Why Performance Management?

  • In our Week 2 reading we learned several reasons that performance management is receiving such focus now.   We also read about Human Resources and their role in strategic workforce management.  Over coffee one morning Emma asks you why CM Tech should be putting a keen focus on performance management and what role you think the HR department at CM Tech can have in performance management.  
  • In your initial discussion post share with your classmates what you think are the two most important reasons CM Tech should focus on performance management and at least one key action the human resources department can take to support performance management.   
  • In your responses to your peers critique reasons they have shared and suggest additional actions human resource can take to support those efforts.Support your initial post with at least one scholarly reference.   400 words with references



Analyzing the life cycle of a product is one of the best ways to understand the impact of our consumption on the environment. In this assignment, you will research the series of steps that it takes to deliver a common product to the public and consider how consumers’ choices and behavior can contribute to or diminish environmental sustainability.

Select one of the following products: car, new cell phone, plastic grocery bags, food of your choice, a new 3-bedroom home, an online purchase of your choice.

Research the life cycle of your selected product using the internet, textbook, or other resources. 

Analyze the environmental impact of the purchase or usage of the product you selected by completing the matrix below. Answer each question in the matrix with a 1- to 2-sentence response. Be sure to provide references for the sources you use. A partial example has been provided for you.


Name of Product/Process: Cup of Yogurt



 1. How   is the product/process obtained or created? What raw materials are required?

Every cup   of yogurt requires sugar, milk, bacteria, and water, but cow’s milk is the most   common ingredient. The states that supply the most dairy in the U.S. are   California (18.5%) and Wisconsin (14.2%). 

 2. How   is the product processed or implemented?

Many   different types of milk can be used, but typically, each half cup of yogurt   requires half a gallon of milk. 

Petroleum   oil is used to make yogurt cups.


The California Dairy Press Room & Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.californiadairypressroom.com/Press_Kit/Dairy_Industry_Facts




Name of   Product/Process: __________________________________________________





1. How   is the product/process obtained or created? What raw materials are required?


2. How   is the product processed or implemented?


3. How   is the product delivered or transported to you?


4. How   is the product disposed of?


5.  What kind of waste is generated? How can it   be recycled?


6. List   any other observations or insights pertaining to the environmental impact of   the product.

Can someone do my Week 1 work for me Discussion 1 & 2 and Quiz in Leadership for Organization??

                                        Discussion 1

 Why is it important for a leader to be able to manage across cultures? Communicate your thoughts on the following statement: “Leaders who cannot understand cultural differences in people cannot lead or manage them.”

Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length.  Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates posts. 

                                       Discussion 2

 Read the information regarding Zappos in your book.  Does the leader impact organizational culture or does organizational culture impact the leader?  Explain.  If you were the leader of Zappos, what new elements would you add to the corporate culture? Explain.  How does the corporate culture impact vision, mission, and strategy at Zappos?

Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length.  Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates posts.  

hr discussion


 Training Assessment 

  • Imagine you are a new employee in a human resource (HR) department. Your first task is to develop a stress management seminar for the employees. Determine the topics that should be covered in the seminar. Support your selection of the topics.
  • Develop criteria to assist in selecting the vendor to use for the training.


my topic  Nestle Killing for Profit??? and i need to do Both (compare/contrast) 


The group project is aimed at the process of management and its functions in real organizations and the legal, moral, and ethical dilemmas we face as individuals and in our roles as part of the managerial process.  Students will be divided into teams of three and provided a topic to work on but they will be working against each other.  Each student will take either a “pro” or “con” side to a topic taken from business, government, or education. Further, each situation will be fraught with ethical considerations and ramifications.  As individuals, each team member will search, discuss, analyze, and report information back to their classmates and course instructor with slide presentations they will post in the Discussion Board.

Again, each student will be provided with a topic to be handled by teams of three. Each team member will be presenting opposing arguments, one for and one against that topic, the third will play both roles. The point is that as managers, clarity of thought influences not only the quality of their life but all those who work for them.  As decision-makers, managers often need to be willing to take a position and try to influence others to make a decision that they try to promote.  To be effective, they should be willing and able to describe their rationale for the choice they made.  

