Discussion week 3

Question 1: 

Imagine you are head of the HR department and you have been asked to review five applicants for the sales clerk position at your company. During the interview process, you learn the following information about each applicant:

The Applicants


Alice has 10 years of experience in sales, but can be easily distracted. She will not work on commission and cannot work weekends. She can be a little obstinate, but has an excellent job history. She also requires ADA accommodations, due to an injury sustained during military service.


Mary has one year’s experience, but is very congenial and loves working with people. Her work schedule is very flexible, but she can become a little stressed at times and has been known for having to quietly leave and regroup for a short time. Mary also considers herself an advocate for human rights, with an emphasis on race relations, and is known to voice her opinions related to racial injustice to others.


James has seven years’ experience, a master’s degree in business, aspirations of owning his company in the near future, and is very religious. He is known to make biblical references often, encourages others to attend his church, and has requested 80 hours in advance to attend religious conferences within the next six months.


Sam has six years’ experience, and is willing to work all shifts. Sam is transgender, prefers gender-neutral pronouns (they/them), and is looking for a new job, due to workplace bullying at a previous place of employment.


Justin has five years’ experience, is a hard worker, flexible, and has a great job history. Justin is also someone that you met in college, dated briefly, and have not seen in a few years.

Candidate Selection

Decide which candidate would be the right fit for the sales clerk position.

  • Describe the thought process that led to your decision and your reasons for not selecting one of the other candidates.
  • Justify your choice, including all of the considerations or factors that influenced your selection.

Note: You must complete one original post and one follow-up or reply to a classmate.

Question 2

  • Speculate on three reasons why employees leave an organization and three reasons why employees stay.
  • Outline a retention strategy that HR could use to reduce the number of employees who leave an organization for the three reasons you identified.
    • Be intentional or specific with your strategy so you can measure the desire outcome. For example, an employee might leave an organization because their manager does not communicate with them about their job performance. Your retention strategy might be to implement a performance measurement process that HR could use to track monthly or quarterly performance conversations between managers and employees as a way to close the communication gap.

Note: You must complete one original post and one follow-up or reply to a classmate.



Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)  

Part A (Chapter 1) 

1. Explain how human resource management and human resource information systems evolve over time. 

2.  Review the types of human resource information systems (HRIS) on pages  11–12 of the textbook, then answer the following questions: Explain  which HRIS types your current or previous employer utilizes. If your  current or previous organization does not utilize a HRIS, which types  would you recommend? How does the utilization of those systems promote  transformational HR activities? 

Part B (Chapter 3) 

3.  Why is feedback from HRIS customers/users important to a HRIS  implementation team? Explain your experiences with HRIS as both an  employee and non-employee. Next, explain how N-tier architecture or  cloud computing has simplified HRIS usage and maintenance? 


Implications of Cyber Attacks in Logistics

Cybersecurity attacks and ransomware can take their toll on any company but those involved in logistics may see a ripple effect across multiple chain partners. Even the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been working with major players to protect the nation’s supply chain.

Module 3: Week 1 Discussion Background Readings

Breaking News – Walmart Canada and DLT Labs™ Launch World’s Largest Full Production Blockchain Solution for Industrial Application (2019)

Going the Distance: Securing Supply Chains from Cyber Attack (2019)

Supply Chain Manager’s Confidence Declines as Cyber Threats and AI Emerge as Key Threats (2019)

Cyber Attacks Top List of Risks Impacting Supply Chain (2019)

2019 Cyber Threatscape Report: Supply Chain (2019)


The week’s background addresses cybersecurity in the supply chain. Find at least one other recent resource for support. For your post:

  • What precautions need to be taken to enhance supply chain cybersecurity?
  • Share at least two technology solutions to mitigate supply chain security.
  • Using the resource beyond this week’s readings, provide a real-world example of a company that is addressing cybersecurity (from a supply chain perspective). (The article should be less than two years old.)

