students are required to write an investigative report relating to a specific issue in manufacturing. This can come from personal experience in the industry, a case study, or something found through research. It must be specific to manufacturing and cannot be related to global outsourcing or corporate issues.

Each graduate student will be assigned a manufacturing problem for their research paper according to the proposed course schedule. The graduate student will be responsible for researching that problem and writing a research paper accordingly. Start early and get guidance on APA style

  1. Research the assigned issue specific to manufacturing as assigned by the instructor.
  2. Describe the issue fully in three distinct areas:
    1. What is the issue and how does it affect manufacturing productivity? This is the topical part of the paper and requires 4-6 pages with 4+ resources.
    2. How is this issue being addressed in manufacturing today? This part of the paper requires 4-6 pages with 4+ resources separate from your topical resources.
    3. If you were the manager with the responsibility for addressing this issue within your manufacturing facility what would you do? This part of the paper is where you would fully explain what actions you would take as a manager to meet the demands created by this issue. 
    4. It requires 6-10 pages with 3+ resource additional resources.
  3. Your paper should have 11+ resources and be 14 pages minimum plus your summary, table of contents, abstract and cover page.

In other words, find a problem specific to a manufacturing facility, propose a solution to the problem and provide sufficient evidence that your solution will be successful if implemented.  

The paper will be prepared using the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the text must be at least 20 pages long and must include a “summary and conclusions” of at least one page. All topics must be approved by the instructor. Further, investigative reports and book reports are not the same things. 

This paper should conclude with your conclusions on the actions that should be taken rather than the actions that were taken and your paper should provide the documentation to support that conclusion.  The strength of that argument will constitute the bulk of your final grade on the term paper.

Your paper should have:

1 – Cover page

2 – Table of contents

3 – Abstract

3 – At least 14 pages of text (APA style assumes double-spaced format)

4 – At least 1 page of summary or conclusion

For other format specifications, please follow the APA style manual. (Please note that points will be deducted for the paper that does not follow the APA format. 

Discussion: Employee Incentives for Higher Productivity


Step 1) Read the statement and report in full below:

“The U.S. construction industry has an enormous opportunity to improve the effectiveness of the incentives offered to employees for increasing return on their investment and driving the desired outcomes and behaviors” (FMI Management Consulting, 2013, p. 30).

Step 2) Select a specific industry to focus on for this discussion. (The report was about the construction industry. However, you should branch out and select a different industry. Everyone should discuss a different industry, if possible.) IBISWorld is available from the Trident Online Library. You may find IBISWorld useful as you prepare for this discussion topic.

Step 3) Answer the following 4 questions below using question-and-answer (Q&A) format; in other words, include the original question along with your response. Support your responses with information from at least two reputable sources (library and/or Web-based) and provide full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Share your own personal experiences, readings, and research, where applicable.

  1. What industry did you select? You can select Any of your choice.
  2. What are some ideas on how to improve the effectiveness of using employee incentives in the workplace?
  3. What are the challenges of offering incentives in your selected industry?
  4. What are your recommendations on how to overcome those challenges?

Recruitment Project


You are a Consultant Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contracted by “State University” to assist them with the recruitment and selection of a Project Associate for the university. A job description for this position is attached to assist you with the development of your action plan and presentation.

For this assignment, create a PowerPoint slide presentation for the HR team of the university that details your recruitment strategy, process, procedures, and the timeline for the completion of this contract.

Your submission must be comprehensive to include the role of the recruiting agency and the role of the university HR team and line management in the recruitment and selection process.

Submission Instructions: Submit your work as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation. The body of your presentation should include at least 10-12 presentation slides, plus a title slide, introduction slide(s) detailing the presentation agenda, and a reference(s) slide for a total of no more than 15 slides.

You must support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, and include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (Note: do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites).

Helpful Tips:

Your grade will be based upon:

  • Use of PowerPoint software as a presentation and marketing tool, to include the use of color, graphics, and research citations.
  • Depth and applicability of the research that you conduct.
  • Effectiveness of the recruiting presentation and proposal as a consulting tool.
  • Critical thought and analysis.
  • APA formatting (APA, 7th Edition).
  • Use of the PowerPoint Notes section*

*Students will be graded on their use of the Notes section of the slides in formulating the narrative portion of the presentation to minimize lengthy wording on the slides. This approach will allow the use of bullet points on the slides but demonstrate the depth and scope of the research conducted in the Notes section.

APA Resources:

I encourage you to go online to Purdue OWL, or Excelsior OWL, which have writing labs for students. Look up PowerPoint presentations in APA format in the search box. These websites will have helpful tips on best practices.

Excelsior OWL:

Purdue OWL:



Step 1: Financing

The junior accounting team has assembled a Financing Report that (a) offers three options for securing the additional funds required to meet the new order; and (b) details the criteria Shaun, the owner of SunsTruck, would like you to consider when choosing one of the options. Based on this report:

  • Identify which financing option you think is the best option for SunsTruck to pursue given Shaun’s constraints. Explain the rationale for your decision.