After a topic is assigned, students will develop PowerPoint slides to support their position (20 slides max, not including references slides listing your sources). The rest of the teams will ask at least one question per team, but no more than three questions, so each person may clarify/defend their position. The exception is that you may not ask questions of your counterpart who is arguing the opposite side of your position.  Instructors will judge the quality of your presentation based on the criteria found in the rubric. Furthermore, the instructor may also question if they feel a position lacks merit. Additionally, instructors will look at the quality of your questions and answers to other students and at the end, a student’s rationale for choosing one side of an argument over the other.

The slides will be posted on the Discussion Board for everyone to view by the date listed on the course schedule.  All questions must be submitted to the Discussion Board and the answers posted by the scheduled dates as well.  Finally, after all the questions are in and the questions answered, each student will select the position for each topic that they feel is the better of the two and explain their rationale for that decision in the Discussion Board, again as per the course schedule.

The point of this exercise is to help each of you develop clarity of thought. Be advised that instructors may ask pointed questions from each student to determine whether the basis of a position is an opinion or rationally based ideas on these topics.  Just as with other assignments, facts, figures, and expertise, carry a lot more weight when arguing a position that does opinion alone.

Give the instructor and other students facts when arguing positions.  Facts, data, and analysis in addition to insight are all potent tools in any manager’s arsenal.  Finally, please note that some positions will be easier to argue than others when grading, instructors will take that into consideration as well.  So even if it seems the other side has an easier position to defend, instructors will compensate for that issue.

also see the rubic file attached to show the way u write


Reflect on a team you currently belong to and see if you can identify Tuckman’s stages of team development: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing. What stage are you currently in? Did you find difficulties with any of the stages? How did you negotiate the storming phase? Respond to two classmates’ posts.


Begin by selecting a contemporary safety issue for today’s first responders. Research a specific Emergency Support Function (ESF), and locate an article from the library that focuses on the protection of first responders or receivers who support your chosen ESF. Your article should have been published within the last decade; be peer-reviewed; and be published in a credible, academic journal. 

Address the components listed below in your critique. 

  • Discuss the specific ESF. 
  • Describe how this function is focused on the protection of the first responders or receivers. · 
  • Identify any practices or policies related to first responder safety, the role(s) of the safety officer, or first responder occupational health.    
  • Explain how this article shows consideration and evidence of how the protection of first responders or receivers within a community or workplace can be strengthened. 

For example, if you were to choose firefighting as your ESF, you might conduct a search in the CSU Online Library by using key terms such as firefighter safety. As a result, the article below may be produced. Although you cannot use the following article for your critique, the resource merely works as an example to represent the type of article that would be appropriate for this assignment. Notice that the article is current and has been published in a peer-reviewed academic journal.

Campbell, M. J., Dennison, P. E., & Butler, B. W. (2017). Safe separation distance score: a new metric for evaluating wildland firefighter safety zones using lidar.  International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31(7), 1448–1466. 

i need a discussion done for wk 8 and 1 response question answered for my Business Comm Class


Jaw-Dropping Moment

Have you ever attended a meeting or speech where you dozed off because you were bored?

Why did you get bored (Was the speaker monotone? Did the speech run on too long? Was the content dry? Another reason?)

Have you ever experienced a “Jaw Dropping Moment” (see Ch. 5, Talk Like Ted)? Why was it a “Jaw Dropping Moment?”

In Week 9, you will have a presentation to complete. Share with us the topic that you have decided on. What are 1-2 things you can do to deliver a “Jaw-Dropping Moment” in your presentation?

Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone.​


Here are some related materials you might find interesting to help you prepare for this week’s discussion post and next week’s Assignment 3:

A slide show from “Talk Like Ted” (skip past the first few slides):


“How to Deliver a Killer Workplace Presentation That Would Rival a Ted Talk”


“9 Science-Backed Methods for Happier, More Productive Meeting”


Please remember to include both JWMI and external resources in your discussion post (in-text citations) and list them in your reference section.

Have a great week – stay safe.