Create an initial discussion post. 275 words, APA format with references
Identifying Your Group for Assignment
Identify a disenfranchised racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group whose population experiences microaggressions in U.S. society. (For example, Asian, African American, Hispanic, Muslim, disabled, LGBT, or women.) Using the Sue (2010) text as a reference, define microaggressions and provide examples of the type of microaggressions your selected population may encounter.
Research Paper Outline Draft
Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.
This discussion will allow you to create your outline or map for your first draft.
- Create a traditional outline that follows this format (Links to an external site.).
- Make sure you fill in the information specific to your topic and your essay.
- It is recommended that you complete this in a Word document (or other word processing software).
- Copy and Paste into the Canvas Editor and attach your outline document.
- Write a paragraph describing the challenges experienced while creating the outline for the paper.
- What challenges did you experience gathering research?
- Is there a resource that has been helpful in the process of researching, organizing and writing the research paper? (This can include software suggestions.)
In an essay, answer the following questions about the concepts tied to this unit. Your response needs to be at least one page in length.
- To what extent is employment-at-will an issue in discipline cases in nonunion companies?
- To what extent is it an issue in unionized companies?
- Based on your research, what advice do you have for managers?
- What advice do you have for lawmakers (i.e., to what extent should employment-at-will be relevant for employee discipline)?
Project Management Overview: Unit III Assessment,Unit IV Research Paper, Unit V Homework, Unit VI Research Paper
Each assignment should be done on its own word document. Please read all instructions and follow all guidelines. Information for Ebook is posted also link to CSU Library is posted. If you have any questions please let me know.
- List at least four potential problems in creating accurate duration estimates for activities. Describe at least two methods for dealing with each potential problem.
Use at least 75 words to answer this essay. - Describe the five factors that may limit how fast a project can be completed. Give an example of each.
Use at least 75 words to answer this essay. - Identify what three time management processes need to be accomplished even if you use scheduling software and explain why.Use at least 75 words to answer this essay.
- Identify advantages and disadvantages of Monte Carlo simulation. Also, define Monte Carlo simulation. Use at least 75 words to answer this essay.
Write a three-page research paper covering the following topics:
- Define project cost terms and tell how each is used in estimating project cost.
- Compare and contrast analogous, parametric, and bottom-up methods of estimating costs.
- Describe issues in project cost estimating and how to deal with each.
- Describe the earned value management terms.
E-BOOK Contemporary Project Management, 3rd Edition
Find at least two sources from the CSU Online Library ( CSU Online Library Research Guide ), and you may also use your textbook to complete this research paper. Be sure to use APA format and cite resources used. Include a title page and a reference page (not included in the number count of pages).
Unit V Homework
Example Project
Follow the instructions on page 286 of your textbook, and complete the example project which is at the bottom of the page. Create your own example for a project. Follow the instructions, and submit a no less than four-page Word document answering the questions for the project.
Be sure to use APA format and cite your work. When you get to the facilitating a discussion with the sponsor, use your imagination to create a discussion with a fictitious sponsor.
Unit VI Research Paper
E-BOOK Contemporary Project Management, 3rd Edition
Find at least two sources from the CSU Online Library ( CSU Online Library Research Guide ), and you may also use your textbook to complete this research paper. Be sure to use APA format and cite resources used. Include a title page and a reference page (not included in the number count of pages).
Conduct research using the CSU Online Library, and find at least two articles on handling project conflict management. In your paper, identify the different styles you found in your research, and compare and contrast each style. Identify either low, medium, or high for concern for self and concern for others in your paper. Also, include a synopsis of each article to include when appropriate for projects. See exhibit 13.11, located on page 371 of your textbook, for an example.
Be sure to use APA format and cite your work. Your paper should be at least three pages in length and will include a title and reference page which are not included in the page count.
Develop a 6-page business report on a recruiting plan strategy for HR management and organizational leaders for the expansion of either Fleet, Farm and Home (FFH) or an organization of your choice.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 1: Apply legal standards in human resource management decision making and practice.
- Assess laws that impact FFH’s (or a selected organization’s) recruitment strategy.
