Week 2: If you were assigned to a project as a project manager, what strengths and weaknesses would you bring?
Write about what you would bring to a project team as a project manager.
Write about what you would bring to a project team as a project manager.
Describe the structure and importance of a project phase review meeting. Select three areas that need to be reviewed by the project manager and explain why. Create a list of stakeholders that should be invited to the meeting. Why did you choose these stakeholders? What should all the meeting participants be able to walk away from the meeting with? Respond to at least two of your fellow classmates’ postings.
The employees in your company have decided to unionize. Your CEO now would like for you to develop a brochure for managers within the organization that outlines how the newly unionized company should handle issues such as grievances, strikes, work stoppages, and boycotts. Prepare a tri-fold brochure that can be distributed to all the managers. The brochure should highlight best practices in addressing grievances, strikes, work stoppages, and boycotts. Present some tips and steps as to what actions managers should take in each situation.
Support your brochure with at least five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Your brochure should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.
Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.
Length: May vary depending on content
Incorporating the cumulative feedback you have received from your Instructor, compile these Assignments into your grant proposal:
For this Assignment:
Note: If any of the Assignments required in this course are not required in your RFP, they are nevertheless to be included in your Final Project submission.
Review feedback you have received from your Instructor on Parts 1–3 of the Final Project. Incorporate this feedback as appropriate or desired into the final product.
The Assignment: 10–15 pages (do not include the APA reference list in your page count)
Compile the following into your grant proposal:
Activity: Use the Internet to research and identify 10 ads that have used subliminal messages, prepare a report about these ads. Is it very easy for consumers to identify these hidden messages? What effect do they have if any? If not, why do you think advertisers use them?
The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to marketing management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.
Text book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qF1lHi5VsYmhxbFEKWCH-KBxyV8fnIye/view?usp=sharing
The recruitment of employees is a critical part of the HR function and it is also been a function that has changed vastly for many organizations.
Research Recruitment of employees and explain/identify:
Paper Requirements:
Please refer to the rubric for the grading requirements.
Your submission will go through turnitin. Turnitin evaluates the originality score of your paper. Your turnitin score should be 25% or less.
Evaluate your experience of working with your teammates and presenting the oral argument.
For this discussion, address the following in your post:
masters degree
must pay attention to detail
Draft a paper that answers the research question based on findings.
You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to write the abstract of a research paper you are interested in writing.
Your abstract should have sections summarizing the following:
Groups and teams are often used interchangeably. Why is this a mistake? How would you manage a team vs. a group?
Imagine you are head of the HR department and you have been asked to review five applicants for the sales clerk position at your company. During the interview process, you learn the following information about each applicant:
Alice has 10 years of experience in sales, but can be easily distracted. She will not work on commission and cannot work weekends. She can be a little obstinate, but has an excellent job history. She also requires ADA accommodations, due to an injury sustained during military service.
Mary has one year’s experience, but is very congenial and loves working with people. Her work schedule is very flexible, but she can become a little stressed at times and has been known for having to quietly leave and regroup for a short time. Mary also considers herself an advocate for human rights, with an emphasis on race relations, and is known to voice her opinions related to racial injustice to others.
James has seven years’ experience, a master’s degree in business, aspirations of owning his company in the near future, and is very religious. He is known to make biblical references often, encourages others to attend his church, and has requested 80 hours in advance to attend religious conferences within the next six months.
Sam has six years’ experience, and is willing to work all shifts. Sam is transgender, prefers gender-neutral pronouns (they/them), and is looking for a new job, due to workplace bullying at a previous place of employment.
Justin has five years’ experience, is a hard worker, flexible, and has a great job history. Justin is also someone that you met in college, dated briefly, and have not seen in a few years.
Decide which candidate would be the right fit for the sales clerk position.