Select a publicly-traded company to research. Evaluate its human resource (HR) and business strategy, HR department job positions, and ways it markets its company regarding human capital. The following are some of the company websites that provide this information:
Allstate: Human Resources Careers.
State Farm: Human Resources & Training Careers.
Ford: Careers.
Aruba Marriott Careers. (You can also search for other companies from the Marriott website.)
In addition, refer to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website, which identifies detailed roles for HRM personnel and offers you some insight into HRM positions.
Write a 2 to 3 page paper in which you:
Propose how you would ensure the HR strategy is in alignment with the business strategy.
Describe the HR job positions and the responsibilities listed for that HR department.
Determine which HR job positions you would prefer and explain why.
Analyze how the selected company can establish HRM strategies to improve competitive advantages.
Propose three ways that the company can increase diversity.
Use at least three high-quality academic resources in this assignment. Consider beginning with your course textbook and quality sources that can be found in the Strayer Library.
Write Your Discussion Post The Role of Unions in the Twenty-First Century What will be the role of labor unions in the twenty-first century? Some argue that the traditional role of the union in protecting the worker has been usurped by significant legislation protecting the worker against discrimination, unsafe work conditions, and unfair pay. Others point out that unions remain indispensable for several reasons; for example, because “at-will” employment is still the law of the land, meaning that most workers can be fired for any reason.
How does the role and purpose of the modern union need to be redefined to effectively serve its membership?
How does the presence of a union influence the job of the HR profession
Case — Successful Management Requires International Experience
Unit 10 assignment Case begins with you applying Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s Communication Contexts to your own culture, then to another culture of your choosing. The remainder of the Unit 10 assignment Case is applying the three phases of cross-cultural preparation (page 477) to the Proctor and Gamble Case, “Successful Management Requires International Experience Case” in Course Resources.
Order 1330281: Conceptual Frameworks
- Type of paperAssignment
- SubjectOther
- Number of pages2
- Format of citationAPA
- Number of cited resources3
- Type of serviceWriting
To understand leadership within human services organizations, it is first important to recognize four frameworks that work within human services organizations. The frameworks are structural, human resource, political, and symbolic. The structural framework promotes efficient operations and goal-oriented administration. A leader under this framework may emphasize structure, strategy, and results. The human resource framework promotes human aspects, both individual and group, within an organization. A leader under this framework supports and empowers staff. The political framework emphasizes conflict and differences among organizational members. A leader under this framework attempts to build coalitions and negotiate compromise. Finally, the symbolic framework relates to organizational culture and mission. Leaders under this framework are inspirational and visionary. When organizational issues arise, one or more of these four frameworks may come into play. Leadership styles also correspond to a given framework. For this Assignment review the “Introduction to Human Services Administration″ video. Take note of and select one issue faced by the human services administrator. Consider the cause of the issue you select. Think about which framework relates to it and the leadership style that corresponds to it.
Case study week 3
In your initial post, answer the following questions:
- How might the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. M. be affected by this situation?
- Should the parents tell their surviving child that he had a twin brother? Why or why not?
- If you said yes, at what age would it be appropriate to do this?
- What roles might the grandparents play in this situation?
- What conflicts might result?
- What services might be required?
- Do you think this experience would bring the parents closer together or drive them apart? Support your answer.
- Do you anticipate the parents would consider having another child? Why or why not?
Diversity Training
Diversity Training
While many may frame discrimination in the workplace as being solely a legal issue, most in HR also recognize that discrimination decreases the overall productivity and effectiveness of not only an individual worker but the organization as a whole. HR departments work to eliminate discrimination when it becomes apparent. Unfortunately, there is not a set group of steps or procedures that can address all situations.
- Considering this please address the following prompts in your one-page discussion.
- Think back to an instance of discrimination that you may be familiar with, or create a discrimination scenario based on your reading. What are the specific steps you would take as an HR manager to prevent discrimination from occurring in your present or in a previous employer?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Case Study – Intercultural Management
Write at least a three-page analysis using the case study on pages 311–313 in your textbook: “Kelly’s Assignment in Japan.”
Your analysis should address the questions listed below.
- Explain the clashes in culture, customs, and expectations that occurred in this situation.
- What stage of culture shock is Kelly’s family experiencing?
- Turn back the clock to when Kelly was offered the position in Tokyo. What, if anything, should have been done differently, and by whom?
- You are Kelly. What should you do now?
Your case study analysis should follow APA guidelines for formatting all resources, both in-text citations and references. Your analysis should include a title page and a reference page.
APOL 220 Quiz 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ( Each 3 Latest Versions) APOL 220 INTRODUCTION TO APOLOGETICS
APOL 220 Quiz 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ( Each 3 Latest Versions) APOL 220 INTRODUCTION TO APOLOGETICS
human resource management
Apply current and previous learnings in OB to support successful facilitation of groups within an organization. For your paper, you must identify and defend best practices in Performance Management and Compensation of groups/teams in organizations. For example, as the HR expert, would you recommend some practices over others to ensure teams successfully meet their objectives? Also, would these practices depend on the culture or strategy of the organization? What role does socialization practices play? While not an exhaustive list, these questions should help formulate part of your paper. Also, as this is the only assignment this week, considerable amount of time should be taken in writing a strong, comprehensive paper.
Assignment 01.2: Interview Preparation
For an assignment in Week 4, you are required to present the results of an interview with a healthcare professional about the implementation of a new system or computer software in their workplace. The goal of this interview is to learn how this professional approached the implementation, what challenges s/he encountered, and the problem-solving the organization undertook to make the implementation a success.
HA3220D – Health Information Systems
Assignment 01.2: Interview Preparation
In the Assignment 04, you will be required to upload your typed notes from the interview. Or, if you are able to make a video of your interview using your phone, you may submit the video instead of your notes.
For this assignment, submit your interview plans to your instructor. In a Word document, give the name and job title of the person you plan to interview, the date and time, and the mode of the interview (phone, Skype, in-person, etc.).
In the same document, list 5-7 questions you plan to ask during the interview. You may select questions from this list of example questions or write your own, but make sure your questions achieve the goal of the interview: to learn how the professional approached the implementation of the new system or computer software, what challenges s/he encountered, and the problem-solving the organization undertook to make the implementation a success.