- Competency 2: Use data to support human resource management decision making.
- Compare the labor markets for each selected location.
- Competency 3: Develop human resource management strategy recommendations to support organizational goals in a dynamic environment.
- Recommend a location to support FFH’s (or a selected organization’s) expansion plans.
- Competency 4: Develop strategies to address HR needs and opportunities for a multicultural and inclusive workforce.
- Analyze resources for recruiting minorities.
- Competency 5: Communicate human resource management needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
- Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for human resource professionals and master’s-level programs.
If you are choosing to base this assessment on Fleet, Farm and Home, view the FFH – Setting the Stage | Transcript multimedia to help select a new FFH location and to recommend a recruiting plan strategy to support this organization’s expansion. Consider the following:
- A typical FFH store will need to hire roughly 100 part-time and full-time employees to properly staff it.
- A preferred candidate would have 1–2 years of college and 1 year of retail or customer service experience.
- A primary concern about each of the following locations under consideration is the availability of qualified applicants:
- Ottumwa, Iowa.
- Ottawa, Illinois.
- Grand Island, Nebraska.
If you choose to use your own workplace (or an organization you are familiar with), use similar education and work experience requirements for potential candidates as well as three U.S. markets that fit with your selected organization.
Use federal, state, county, and city government websites, including Chamber of Commerce or local visitor bureau sites, or any appropriate resources, to develop the data and information needed to guide the decision-making process for FFH or for your own workplace or selected organization.
Develop a business report on a recruiting plan strategy for FFH or your selected organization. You may decide what elements to incorporate into your business report, but be sure to include the following on which HR management and organizational leaders can base their decision:
- Compare the labor markets for each selected location. Include the following in your analysis:
- Populations.
- Unemployment rates.
- Median incomes.
- Educational levels of the work force.
- Other relevant data. This could include ages and workforce diversity, for example.
- Assess laws that impact FFH’s (or a selected organization’s) recruiting strategy.
- Analyze resources for recruiting minorities. Research at least two credible sources for recruitment.
- Recommend a location to support FFH’s (or a selected organization’s) expansion plans. Explain how each source used supports your recruiting recommendations. You should have at least five identified sources for your plan.
Your recruiting plan strategy should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through the accurate communication of thoughts that support a central idea and use of correct grammar and mechanics as expected of a human resources professional.
Additional Requirements
- References: Support your analysis with at least five academic, scholarly, or professional resources
- Format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format.
- Length: Six pages, in addition to a title page and references page.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Read the following hypothetical. Using your issue-spotting skills, analyze the potential exposure to liability of the Accounting Firm based on the actions of the Partnership Review Committee.
Anne is an accountant at a large Accounting Firm. She applied for Partner, but was denied. In their report, the all-male Partnership Review Committee stated that Anne would have a better chance at making Partner if she wore makeup, jewelry, and acted more femininely. Over the past 10 years with the Firm, Anne has received excellent performance evaluations and recently secured a $10M client for the Firm.
Instructions: Please write in essay format. Include the guidance below in your analysis:
a) Set forth the federal statute and/or theories of law that are applicable.
b) Identify the legal issue(s) that exist and claims that may be brought based on the facts of the case.
c) Apply the facts of the case to the elements of the law/theories of law.
d) Cite a case in the text which is on point with the scenario, or compare and contrast with a case in the text.
e) Provide an action item agenda of specific objectives you would recommend implementing in order to prevent future exposure to liability. Be specific (e.g., if training is a recommendation, describe the type of training in detail).
Take a moment to reflect on your knowledge of human resource management prior to taking this course and on what you have learned during the 10 weeks of the course. Choose one of the concepts below and explain how you plan to apply it to your current or future position:
- The human resource management process.
- The legal HR environment.
- How HR fits into the overall business level strategy of the organization
Weekly Post #1
s the world continues to become more global because of technological advances, the risks will increase. Choose one of the global risk areas: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, or technological. Then choose a specific issue related to the global risk area.
Describe the ethical issue.
Evaluate how the risk could best be mitigated.
Your response must be a minimum of 300 words.
Use at least one scholarly or credible source.