Week 5 d1

Read the table on pages 317 and 318 “Examples of Transformational Events Associated with HR Process” from your textbook. Create a similar table, with at least 3 levels, using specific details on the organization you are researching for the Capstone project. Offer a 200-250 word explanation on the decisions you have made on the table. Use at least one scholarly source other than the textbook to support your ideas. Critique at least two of your classmates’ tables by offering constructive feedback. Remember to properly cite your sources.


Briefing Memo

Various officials have a social media presence and appear on local radio or host a local podcast. For this assignment, you will prepare a briefing memo with talking points that are focused on a risk management or hazard mitigation message about your community. The audience you are preparing your briefing material for consists of elected officials who do not have subject matter expertise. 

Include the elements listed below in your briefing memo. 

  • Include the risk or hazard to the community, and provide three bullets addressing the primary message that you want to share about the hazard or risk. 
  • Provide a brief critique of the risk or hazard communication tools and existing strategies that are being used in your community. 
  • Identify the action that the message receiver should take to reduce the risk. 
  • Include two samples of what officials would say in a Twitter or social media post. 
  • Provide two questions and answers. 
  • Include contact information on how the receivers can gain more information or actively participate. 
  • Provide notes on lessons learned or best practices. For instance, you might provide a warning about being truthful in front of the media, you might share an instance where being truthful in the media went wrong, or you might show the potential repercussions that being untruthful can have on the information system. 

APA format  is not required 

HR Project Management Final Team Report


You are now ready to present to management a final report on  establishing a project team and project phases needed to initiate the  changes for a more centralized model of delivering HR services. Once the  management team receives the report and is thoroughly briefed on the  direction the project will take, you and your project team will begin  work on the project.

The management team report will be a consolidation of the  previous assignment papers you have written in this course plus a report  overview (sort of like an executive summary) and final conclusion  (offering importance of topics and recommendations for next steps). You  may make up a fictitious company name (do not use a real company) and  create your own HR project team name.


Prepare a 25–30 page paper in which you:

  1. Create a full 2-page (minimum) report overview (executive  summary) summarizing and emphasizing the key points of the report’s  contents, which are the topics from previous papers in the course. Hint:          
  2. Copy and paste all content with headings from the previous  course assignments minus any cover pages, running heads, introduction  and conclusion sections, and reference pages.
  3. Prepare and include an original conclusion section to be  placed immediately after the paper content. Note: Do not use any  previous conclusion sections from past papers in the course. The  conclusion section must take all previous papers into account.
  4. Create the reference page(s) by copying and pasting  all references from the previous four assignments and any new references  as a result of this report. Remember, the reference page should be  separate from the other text.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards  (SWS).For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer  Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Review the elements of project planning and management.

6 dis


Ascertain the importance of strategic planning for an organization. Next, suggest one strategy you may use to structure the strategic planning session for a not-for-profit mid-sized health organization that is competing with several for-profit facilities in the area. Then determine your approach to communicate the mission, vision, and value statements for the strategic planning. Provide a rationale for your response.

Use Library Databases to research articles on business plan creation within health organizations. Next, based on your research and analysis, recommend 3 best practices of business plan creation and support your response

Full Text Available 

Book Jacket


By: Schiuma, Giovanni. Hershey PA : IGI Global. 2011. eBook., Database: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Subjects: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Information Management; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Knowledge Capital; Knowledge management; Intellectual capital–Management

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  • 2. 

The creation of industry front groups: the tobacco industry and “get government off our back”.

Academic Journal

(English) ; Abstract available. By: Apollonio DE; Bero LA, American journal of public health [Am J Public Health], ISSN: 1541-0048, 2007 Mar; Vol. 97 (3), pp. 419-27; Publisher: American Public Health Association; PMID: 17267719, Database: MEDLINE Complete 

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  • 3. 

Leading In Health Care Organizations : Improving Safety, Satisfaction, and Financial Performance

Full Text Available 

Book Jacket


By: Savage, Grant T.; Leroy, Hannes; Simons, Tony. Series: Advances in Health Care Management, v. 14. Edition: First edition. Bingley, U.K. : Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2013. eBook., Database: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Subjects: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management; MEDICAL / Health Care Delivery; POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Services & Welfare; POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Security; Leadership; Health services administration

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Applying Industrial Relations Principles


You are the president of the Local Union 312 Chapter. As the president of the union, you are the chief spokesperson and representative of the Local Union 312 to management. Next month, you will start the collective bargaining process with management to get your union members greater wages and benefits and better and safer working conditions. Write a 3–5-page research paper using APA style outlining the collective bargaining process, including the following:

  • Define and discuss what collective bargaining is.
  • Research, outline, and discuss all of the steps of the collective bargaining process.
  • Research, outline, discuss, and evaluate the best practices for collective bargaining strategies.
  • Research, outline, discuss, and evaluate the arguments against and for collective bargaining.
  • Use correct APA style, grammar, sentences, and punctuation.
  • Support your research paper with at least 4 different scholarly sources, such as research journals, research studies, and government or accredited educational institutions’ Web sites.