Discussion 4

“Performance Appraisals and the Law”  Please respond to the following:

  • According to the material in Chapter 9, most employee complaints related to performance evaluations are based on alleged violations of employment law. Determine what you think would be a common complaint that could have legal consequences. Propose a strategy that HR could implement to reduce the number of these types of employee complaints.

PowerPoint Presentation

Question:- 1

  Utilizing Chapter 13, discuss the areas of employee safety that are most important to you. Do you feel the organization has the same concerns as you? Why? 

Imp points:-

1. prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 20 slides not including the cover slide and the reference slide. Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section. 

2.  You must use at least one reference, in addition to your book. You need to use in-text citations. Your in-text citation and your reference (on your reference slide) must be in APA format.  




Prepare a 6 page PowerPoint Presentation on your assigned topic. Prepare a synopsis, telling me the significance of your topic, the ethical dilemma presented, and the different positions (minimum of 2).



Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required.)

AGC Resources is developing several new jobs for the organization. The VP of HR has decided that the company needs to hire several mid-level sales managers (SOC Code 11.2022.00) and has asked you to develop the job requirements for these positions. Information necessary to develop this activity can be found in Chapters 3-4 of the text, as well as the O*Net website. For this activity, you must complete the following tasks. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required.)

Part A

Explain ten (10) tasks, ten (10) task dimensions, and ten (10) work contexts that are necessary for developing a formal job description. (30 points)

Part B 

Define KSAOs and develop and discuss a listing of the KSAOs needed to successfully support the position. Discuss six (6) knowledge, six (6) skill, and six (6) ability components. (40 points)

Part C

Write the job description that follows from the development of the job requirements. (30 points)

BS 2

you reviewed a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends (SWOTT) analysis of a fast-food franchise that was done in 2013. There have been many more recent changes with the fast-food giant toward improved business results. Read this article (Article Link is below) on these changes, and conduct a brief SWOTT analysis based on these new changes that includes the following:

  • Strengths: The internal and external characteristics of a company that are stronger than its competitors
  • Weaknesses: The internal and external characteristics of a company that are weaker than its competitors
  • Opportunities: The issues internal and external to a company that can affect the company and its competitors in a favorable way
  • Threats: The issues internal and external to a company that can affect the company and its competitors in an unfavorable way
  • Trends: The internal and external patterns in the organization, market, or industry


Human Resource Management


Two Olympic gold medalists in skiing, married in 2014, Jason and LeAnn Benson opened Adventurers and Explorers (A&E) outdoor sporting store, which sells gear and clothing. The couple’s concept is different than many other sporting goods stores in that they design and sell their own lines of specialized products. LeAnn’s focus is on the design of products and Jason’s focus is on the financials. As a result, no one is worrying about the organizational policies or controls.

Jason and LeAnn encourage their employees to continue their favorite outdoor sports, from skiing to mountain climbing, white-water rafting, and so on. Employees are given two weeks of paid vacation. However, many employees were allowed to take up to two months off at half pay so they could fulfill their life-long dreams. Samantha just returned from a successful climb of Mount Everest. Beth will use her two months off to backpack around Europe. Around the office, employees joked about the “weekend flu,” taking Friday through Monday off. The office often ran below staffing levels depending on the season. In addition, because Jason and LeAnn were gold medalists, they attract more employees who are interested in skiing. The skiers want time off during peak season. This is also the peak time for A&E orders and service requests.

In the last three years, the company has grown from 30 to 100 employees. Jason and LeAnn need advice on controlling daily staffing levels so A&E meets or exceeds customer expectations for responsiveness without sacrificing company identity. Propose a solution and rationale for your response to the reason below. 

  • Attendance issue: The “weekend flu” (Friday-Monday).

Balanced Scorecard

explain the concept of the Balanced Scorecard and briefly discuss how it is used in organizations and in HR 

Create section headings for the key HR metrics for each of the 3 categories: Routine HR Metrics, HR Strategy Metrics, and HR Organizational Oversight Metrics.

Explain the rational for including those metrics on the Balanced Scorecard