week 4 discussion csu

apa format

1-2 paragraphs

1-2 paragraphs

Recognized as one of the PMO’s most-important functions, PMO project planning comprises a wide range of activities, including risk management. Address the following discussion topic key elements:

  • Describe the integration of risk management planning in PMO project planning.
  • Identify a specific risk assessment tool that may be integrated into PMO project planning.
  • Illustrate a scenario example using the designated risk assessment tool.

Discussion: Consent for “Non-Competent” Parties


The Law of Healthcare Administration

Book Jacket


Showalter, J. Stuart

Publication Information:

Ed.: Eighth edition. Chicago, Illinois : Health Administration Press. 2017

Resource Type:



The Law of Healthcare Administration offers a thorough examination of health law in the United States from a management perspective. Using plain language accessible to nonlawyers, the book moves from broadbrush treatments of the US legal system and the history of medicine to specific issues that affect healthcare leaders daily, including contracts, torts, taxation, antitrust laws, regulatory compliance, and, most pressing, health insurance reform and the important changes that have taken place since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law in 2010. The legal concepts discussed in the book are amply supported by reallife examples, detailed explanations, and excerpts from decisions of federal and state courts.


Medical laws and legislation–United States
Medical care–Law and legislation–United States
Hospitals–Law and legislation–United States

we reviewed informed consent in the case of competent adults. There are many “gray” areas of consent in cases of children or incompetent adults; however, the law has sought to provide clear guidance for health care providers and legal guardians.

  • Review pages 393-411 in the Showalter textbook and      choose at least one of the subtopics in this section regarding consent.      Provide an explanation of the “gray area” of your choosing, including any      relevant legal cases discussed, and how this is handled under the law.

Showalter, J. S. (2017) Consent. In The Law of Healthcare Administration (pp. 393-411). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.


rrent User Level:Unlimited User Hide Table of ContentsTable of Contents Brief Contents

·  Detailed Contents

·  Preface

·  Chapter 1 The Anglo-American Legal System

·  Chapter 2 A Brief History of Medicine

·  Chapter 3 Health Reform, Access to Care, and Admission and Discharge

·  Chapter 4 Contracts and Intentional Torts

·  Chapter 5 Negligence

·  Chapter 6 The Organization and Management of a Corporate Healthcare Institution

·  Chapter 7 Liability of the Healthcare Institution

·  Chapter 8 Medical Staff Privileges and Peer Review

·  Chapter 9 Health Information Management

·  Chapter 10 Emergency Care

·  Chapter 11 Consent for Treatment and Withholding Consent

·  Chapter 12 Taxation of Healthcare Institutions

·  Chapter 13 Competition and Antitrust Law

·  Chapter 14 Issues of Reproduction and Birth

·  Chapter 15 Fraud Laws and Corporate Compliance

·  Glossary

·  Case Index

·  Index

·  About the Author



The last assignment gives you a chance to reflect on the material that we’ve covered in this semester regarding public finance. You may choose to review some of the lectures or reading assignments if you have forgotten what we have discussed 🙂 . Once you have had a chance to reflect, address the following, and feel free to elaborate to whatever extent you would like:

1. What did you learn about public finance and budgeting that you did not know, or did not understand?

2. How do you feel about your local community’s public financing models and budgeting abilities after digesting this material? Do you feel your community compares well with others? Is it stable? Unstable?

3. How transparent is your community regarding revenue models and expenditure choices within the context of good budgeting practices?

4. How has taking this course changed or affected your opinion about local government financing in general?

Don’t forget to adhere to all writing guidelines (refer back to the syllabus if you need more information) and to turn in your assignment on time!

Assignment 01: Research Topic Options

HA3300D – Healthcare Policy and Ethics

Assignment 01: Research Topic Options

During this course, you will be working on a research paper to be submitted at the end of Week 11. Your paper will focus on a healthcare management topic that is a source of ethics debates. It should:

1) address the ethical theories or principles that most influence current conversations about this topic.

2) discuss how these ethical theories or principles translate into healthcare policy decisions.

These ethical principles must come from the course readings this is evidence that you understand and have considered materials presented in this course.

