crisis management application

Application: National, State, and Community Asset Mapping

It is essential to be aware of and develop relationships with crisis responding organizations and service agencies in your local area or community. National organizations partner with their local and state affiliates to provide direction and communication from outside the disaster area. When there is no national affiliate for a local organization, the national and state governments take on a greater role. Depending on the scope of a disaster, crisis response is not always a local endeavor. When a crisis affects communication, outside agencies become a vital link.

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review Chapters 4 and 5 in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, paying particular attention to how crisis planning relates to the management process and how crisis management teams can be used to identify assets of and threats facing an organization.
  • Review the Appendix in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, focusing on the sample items that make up a crisis plan.
  • Review the article, “Mapping the Assets of Your Community: A Key Component for Building Local Capacity” and the PowerPoint presentation, “Uncovering Local Assets: The Foundation for Building Stronger Communities.” Examine each type of potential community asset described and ways to uncover and map these assets.
  • Review the article, “Five Years after Katrina: Progress Report on Recovery, Rebuilding and Renewal,” to examine a crisis response for a state and region.
  • Review the article, “Integrating Emergency and Disaster Planning.” Think about how the disaster preparation proposed could be applied or adapted to your state.
  • Then develop an asset map for your state and think about how and when you would use those responders, agencies, etc.
  • Think about how the organization you currently work for or one with which you are familiar would collaborate with crisis-responding organizations in your state.

The assignment: (36 pages)

  • Develop a state asset map for your location (or country if you live outside the U.S.).
  • Analyze the importance of collaboration in crisis management and response, specific to the organizations in your asset map.
  • Explain how the organization you currently work for (or one with which you are familiar) would collaborate with each of the organizations from this week’s Discussion.
  • Provide specific examples to illustrate your points.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, APA style, all references used within your assignment.

Module 05: One-Pager Assignment

Synthesis One-Pager: Given the topics, discussions, conferences, etc. throughout the course; identify what issues are important in human resources. This is different from a one-page written paper. It requires creative thinking and synthesis.  

Directions: Create a One-Pager to synthesize our learning on issues in human resources. Your one-pager must have the following components

  1. Give your one-pager a title – Put the title at the top of your one-pager. Be sure that it stands out reflects the essence of your page
  2. Present at least 2 visual images.
  3. Include 2 quotes from class readings or resources.
  4. Write 2 quotes from 2 other separate sources that connect with the concepts of your one-pager (these quotes can be from any 2 sources such as other readings or material from other classes, news, movies, the web, data bases, your own experiences, or real life. Include the sources of the quotes.
  5. Include 2 original statements from you (discussion posts, conferences, etc.) in green font.
  6. Include 2 questions from you in red font (your questions can be rhetorical, factual, convergent, divergent, or evaluative).
  7. Include 2 or more paraphrased quotes related to issues in human resources management spoken by members of our class during discussions or conferences (include source).
  8. We can attach our one-pager when we reply to the discussion thread.

For full credit, you are required to review and respond  to a minimum of two classmates.  Your one-pager needs to be posted by Wednesday at midnight.  Your responses can be in written format. Please begin your reply by addressing the student by name. Your responses must be completed by Friday at midnight.   


  • One-Pager: 30 Points
  • Response to classmates: 10 Points

– We can utilize Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, or feel free to be creative with other digital software that can be uploaded.

Labor Relations


You are the Employee Relations Specialist for a national retail company with locations across the United States. The nearly 500 company employees are diverse in terms of age and demographic differences. Your primary work location is Southeast Pennsylvania. Recently, the employees in the mid-Atlantic region, managed by Kristopher Kolumbus, have expressed dissatisfaction with the work environment. There are approximately 125 employees in the mid-Atlantic region. Their specific concerns include receiving small pay raises for the past 2 – 3 years, limited employee benefits, lack of career mobility and progression, and heightened security controls implemented due to theft concerns. There has been recent talk among the employees about the possibility of unionization, and some workers have begun exploring options such as United Food & Commercial Workers International Union and the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union. Before either of these unions will send an organizer to the organization, it wants to be sure that sufficient employees will back union representation. Some employees have started company-wide communication to increase interest in unionization.

