
Review the Monte Carlo Analysis method presented in Chapter 15 in Practical Project Risk Management. Then, determine whether you would recommend to a project manager the use of this methodology for a large, complex project. Include an example to support your response. If you would not recommend the use of a method such as Monte Carlo, explain what you would recommend as an alternative tool that would allow the project manager to make informed decisions. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.

Week 5 Project



Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lectures:


A large technology company’s CEO decided as one part of his or her plan to revitalize the company that he or she wanted to end the company’s work-from-home policy. In an internal memo from the Executive Vice President of People and Development, working at the office rather than at home was necessary because of the need for employees to communicate and collaborate and to reduce the chance that speed and quality would be diminished. Criticism of the firm’s policy change focused on the message that not allowing work from home sends to employees: We can’t trust you to get the work done.

Many employees want to work at home, so companies are using working at home as a benefit that helps recruit and retain talented employees. Several studies have demonstrated benefits from working at home. Cisco Systems found that employees who could work remotely from home experienced an increase in their quality of life. This could result from reducing the hassles of commuting to work and allowing employees to better balance work and life responsibilities such as managing childcare, running errands, or dealing with a sick child, spouse, or family member. Another study showed that when employees of a Chinese travel agency were allowed to work from home, they were more productive, resulting in cost savings of $2,000 per employee each year. Finally, a study found that office employees who work from home may work fifty-seven hours per week before they feel their work-life is out of balance, compared to thirty-eight hours per week for employees who work at their office.

Working at home also may have significant disadvantages. The disadvantages include employees taking advantage of the policy to extend their weekends by not working in the office on Fridays or Mondays and the loss of the potential benefit from having face-to-face interactions with colleagues that are useful for sharing knowledge and generating creative solutions to product or service problems. Being in the office is especially important today because many jobs require close collaboration with peers or working on team projects. Also, unplanned personal interactions occurring at the office can lead to new ideas or working relationships. The biggest problems for employees working from home is overcoming other employees’ and managers’ perceptions that they are not as productive as they could be, that they lack focus, and that they lose “face time,” which leads to fewer opportunities for promotions.


  • Analyze whether companies should have a policy that allows all employees to work at home.
  • Evaluate which jobs are best suited for working at home.
  • Analyze what role technology can play in allowing employees to work at home.
  • Explain whether the interaction using technology can replace interpersonal face-to-face interaction between employees or between employees and their manager.
  • Determine why some employees don’t take advantage of flexible work options such as working at home, for example, some believe it hurts their career.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details:

  • Present a 4- to 5-page paper in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style. Cite any sources using the APA guidelines.
  • Name your file as SU_HRM5060_W5_Project_LastName_FirstName.



  1. Select two strategic human resource management tools.
  2. Describe the tools and how HR will use each.
  3. Present the importance and benefit of each tool for HR and the organization in general.

For this assignment,  use at least two other sources. All the sources (including the textbook) should be cited within the document and included in an APA format, reference page at the end of the paper. Be careful with the number of quotations within the document.


 1. How can Blockchain increase human resource management efficiencies? 2. What are the stages of Blockchain maturity and explain which stages have the most potential for human resource management application? 3. How and why is Blockchain a disruptive technology in human resource management? 

socw 6456

In all likelihood, developmental and life transition issues will form the core of your work as a couple and family practitioner. These issues are those that couples and families typically encounter through common day-to-day living and may include being newly married, having a child, or sending a youngest child off into his or her own adulthood. They also may include common stressors, such as divorce, job loss, or death of a family member, just to name a few. Individuals across all cultures experience developmental and life transition issues in one way or another, and you will likely find yourself sitting across from a couple or family experiencing a similar life event to one you have encountered in your own life.

Despite the universality of many developmental and life transition issues, you should still keep in mind that there is no one way to experience a divorce, death, or job loss, nor is there one way to clinically encounter and assist a couple or family experiencing such issues. Different theoretical orientations may suggest different ways for addressing various scenarios, and you may have to modify your chosen theoretical orientation to work effectively in your professional practice.

For this Discussion, choose one life transition or developmental issue, and consider how you might modify your theoretical orientation and/or infuse interventions from other theories in order to address this issue.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the life transition or developmental issue you selected and your chosen theoretical orientation. Then, explain how you might modify the theory-based interventions of your chosen theoretical orientation to work effectively with client(s) experiencing the issue you selected. Finally, explain the significant aspects of the life transition or developmental issue that influence how you would modify the application of your chosen theoretical orientation.

