Discussion – Week 6-8130

Health Literacy and Marketing

Janet is the health care administrator at a major hospital who is tasked with addressing an issue with recent prescription requests of a particular drug and complaints of overdoses in patients seen in the last three months. This issue is a top priority, not only for patient safety, but also because this prescription drug has received extensive marketing and promotion in the hospital over the past three months. Patients are now complaining that the marketing that promotes the prescription drug as being extremely safe is a direct lie. After speaking with several of the patients and providers of care, Janet has requested copies of each prescription ordered for the patients who have been screened.
After poring over hundreds of prescription orders, Janet has arrived at three conclusions. All overdoses occurred in one department with four providers who primarily see and treat patients that are non-native English speakers and who do not have family members or relatives at home to assist with providing care. Specifically, Janet notices that the issue is linked with the directions on the quantity of medication administered and that this quantity has been misinterpreted by the patients who have suffered an overdose. With a solution in mind, Janet is calling the department and pharmacy to implement a fix to avoid potential overdoses within the next few hours.

In what ways might health literacy account for the issues described in the scenario? What considerations should you keep in mind as a health care administrator to ensure that marketing of programs or services are consistent with the health literacy levels of your target population?

For this Discussion, review the resources for this week. Reflect on potential consequences that health care administrators might face when developing communications that do not account for health literacy in target audiences. Then, consider how health literacy might influence decisions that health care administrators might make when proposing services or programs for health care delivery.

By Day 3

Post a brief explanation of the consequences health care administrators might face when developing communications that do not account for health literacy in target audiences. Explain how health literacy might influence the decisions health care administrators make when proposing services and programs for health care delivery. Be specific and provide examples.

APA style


Research Topic

One page summary, APA format of what the research paper will be on. The topic needs to be something dealing with Public Human Resource Management. textbook: NEW PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION


Profile of an Economist

Profile of an Economist

Write a brief profile of a major economist of your choice. Do the ideas of the individual selected have implications from a policy stand point? If so, what?

The successful submission will clearly and concisely describe the economic philosophies of a major figure in the field as well as the degree to which these ideas may shape policy decisions.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing. 


Organizations from time to time must make hard decisions (expand, lay off employees, or close a facility). As a manager, you will have to use work experiences, advice from supervisors, and the organizational culture to support your decision. Organizational culture is the sum of the values and beliefs shared among employees.

Suppose you are a manager who is faced with having to reduce headcount (lay off one of your two employees) in your unit. Sales within the company have declined due to the downward spiral of the economy and each department within the organization is faced with making the same decision. Fortunately, you only have to cut one job; others are reducing more.

  • Mary is in her mid-20s, single, college graduate, she is very hard working and was in the top 10% of the performance ratings this year, she constantly volunteers to travel, work weekends and evenings. However, she supports political causes that could be viewed as contrary to the goals of the company.
  • Alice is in her mid-40s, has two young children, her husband is a doctor, her performance is good, and she has above average performance reviews. However, she has limited availability on weekends and limitations on overnight travel due to her volunteer work with local charities.

Step 2 – Post a Response

Respond to the following:

  • As a manager who would you select to layoff and why?
  • What is the potential impact of this choice on organizational culture?

BUS 409: Compensation Management



Compensation Strategies, Best Practices, and Challenges Presentation

For this assignment, assume you are a compensation analyst in a large financial services company. You have been in your role for almost a year. At your weekly one-on-one with your boss, she tells you that the human resources representatives at the company are fielding a number of questions from employees and applicants about compensation. The human resource representatives’ knowledge of compensation is not deep.

She asks that you prepare and deliver a 10- to 15-minute PowerPoint presentation (10–15 slides) at an upcoming departmental meeting that provides basic information about what is going on in the compensation field today. Specifically she wants you to address compensation strategies that companies employ, note three of their best compensation practices, and examine three compensation challenges today’s companies are facing.