As the Employee Relations Specialist, it is your responsibility to ensure that supervisors and managers follow the rules regarding a union organizing campaign. In response to this potential campaign, you decide to take some initial actions and prepare several documents to share with your boss, the Director of Human Resources:

  • A summary email to the Director of Human Resources describing the issues and what actions you are taking (which include the below items)
  • A one-page memo to all managers and supervisors indicating what they can and cannot do during any union organizing effort.
  • An email to your human resource colleagues about actions the HR team should consider in response to some of the concerns raised by the Mid-Atlantic Region employees
  • An outline for a meeting to be held between Human Resources and the organization’s leadership team regarding the organizing effort

Requirements include:

  • Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment
  • Each of the 4 items indicated above (summary email, one-page memo, email to your human resource colleagues, and outline for a meeting)
  • Headings to separate the sections of the paper
  • A minimum of three sources (two must be from the course materials) for each response
  • In-text citations in APA style
  • Reference page using APA style

week 10

Question 1

HR and Global Ethics

Examine two (2) of the major HR ethical issues multinational corporations face when operating globally. Recommend two (2) preventative actions that HR departments can take in order to lessen the occurrence of these ethical issues. Be sure to provide a rationale for your response.

Question 2

  • Sum it Up and Next Steps

Assume you are a HR Business Partner and leader in a full-size HR department for your organization. Based on what you’ve learned and now know about the role of ethics in organizations, what 3 concepts, tools, methods, or practices would you recommend as important best practice approaches that would help organizations focus on creating ethical cultures or work environments? Be sure to explain why you selected your choices.

csu discussion

Scope Management and Health Checks

Your brother in-law is about to submit a scope statement to the town council for the July 4th parade and picnic he has volunteered to project manage. Your town has about 6,000 households, and this is the first time the town council gave a tentative approval for the parade and picnic. The council president thinks that about $1,500 can be allocated for the event. Since your brother in-law knows you are taking a project management class, he has asked that you to look over his draft scope statement. He knows that the scope statement should be professional so that the town council will see him as responsible and allocate the money for the parade and picnic. Here is his scope statement.

4th of July Parade and Picnic in Anytown, USA

Project Objective – to organize and hold both a parade and picnic from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on July 4th

  • Deliverables
  • Parade security
  • Picnic security
  • Hour parade
  • Hour picnic
  • Local business sponsors
  • Food Trucks
  • Latrine Arrangement
  • Advertisement
  • Volunteer Coordination


  1. Get permits for closing the parade route to traffic
  2. Finalize venue location (local school or park)
  3. Police
  4. Fire Department
  5. Sponsorships
  6. Latrines
  7. Food trucks
  8. Set-up
  9. Clean-up

Technical Requirements

  1. Parking for parade
  2. Parking for picnic
  3. Audio system for music
  4. Traffic control


  1. Maximum 20 automobiles/floats
  2. Insurance
  3. Food trucks donate 10% to town council
  4. Fire marshall
  5. Strict adherence to time limit of 10 a.m-2 p.m.

Provide input to your brother-in-law on:

  • the scope statement,
  • scope creep prevention,
  • stakeholder management,
  • metrics for success,
  • ways to recover the project should it become distressed,
  • how and when he should perform health checks, and,
  • any other items he should consider from a project management perspective.

HR Management Assignment

 The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of employee training through the analysis of a scenario related to the creation of a training course.

Focus of the Final Paper

In the course, you have examined several areas of employee training. For this paper, you will be applying this knowledge by examining the creation of a cultural diversity training course.

Imagine that you are in training and development for a global organization. You have been tasked with the creation of a cultural diversity training course that all employees will be required to take. Before designing the course, you must consider the ethical and cultural issues of the task.

In an eight- to ten-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), you must address the following:

  1. Examine any legal implications in creating a training course that discusses culture. Identify what laws and regulations should be considered.
  2. Explain how the demographic diversity of your employees affects discussions of cultural diversity.
  3. Examine which ethical implications should be considered.
  4. Examine if training can be standardized for all locations in a global organization. Analyze what media is best suited for training in a global setting.
  5. Provide recommendations for implementing the training course.