Your paper must be 5 APA-style pages (Times New Roman, 12-point font, and with 1″ margins). In addition to these 5 pages, it must also include a “References” page formatted in APA style that includes at least 6 credible sources. You can use the Web, books, journal articles, newspapers, or magazines. Keep in mind that you want good sources for your research ones that are current and credible. During this week, you should begin thinking about a research topic to submit to your professor for approval. You can choose any topic related to healthcare ethics.

Choosing a Topic

You can choose a topic inspired by discussions, short papers, and non-graded activities. Here are a few examples of possible topics:

Should healthcare be universally available in the US? For example, should everyone receive the same quality of health care regardless of their ability to pay?

How should we make decisions about which patients receive high-cost, scarce medical resources such as organ transplant?

cultural diversity and differences in the medical environment

profitability vs. patient care

You may choose to do a paper on another topic, too, as long as it involves policy and ethics in the medical environment.

In choosing your topic, you should consider not only how interesting it is to you, but also how easy it will be to find information about it. You will need to find credible references and refer to them in your paper.

 What to Submit for this Assignment

 For this assignment, submit a list of 3 topics you are considering for your paper. For each topic:

 1) state what is interesting to you about this topic, and

 2) speculate about which ethical theories or questions are raised by this topic.

Book Review

Book Review Instructions
Read the following: Grudem, W. (2003). Business for the glory of God: The Bible’s teaching on the moral goodness of business. Wheaton: IL: Crossway. ISBN: 9781581345179.
Begin reading during the first module/week of the course. In Module/Week 5, you will submit a book review of 1,000 words in current APA format. Choose 1 chapter and write an in-depth review of the chapter you choose. Discuss 1 or 2 main points with which you agree and 1 or 2 with which you do not agree, supporting your thoughts with well-reasoned arguments. Your analysis must also be supported by at least 3 sources other than the Grudem book, and by biblical principles. Each additional source must be cited in-text and in a reference list in current APA format. This review will be evaluated based on the grading rubric provided.

Module 3: Discussion 3.2: Cultural Assumptions

To fully engage the realities around human capital and return on investment, some cultural assumptions must be made that ensures the prohibition of silo development in an organization. Please define and give an example of a cultural assumption. What cultural assumptions can be developed that mitigate and prohibit silo development within organizations?

* Your initial post (approximately 200-250 words) should address each question in the discussion directions and is due by 11:59 PM Central Time on Wednesday.

* Your two response posts (approximately 125-150 words each) are due by 11:59 PM Central Time on Sunday.

* Please remember to take ownership of your original post and answer all questions posed to you by other course participants.

* Please use at least two appropriate scholarly references formatted in the most current APA format.

Assignment 1: System Development Life Cycle


Assignment 1: System Development Life Cycle: Phases I & II – Planning and Analysis

Due Week 3 and worth 120 points

Read the details of the Larson Property Management Company case scenario on pages 114–115 of the textbook. The Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Larson, and the Chief Financial Officer, Ms. Johnson, would like to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the HR functions, as well as reduce overall HR costs. Mr. Larson and Ms. Johnson would like you, the HR Director, to serve as the change agent of the project. In this assignment, you will develop a plan and analysis (planning and analysis phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)) of the current business based on the details of the scenario.


Write a two to three-page proposal, in which you:

Introduction and Plan

1. Detail the current situation for the company, focusing on the issues that the organization is currently facing from using a legacy HRIS. Explain your plan for moving forward to address these issues.

Needs Analysis

2. Based on the issues the organization is currently facing, identify the new system needs. Identify change team members who will help identify system need and specify their role and responsibilities.

Interview, Questionnaire, Observation, or Focus Group

3. Determine how additional data will be collected regarding system needs. Determine how change management team will collect data during the exploration phase. Specify if team members will use interviews, questionnaires, observations and/or focus groups to collect data from end users. Provide at least five essential questions that will be asked of end users via interview, questionnaire, observation, or focus group.


4. Explain two to three reasons why the company would benefit from adopting an HRIS. Focus on how the HRIS would address the current HR needs of the organization.


5. Use at least two quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze the strategy of the organization, the HR strategy, and HR programs with Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS).
    • Identify who and what is involved in an HRIS needs analysis including the types of activities performed.
    • Evaluate key elements and system considerations in the design of HRIS.