Note: You should complete Steps 2,3 & 4 after reading the material in Week 5.

Step 2: Accounting Cycle

A junior accountant is working to get everything in order for the new financing and has come to you with a question about what do next in the accounting cycle.

  • Read the email the junior accountant sent you and identify the best next step to take in the accounting cycle. Explain your reasoning.

Step 3: Financial Statements

A potential investor has been identified, but before it is willing to commit, it has requested information about SunsTruck’s current debt from the junior accountants.

  • Identify the correct financial statement for your junior accountants that will provide the investor with the information it has requested. Explain to your junior accountants why you are giving them this financial statement and where the debt information is located.

Step 4: Financial Analysis

If you were the type of financier selected in Step 1, would you invest in SunsTruck? Explain the rationale for your decision.



The HR planning process should be aligned with the strategic process of the organization in general. It will show how HR will contribute to the achievement of goals and objectives the organization has determined as a whole. As part of the planning process, HR should perform a job analysis. To have a better understanding about the job analysis, you should answer all of the following questions for this assignment:

  1. Judge the job analysis process of an organization you are familiar with and indicate whether it is an effective one.
  2. Judge a job description and job specification for any job selected that was performed with that job analysis process. Indicate how you would improve it and explain its importance.


  • Submit a Word document
  • The paper should be 2 pages long
  • Use 1″ margins (all around) and double space
  • Use Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12
  • Use APA format

No Plagiarism of any kind if you accept to work this assignment !!!!!!!!

Research Paper

 Summarize your findings.  Please limit resources to those that are less than ten years old, and follow these guidelines for crafting your paper – Research Papers 

 Topics:  Choose one topic from the list below.  You can choose to explore a narrow issue relative to that topic – for example – if you choose diversity and inclusion, you may be interested in best practices in recruiting women into roles in technology.  Before starting your research, it may help to have a question in mind that you would like to answer – like – “I know companies are moving away from traditional performance reviews. Why is that and what are they replacing them with?”  I’d love to know the question you are trying to answer at the start of your paper.  It would be helpful to choose a topic that would apply to the organization you work ( SECURITY OFFICER)  because assignment 2 will ask you to apply the best practices you learned about to your own organization! 

TOPIC …….. Diversity & Inclusion


Please limit your papers to about five pages, double-spaced, excluding cover and references.  Make sure to include citations throughout the paper and use APA formatting guidelines.  Use a minimum of five high-quality sources. 

An outstanding paper will be:

1. Well written – well-formatted, few to no writing errors, using citations and references, and following APA guidelines.

2. Detailed – you use data from solid sources to answer the question you posed at the beginning and outline current, relevant best practices in your topic area.

3. Thoughtful – you don’t just present information, but you analyze it and advocate for a best practice or set of best practices and provide sound reasoning for your position.

HRM 530

Select a publicly traded company to research and evaluate its Human Resource (HR) and business strategy, HR department job positions, and ways it markets its company regarding human capital. Some company Websites that provide this information are listed below:

Course Reflection

1. For this discussion, please take some time to reflect upon two specific concepts you learned in this course. What are the specific concepts?( Medicare and the patient protection and affordable act) What insight or ideas did you gain from learning each of these concepts? How (specifically) will you use this new information in your current or future career? ( Human Resource Manager)

2. In order to earn maximum credit, the comment should be much more than your opinion, and more than a quick “off the top of your head” response. Be sure to support your statements with peer-reviewed sources; cite sources properly both within the text of the post and also at the end of the post in a formal reference list. The response must be a minimum of 500-750 words, clearly presenting two concepts (1. and 2., A. and B., etc.). 

Human Resource


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • Both employers and workers frequently misunderstand the difference between an employee and a contract worker. Discuss the differences between an employee and an independent contractor. Consider the legal and ethical considerations in misclassifying the worker. Do recent differing court decisions about Uber and Lyft drivers impact the classifications as to who is and who is not an employee.

9 dis

Week 9 Discussion  Attachment   Collapse        Overall Rating:  

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Your Rating:  


The mix of debt and equity financing used by an organization is called its capital structure. Many managers struggle with finding a balance between these two options. It is a critical decision as it impacts the organization’s assets, liabilities, and bottom line.

You are the business office manager for Hope and Healing General Hospital. The radiology department is considering purchasing a new, high-tech diagnostic machine. It has a high resolution and has resulted in more accurate diagnoses. The machine costs $200,000 dollars. The three options for financing are obtaining a bank loan with interest (debt) for the entire purchase price, buying it outright with no debt, or using venture capitalists (equity). You have been asked to prepare a memorandum for the hospital’s executive director with your recommendation.

In your memorandum, start out by reminding the executive director what debt and equity financing are. You will then comment on the pros and cons of each method. Also note which option you feel is the safest and which is the least safe option. Be sure to state why.


  1. Your initial post must include your memorandum.
  2. Reply to your classmates, comparing and contrasting the different approaches to the memorandum.