Diversity Workforce

As the HR Manager at Berkley Innovative Technologies, you have been developing a new training manual for employees. Now, the CEO has expressed her concerns about differing religious beliefs in the workplace. She wants to be certain that the organization is up-to-date and compliant with the current legislation on the books as it applies to religious diversity. For this section of the training manual, you will focus on educating the organization’s leaders and supervisors as well as the employees on religious discrimination issues in the workplace as they relate to current legislation.

Diversity Training Manual: Part IV (2–3 pages)

Pick three religious groups you will examine. Some examples are as follows:

  • Orthodox Judaism 
  • Hinduism 
  • Catholicism 

This section of the training manual should include the following information:

  • Provide an explanation of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII 1964 legislation, dealing specifically with the meaning of reasonable accommodation for religious practices. Review the following resources to assist you with this step: 
  • For each of the 3 religious groups you selected, describe and explain the following: 
    • Include at least 2 religious practices that could easily be accommodated by management without any hardship for the company. 
    • Include at least 2 practices that would be difficult to accommodate. 

Diversity Training Manual: Part V (2–3 pages)

The CEO has asked you to gather information on one of the most controversial laws regarding diversity in the workplace. After careful review of the laws, you discovered that affirmative action fits this criterion. History has shown that good intentions can sometimes have serious negative unintended consequences. For example, Title IV legislation was intended to give female athletes equal opportunities in sports. Unfortunately, the legislation shifted the discrimination away from female athletes and on to male athletes as many male programs were cut to accommodate the law. Your task for this section of the training manual is to answer the questions listed below outlining affirmative action legislation. Be certain to give attention to both the positive as well as the negative unintended consequences of this legislation.

Part V is to be titled: Affirmative Action

Write a 2–3-page section of your manual that summarizes the following points for part V of the training manual:

  • What is affirmative action? 
  • What was the initial intent of affirmative action legislation? 
  • What did the landmark Bakke v. Regents case conclude? Be sure to cite your source. 
  • What was the basis for the conclusion? 
  • What are the positive and negative results of affirmative action legislation?

Diversity Training Manual: Part VI (2–3 pages)

Part VI is to be titled: Diversity Manual Summary

You will end your manual with a 2–3-page conclusion summarizing the main points in the manual. The conclusion should be an overview of all parts, I–V, of the manual that highlights all of the main points. You will need to review the U3 assignment submission to complete this assignment.


National Park Service. (2016, March 22). Civil Rights Act of 1964. Retrieved from https://www.nps.gov/articles/civil-rights-act.htm

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2008, July 22). EEOC compliance manual: Section 12: Religious discrimination. Retrieved from https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/religion.html

assignment 5


Assignment 5 focuses on decision making, creative thinking and heuristics.  Few people realize how the way they think is often bounded by ideas that force them to limit their options and think, well, for lack of a better metaphor. inside the box.  Creative thinking isn’t something that you must be born with.  While talent helps, like all management skills, you can take what you have and make it even better with experience and practice.  This assignment provides students with a series of problems that are easily solvable except for the fact that the way people think often means they don’t see or never even consider solutions that are readily available.  The answers to these problems are in the attachment above. Take the time to try an solve these problems before looking at the solutions or at least make a serious attempt.  Doing so will make a much greater impression on thinking and enhance your problem solving skills and allow you to not only retain what you learn to a greater degree but enhance your ability to apply similar logic skills in the future. Students should attempt to solve the problems using their own reasoning skills before looking at the solutions.

The answers to the problems do not need to be included in your assignment submission. The expectation is that you will attempt to answer the questions on your own. I need to see your reasoned conclusions as to why people struggle to find answers to problems when the answer is not obvious or requires ‘outside the box’ thinking.

(While not required, having the following items on hand may help students think through some of the following problems: 12 toothpicks or pencils, 10 small circular objects like small coins or buttons, a pencil to write with, and for the last problem, two lollipops and a friend.)


Problem 1.  A farmer approaches a river crossing while taking a ravenous dog, hungry goose and a bag of corn with him.  At the river, there is a very small skiff that will allow him to row himself and take one of the animals or the bag of corn across, one at a time.  How can he do that when the dog will eat the goose if left alone, just as the goose would eat the corn?  He must get himself and all three of his items (the dog, goose, and corn) across the river.  (Please note there is no tricking involved in any of these problems.  It can be done.)