Develop and deliver a 10–15 minute audio PowerPoint presentation (10 to 15 slides) in which you:

  1. Analyze the compensation strategies companies use to attract and retain talent.
  2. Determine three best compensation practices used by companies.
    • Be sure to provide your rationale for selecting these best practices as opposed to others.
  3. Examine three compensation-related challenges companies face.
    • Be sure to provide your rationale for selecting these compensation challenges as opposed to others.
  4. Explain what discretionary benefits are and how companies use them to benefit the company and its stakeholders.
  5. Examine how laws, labor unions, and market factors impact companies’ compensation strategies and practices.
  6. Deliver a succinct, engaging, and informative presentation on compensation strategies, best practices, and challenges.
    • Note: Be sure to include additional detail about what you will say as you deliver your presentation on the notes pages in PowerPoint.
    • Consult Use Kaltura [PDF] for help in recording your presentation and uploading it to the assignment area.
  7. Integrate at least three quality resources using in-text citations and a reference page in your assignment.
    • Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  8. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
    • Use a readable size font (24 pt or above) on your slides. For your slide notes, the preferred method is to use Times New Roman font (size 12).
    • Include a title slide containing the assignment title, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required number of slides.
    • Include a source list slide. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list slide is not included in the required number of slides.

Note: Last week’s assignment preparation activity provides resources on how to:

  • Avoid plagiarism.
  • Integrate resources into your presentation.
  • Adhere to the Strayer Writing Standards.
  • Develop and deliver a succinct, engaging, and informative presentation.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Research current compensation strategies, best compensation practices and compensation challenges facing companies

human resource

Job Analysis and Recommendations


As part of the HR team at CapraTek, you have been asked to conduct a job analysis and to make recommendations on the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), as well as the job competencies, needed to support a hiring initiative.


Use O*NET OnLine to develop the job specifications and competencies for a retail or manufacturing job within CapraTek or a selected job within your workplace (or one you with which you have familiarity).


Conduct a job analysis and develop a competency model to support the human resources team when hiring for your selected job. Include the following:

  • Describe the selected job and the KSAs. What considerations would decrease the legal risks associated with job postings and the recruitment process by CapraTek or another organization?
  • Develop a competency model for the selected job. How does the use of O*Net OnLine and other technology tools impact staff planning?
  • Develop hiring recommendations for the selected job. Should the person who is hired have the identified competencies, or could the new hire be internally trained?

Your analysis and recommendations should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through the accurate communication of thoughts that support a central idea and use of correct grammar and mechanics as expected of a human resources professional.


  • References: Support your analysis with at least 2 academic, scholarly, or professional resources from the Capella University Library.
  • Format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format.
  • Length: 2–3 pages, in addition to the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point

Recruitment process


Read all information provided in this section before beginning this assignment, which accounts for 30% of your grade.

You are a Consultant Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contracted by “State University” to assist them with the recruitment and selection of a Project Associate for the university. A job description for this position is attached to assist you with the development of your action plan and presentation.

For this assignment, create a PowerPoint slide presentation for the HR team of the university that details your recruitment strategy, process, procedures, and the timeline for the completion of this contract.

Your submission must be comprehensive to include the role of the recruiting agency and the role of the university HR team and line management in the recruitment and selection process.

Submission Instructions: Submit your work as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation. The body of your presentation should include at least 10-12 presentation slides, plus a title slide, introduction slide(s) detailing the presentation agenda, and a reference(s) slide for a total of no more than 15 slides.

You must support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, and include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (Note: do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites).

Helpful Tips:

Your grade will be based upon:

  • Use of PowerPoint software as a presentation and marketing tool, to include the use of color, graphics, and research citations.
  • Depth and applicability of the research that you conduct.
  • Effectiveness of the recruiting presentation and proposal as a consulting tool.
  • Critical thought and analysis.
  • APA formatting (APA, 7th Edition).
  • Use of the PowerPoint Notes section*

*Students will be graded on their use of the Notes section of the slides in formulating the narrative portion of the presentation to minimize lengthy wording on the slides. This approach will allow the use of bullet points on the slides but demonstrate the depth and scope of the research conducted in the Notes section.