ABC at CM Tech

In completing your reading for the week you learned about the benefits and challenges faced in accounting data.  Chapter 21 and 22 introduced you to managerial versus financial accounting and activity based costing (ABC).  ABC, though challenging to implement, can bring a wealth of clarity to the actual costs and performance of the organization.  Unfortunately it’s not easy to implement, support, and once in existence it’s often met with huge amounts of resistance.  Emma knows that some of the accounting information used at CM Tech has the potential to be improved upon.  She wants to pursue improvements in this area in order to support the forward progress of the performance management strategy.  However, she is not an accountant and needs more information before she can make an informed decision and sell the concept to the rest of the team.  She asks you do do some research for her.  

Your research paper for Emma should include the following key elements: 

  1. What is the difference between managerial and financial accounting?  Which one involves ABC costing and the inward looking performance measures that Emma is looking for? 
  2. What is activity based cost (ABC) and how does it differ from traditional costing methods?
  3. If Emma decides to implement ABC what key benefits will it provide and what key challenges will she face?  Be sure to fully support your assertions in all three sections with reasoning, examples, and research.

Your report should outline the key concepts in each area listed above and provide examples as appropriate.  Be sure your report is a minimum of 4 pages, includes an introduction and conclusion paragraph, title page, and references page.  The title and references pages do not count toward the total page count.  The report should be formatted in APA style and be supported by a minimum of three scholarly references.

Since CM Tech is a fictitious company, you may use great liberty in this assignment in creating or imagining the details needed in order to write your report.  

Strategic Planning

 Do some research and write a 500-600-word summary (body content length) that discusses two different strategic planning concepts. Locate a minimum of two scholarly journal articles for each concept—a minimum of four articles for the paper altogether (these articles must be new to this assignment for this course). You want to select research that presents each concept and its usefulness in strategic planning within organizations. If you elect to write the paper, then keep your writing in third person if you discuss how these concepts work in your sector. 


During each unit, you will prepare a well-organized narrative consisting of specific responses to a vexing problem or burden. Each assignment is designed to draw on your imagination to think creatively on potential concerns within the Washington Fire Department. You should look at fire administration in a holistic way. The holistic way of thinking is significantly different from thinking in isolation or just examining one part of a problem. Looking at something in a holistic way is seeing the big picture as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


For this assignment, you will complete a response to the scenario-based case study. (see attachment) The assignment will be a three-page narrative focusing on arguments that support what the authors are discussing in this unit’s reading assignments as well as other research that you conducted.

As you review the material in the textbook, the background, and scenario-based case study, make sure you address the issues listed below.

§  Discuss leadership goals that must be accomplished to implement the conclusion from the a forementioned scenario-based case study concerning the importance of a good working relationship with others. 

§  What cooperative leadership preference would help firefighters support the physical fitness program? How would this preference affect your actions necessary to complete the change process? Give several examples.

§  If you are stronger in one preference, describe how you would select and incorporate people with the other preference into your implementation process of a physical fitness program.

§  Discuss the importance of a policy supporting the fitness program and ensuring that it occurs as scheduled each shift for 1 hour.

§  Discuss why it would be important for fire and emergency services (FES) leaders to have a good working relationship with public officials, other agencies, and the community. 

§  Describe the skills required for an effective FES leader to develop a cooperative relationship with fire and emergency management personnel as well as other agencies and the community. 

§  Describe the leadership style that would most benefit the FES leader in the situation discussed.

§  Discuss how to gather feedback from staff members and peers as a part of the decision-making process.

§  Discuss how to engage political groups and individuals, unions, and the public to support your decision-making process.


You must include at least three sources, one of which can be from one of your textbooks and one of which should come from the Online Library to supplement your discussion and support your conclusions. Aside from the textbooks, all sources should be from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. All sources used, including the textbooks, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in proper APA style.

Tough Conversations


Tough Conversations

Due Week 3 and worth 160 points.

Imagine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no.” What would you do?

Write a plan for how would you approach your conversation with each employee, including the most essential topics to cover. As you write your plan, think about what your goals are for this situation and how each conversation will help you achieve those goals.

You will create and submit your assignment by using the ecree link. Just click on the link, and start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen, including text and videos to help guide you in the writing process. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking Submit at the bottom of the page.

Click the assignment link to start your assignment in ecree. Please note that ecree works best in Firefox and Chrome.

Write a 5–7 paragraph paper in which you:

  • Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
  • Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
  • Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
    • Include at least one reference to support your paper.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Create a plan for approaching tough conversations with employees, including a rationale for the most essential topics to cover.