please see attached and read instructions.
healthcare human resource management
Employee Rewards and Recognition
As an HR manager in a large healthcare organization, you have developed a new reward and recognition program designed to help increase employee motivation and job satisfaction in a specific hospital department of your choice. You may choose a clinical or nonclinical department.
Based on the course readings and a minimum of four appropriate sources of research, create a 4–6 page executive summary suitable for presentation to senior leadership on employee motivation that includes the following:
- Determine which department is best suited for the reward and recognition program.
- Identify a specific goal the employees must work on to be eligible for recognition or to receive the award.
- Examples include reducing errors, increasing customer/patient satisfaction, or reducing costs.
- Research a specific motivation theory and determine why this method would be the most practical and effective for this program.
- Examples are the expectancy theory, equity theory, goal-setting theory, Management by Objectives (MBO), or the four-prong model of intrinsic motivation.
- Explain why the selected theory would be the most practical and effective for the rewards and recognition program.
- Recommend 2–3 types of rewards and/or recognition that would the most effective in motivating the employees to achieve the goals.
- Create a communication tool for eligible employees announcing the program, rules, and awards.
- Examples: Email, newsletter, internal Facebook post.
- Go to the Strayer Online Library and locate at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not quality as academic resources.
This assignment picks up where the last one left off. Going back to your research paper, tell us about where you work and how you would propose applying what you learned about your chosen topic to your organization. How, exactly, would you apply the best practices you identified and how would doing so benefit your organization? Prepare this paper as a proposal (see guidelines for proposal writing attached). Include five or more solid references in your paper. Use APA style guidelines; double-space the paper; and aim for the paper to be approximately five pages long, excluding cover page and references.
From your previous the research paper.
Choose one of the topics below that interests you and, using the UMGC library, research best practices in this area. Summarize your findings. Please limit resources to those that are less than ten years old, and follow these guidelines for crafting your paper – Research Papers
Topics: Choose one topic from the list below. You can choose to explore a narrow issue relative to that topic – for example – if you choose diversity and inclusion, you may be interested in best practices in recruiting women into roles in technology. Before starting your research, it may help to have a question in mind that you would like to answer – like – “I know companies are moving away from traditional performance reviews. Why is that and what are they replacing them with?” I’d love to know the question you are trying to answer at the start of your paper. It would be helpful to choose a topic that would apply to the organization you work for (or one that you most recently worked for) because assignment 2 will ask you to apply the best practices you learned about to your own organization!
- Diversity & Inclusion
Levels of Culture
Activity # 1
Based on the reading for this week, identify an artifact and a value in your organization.
Describe each one in detail.
Activity #2
Based on the interview with Schein, respond to these questions:
a. How does Schein define culture in this interview?
b. When does culture matter, according to Schein?
c. Why does Schein say that “best practices” do not work?
- watch the video interview with Edgard Schein
Culture Fundamentals from Edgar Schein
NOTE……Pls stick with the references and answer separately ( Activity 1 and 2)
Select 4 of the journal questions located on the LHRD 4804 Professional Development Internship Instructions and answer them.
Make sure your submitted word document has a heading at the top including your name, course number, and date. Your journal entry should be no less than one page (as measured by Microsoft Word, Times New Roman 12 point font.)
Module 5- Article Analysis
Topics to choose from:
1. Relationship development
2. Consultation
3. Organizational performance
Select an article within one of the three categories above – all of which are covered within this module. Your selected article must be sourced from a news or professional resource (not a personal blog). The following are three sample sources but you are not limited to using only these resources:
1. OD Practitioner
2. Harvard Business Review
3. Journal of Organizational Behavior
Conduct an article analysis, integrating the concepts from the articles, textbook readings, other research, and/or module presentation.
Describe the article and the reason it is pertinent to the course. What are the main points the author(s) make in the article? What are the key inferences and conclusions the author(s) make? What evidence or information is given to support the points, inferences, or arguments? What data, if any, was presented? Is the evidence consistent with the argument? Is the argument convincing? If yes, explain why. If not, explain why not.
* Your assignment should be approximately 500 words in length (typically, two double-spaced pages), not counting cover page, reference list page, appendices, figures, or tables.
* Your assignment should include a title page and a reference list page (if using references), and be completed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with appropriate header, page numbers, one-inch margins, and meet all other requirements of APA Stylebook.
* A minimum of two references must be used. Please format them in the most current APA format.
* An abstract is not required.
respond to this discussion
A project mission is the main purpose of the project. What have you set out to accomplish every day?
A vision statement is something you hope to achieve. What can you hope to accomplish one day?
Goals are non-specific ideas about what you want your company to succeed at. (Like bringing fun and happiness to your town)
Objectives are concrete milestones that help you meet those goals. (Live music, Good food, and exciting events could help you bring fun)
Explain how balancing the interests of global and local, occupational and functional perspectives may play out in a compensation decision scenario?
Explain how balancing the interests of global and local, occupational and functional perspectives may play out in a compensation decision scenario?
Human resourse management
For this project, imagine you have been asked to develop a training program for several project groups within your organization. The project groups have been experiencing difficulties in meeting objectives. Specifically, the problems observed include accurate decision-making and cohesiveness, power struggles, and even some potential bias against members.
You must develop a training program you will facilitate with each of the groups. Your program must
- Draw attention and help create awareness for these issues observed
- Suggest solutions and facilitate the groups to help resolve these issues
You must use the material you have learned in Weeks 4-7. You will be submitting a Powerpoint file. While there is no maximum number of slides, it should be comprehensive enough to cover the material, while also not being extremely boring (imagine a 90 minute workshop). It should also be dynamic, looking to engage employees in the discussion. Create all workshop materials as well. If you decide to ask for pre-workshop work to be completed, develop the Powerpoint as if they have already completed the work, but put in notes that the slide is referencing work already completed.
Submit both the Powerpoint and the additional materials as Word documents below
Select a product that you like or use. Using this product as a basis, design and write out the steps you would use to create a sales presentation on this product that includes the following components.
1-Write a minimum of two pages based upon steps presented on pages 188–209 in your textbook with specifics related to the product you have selected. Include the elements below in your description.
a-Describe the four common delivery methods of communicating ideas.
b-Recommend tips for speakers addressing the media.
c-Recommend visual and auditory aids.
d-Describe the strategies used to enhance the effectiveness of the message.
2-Write a one-page (minimum) business letter (sample on page 219 in your textbook) to your supervisor explaining your campaign.
3-Write a half-page memo (sample page 221 in your textbook) to your coworkers outlining the campaign.
4-Add a one-page summary of what you learned from this writing activity and how it will help you in your future career activities. Include in this section the challenges you faced.
Include all of the aforementioned writing pieces in one document, and write a concluding paragraph summing up what you have learned from this writing process. Include any challenges you faced. You may only use your textbook as a resource for this final project. This paper should be a minimum of four pages (not counting the title and reference pages). Use APA style.
Beebe, S. A., & Mottet, T. P. (2016). Business and professional communication: Principles and skills for leadership (3rd ed.). Pearson.