Discussion 12: Organizational Culture

Soloaga (2019) mentioned Schein (1990), defined organizational culture as a set of behavioral habits generated by the people who make up a company. Therefore, the employees, leaders, supervisors, stakeholders, and CEOs make up the organization.  Organizational culture is collective (Andrianu, 2020). It is important to assess how one feels, how one thinks, and how one behaves. Behaviors are actions in which one displays. Attitudes and values are also important to consider within the organizational culture. As we know, values and beliefs are what makes up an individual. It is vital for the attitudes, values, and beliefs to align with organizational beliefs, mission, and vision. If the values, attitude, and beliefs do not align with the organization’s beliefs, mission, and vision, then it is quite obvious that the organization may not be a good fit for the individual. It is important to conduct research and be aware of the organizational culture before applying to work for an organization. Working for an organization in which you do not believe in will not benefit the organization nor the self.

It is important to understand organizational culture as it can teach you what the organization stands for and represents. I have a private practice counseling agency named Gracefully Purposed Counseling & Consulting, LLC. When I shared this name with one of my supervisors, she was hesitant to like the name because she felt that others would associate it with Christianity. I can understand how she came to that conclusion, however, that is not all the organization represents. The organization represents wholeness, healing, transformation, etc. My attitude, values, and beliefs assisted in shaping my organizational culture. It is who I am, and I am who my business represents.

It is imperative to note that without proper research of an organization and what they stand for can hinder job performance if hired. Therefore, as we can see, it is essential to learn about the organization in which one prospectively wants to work for or already work for. Another thing to take into consideration is the fact that individuals do change overtimes, as well as organizations. So sometimes it is beneficial to review and assesses one’s values, beliefs, and attitude to ensure they still align with the organizations.

ANDRIANU, A.-B. (2020). Resilient organizational culture: Cluj-Napoca case study. Eastern Journal of European Studies11(1), 335–357.

Díaz-Soloaga, P. (2019). The role of communication in organizational culture. Is there a pattern in Spanish fashion companies? El Profesional de La Información28(5), 1–10.


Discussion Post 12

Topic: Why is it important to understand the organizational culture?

            Organizational culture is significant in that it influences the longevity and success of the business. Organizational culture is defined as shared values, beliefs, or perceptions held by employees within the organizational unit (Taylor et al., 2018). As a leader, it is vital to define the culture of the organization. In doing so, it creates good working relationships and promotes ethical communication amongst employees (Kumar, 2016). Collaboration is a vital component that assists in the, overall, betterment of the organization. This element motivates employees succeeding together. “Organizational Culture factor are important to establish a strong working environment, a better human relation which motivates employees to perform duties and put their maximum output towards achievement of organizational goal along with their personal objective”, (Kumar, 2016). Taylor et al. (2016) explained that organizational culture can enhance or hinder employee productivity. Obtaining a healthy work culture urges employees to cohesively achieve organizational goals (Kumar, 2016).

            One of the biggest dilemmas in leadership today is the ability for the designated individual to actually lead the team. An effective leader should utilize team building, team development, and team management approaches to assist in increasing cohesion in the workplace (Center for Creative Leadership, 2019). Most leaders appear to be more concerned with designating tasks, instead of building a unified work environment. In actuality, one of the benefits of team work is the increase of productiveness amongst the staff. “When work is divvied up among members of a team, it gets done faster, making the overall business operate more efficiently. Your team will develop a sense of comradery as you work toward a common goal” (Center for Creative Leadership, 2019). Employing a collaborative work environment can definitely aid in the increase of productivity, among the employees, within the organization. Employees will strive to achieve goals more, if they feel a sense of belonging within the company. This is why it is imperative or leaders to understand and establish organizational culture.

Center for Creative Leadership (2019). “The Top 6 Leadership Challenges Around the World”. Retrieved from, (Links to an external site.)

Kumar, A. (2016). Redefined and Importance of Organizational Culture. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and Management, 16(4), 1-5.

Taylor, W. C., Suminski, R. R., Das, B. M., Paxton, R. J., & Craig, D. W. (2018). Organizational Culture and Implications for Workplace Interventions to Reduce Sitting Time Among Office-Based Workers: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in public health, 6, 263.