate professional presence.Attempts to explain what it means to demonstrate professional presence, but explanation is unclear or incomplete.Explains what it means to demonstrate professional presence.Explains what it means to demonstrate professional presence, using specific evidence to support explanation. Describe personal examples of professional presence.Does not identify examples of professional presence.Identifies but does not describe examples of professional presence. Describes personal examples of professional presence.Describes concrete personal examples that demonstrate a clear understanding of professional presence. Discuss strategies that will be part of a continued plan for maintaining professionalism. Does not identify strategies that will be part of a continued plan for maintaining professionalism.Identifies but does not discuss strategies that will be part of a continued plan for maintaining professionalism.Discusses strategies that will be part of a continued plan for maintaining professionalism.Discusses strategies that will be part of a continued plan for maintaining professionalism, including examples of how those skills will be honed and refined. Demonstrate effective oral and visual presentation skills. Oral and/or visual presentation components detract from the overall message. Demonstrates oral and visual presentation skills, but the skills are in need of improvement.Demonstrates effective oral and visual presentation skills.Demonstrates effective oral and visual presentation skills, including clear and visually appealing slides and notes that expand on points made in slides. Write coherently with correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and citation of sources.Writing is unclear as a result of poor organization, grammar, usage, or mechanics.Attempts to write coherently, but there are examples of incorrect grammar, usage, or mechanics.Writes coherently with correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and citation of sources.Writes coherently with organization and correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and correct citation of sources. 

Vision for the Future


  • Identify an organization or business that you like. Imagine writing an annual Human Resources Operating Plan for the year 2100 – 100 years into the future. Find the following four components in the vision of your future plan:
    • Recruiting and interviewing
    • Communication—internal and external
    • Performance review process
    • Conflict resolution
  • Select only two of the four elements above and explain what they could look like in the year 2100.  Create a section heading for each to clearly present your predictions and how to address things in the future.