BUS 681 Week 4 discussion 1 & 2




The project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics of this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.


Building a high-performing team is a process. The leaders who cultivate and build such teams understand the importance of common goals and success in achieving those goals. As a leader, you will ultimately strive to build your own high-performing team.


Read the following article for assistance:

You will make a plan to develop your high-performing team. In developing your team, be sure to include the following:

  • Describe how you will communicate common goals.
  • Describe how you will address conflict in a way that is positive within the team.
  • Assist each member embrace his or her role within the team.
  • Explain the things you will do to energize your team.

Be sure to provide specific examples and rationale behind your steps.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.



1) After reading about mission and vision, write your own mission AND vision statements. DO NOT COPY a mission statement from your work. This should be YOUR personal or professional Mission Statement. Look at examples of other mission and vision statements before you write yours!

2) Look at other examples of mission and vision statements from companies and individuals so you can get an idea of format and terms. You should clearly state your mission and clearly state your vision. VSU has a vision and mission statement. Provide some insight as to why you chose your mission and vision and their meaning to you.

3) This should come from integrating these concepts into your own academic plans or workplace professional perspective. Feel free to be creative with this assignment.

4) This should be a one full page to two-page maximum double spaced paper. Points will be deducted for bad grammar or spelling errors AND failing to complete at least a one full page paper. 

Power Point

This course concludes with a look at advertising and the culture of consumerism. You will have the opportunity to choose a product or service and highlight how you have seen it being advertising.

You will also have an opportunity in this assignment to explain your thoughts regarding how media affects culture and how you can continue developing your media literacy.

Choose a product or service from these examples:

  • Fast food
  • Class of consumer product
  • Personal care
  • Automobile

Research the Internet to analyze how that product or service has been advertised.

Prepare a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you investigate the role of advertising in a culture of consumerism. Be sure to discuss the following:

  • Who determines ethical standards for advertising?
  • In what ways has advertising affected American culture?
  • What are the key persuasive techniques used in consumer advertising? Illustrate with specific examples, explaining how each technique works.
  • Discuss some of the critical issues that may arise from the following areas:
  • Children and advertising
  • Advertising in schools
  • Health and advertising
  • Political advertising
  • Find one example of a commercial that strikes you as particularly creative and appealing:
  • What are the elements that are unusual?
  • What is the target group of the commercial?
  • How does the commercial appeal to consumers?
  • Why do you believe this commercial to be effective in brand name recognition?
  • How are ethical standards met (or pushed to their limits)?

Include detailed speaker notes and images that support your content. Each slide should have 3 to 4 bullets of text which are a high-level overview of what’s included in your speaker notes. You may write the speaker notes in the notes section of your selected presentation tool or in a separate Word document.  

List any references on the last slide.

human resource

Discussion Overview

Refer to the Discussion Board rubric in Course Resources for detailed requirements. Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the Discussion by making frequent informed references to course materials. Your initial response should be at least 250 words of content; subsequent responses to your classmates or instructor should be at least 75 words. Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and advance the Discussion. Be sure to cite any sources you use in APA formatting. 

Topic 1: Organizational Strategy

In completing your health management education, you will acquire numerous competencies enabling you to work in the healthcare sector. Identify two competencies that you plan to master. Provide detail regarding the level at which you expect to have mastered these competencies, and the behaviors associated with each competency.  Use the materials presented in Chapter 2 and the National Center for Healthcare Leadership NCHL Competency website as resources:

National Center for Healthcare Leadership. Retrieved from http://www.nchl.org/static.asp?path=2852,3238

Need done by 12pm monday

Submit the title page and the references page for your annotated bibliography here.  Ensure that you checked for proper formatting and spelling before you submit. 

  • Reminder:  your title must include the words “Annotated Bibliography,”  but that term by itself not sufficient as a title.  
  • Reminder:  you must choose 5 articles from the assigned list.  Do not include more than 5 articles from my list. 
  • Reminder:  All entries on my list must be changed to APA style (fix all the errors.)
  • Reminder:  You must include at least 2 quantitative studies from the list, and the qualitative studies should represent three different methodologies.  You are scored for your ability to tell the difference among the methods.  

Strayer University HRM530, Assignment 4

Good evening,

I have attached a copy of the instructions and rubric, along with an example for this particular assignment. Be mindful that we cannot just use the survey that has to be generated as an excuse to complete up to six pages. Must have at least six pages on content and then on pages seven to eight we could generate the survey as the example that is attached. Also and very important, we have to make sure that any graph that you may use for the survey is NOT COPIED and PASTE. It has to be original according to the professor. Thank you for your attention to detail.



Discuss some employer tactics used to prevent or minimize union membership growth prior to the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. Which, if any, of these tactics would be lawful today? Why, or why not? Examine the challenges for unions and employers in the modern workplace.

This assignment needs to be two pages in length.