Problem 2.  The following two scenarios are based on a real events.  A woman is driving across the desert, without a cell phone and has a flat tire in the pouring rain.  She manages to jack up the car and takes off the five lug nuts holding the wheel with the flat tire.  Just then, a flash flood washes the lug nuts away beyond recovery deep in the sand.  How can she get the car back on the road?

Problem 3.  Some friends are swimming together in a pond.  The area is residential and the pond is ringed with lawns and gardens being watered.  The pond is deep though and has a tangle of water plants growing at the bottom.  One of the friends becomes entangled in the pond plants, underwater, just a foot from the surface of the pool.  He is struggling desperately, but his friends realize they won’t be able to free him in time.  What else can the friends do?

Problem 4.  Arrange your 12 toothpicks or pencils into four squares.  Once you’re finished it should look something like a window or a tall plus sign, with a border on all sides.  Now remove two toothpicks/pencils from the figure you’ve made to form two perfect squares.  Do not touch any of the other toothpicks or pencils and the form left must be two squares, not rectangles and there should not be any leftovers or extraneous toothpicks or pencils.  Can you do it?

Problem 5.  Draw nine dots on a sheet of paper in three rows of three as shown below

*     *     *

*     *     *

*     *     *

Now connect all nine dots with four straight lines without lifting your pencil off the paper.

Problem 6.  Take out your ten circular objects and form them into five straight rows of four objects each.  This may seem hard but it can be done so don’t give up too quickly.

Problem 7.  You have eight circular coins that all appear to be the same but one of them is not.  All weigh exactly the same save one.  Fortunately you have a balance scale that can tell you if one side weighs more than the other but you can only use it twice.  How can you be sure to find the coin that is different among the eight when you can only use the scale to twice?

Problem 8.  In front of you is a nice cylindrically shaped cake that looks, tastes and smells delicious.  You, and seven of your friends have been invited to eat it but before you do, you face a challenge.  You can only cut the cake three times and when you are done, you must have divided the cake into eight equal parts.  Can you do it or does the cake go uneaten?

Problem 9.  Take six of your toothpicks or pencils and lay three of them down to form a triangle.  Using the remaining three toothpicks or pencils to form three more triangles of the exact same shape and size so the you have four triangles in front of you.using only the six toothpicks or pencils.

Problem 10.  Finally, the last problem is a contest between you and your friend.  Take out the two lollipops and give one to your friend.  With the lollipops still wrapped both you and your friend will place your lollipops on a table in front of you.  Now, without using your hands or elbows or placing your mouth closer than six inches from the lollipop get the candy into your mouth. 

Once students have worked their way down through the list of problems, their task is to identify why finding solutions to problems or situations like these may seem challenging for many.  Your answer should be reasoned and thoughtful. Expressing your opinion is allowed provided you also have research to validate that opinion.

As a manager, your ability to look for solutions others overlook or reject out of hand can be one of the greatest assets you bring to an organization. 

Bonus Problem:  It is a dark and stormy night, and you”re driving in your sports car — a good looking little car–but with only two seats.  Suddenly by the side of the road, you see three people stranded at a bus stop.  One is a stranger who is having a heart attack at that very moment.  Another is a childhood friend who has often saved your life.  He has been begging to ride in your sports car.  The third person is the man or woman of your dreams.  It’s love at first sight.  You recognize that you’ve suddenly found your soul mate, who you may never see again.  You have just one empty seat in your car.  Who do you pick up?  Well you certainly owe a debt of gratitude to your friend but you should also pick up the stranger and save his life.  And what of romance?  As I say, you may never see the person of your dreams again.  What do you do? 

Equal Employment Opportunity Paper

Chapter 3 outlines what’s trending in Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Review the trends below. 

Write a 3-4 page paper on a protected characteristic that is protected under EEO laws and regulations. 

  • Identify and explain the characteristic.
  • How can unlawful employment discrimination affect your identified characteristic? Give examples.
  • Share the legal protection to prevent bias and discrimination based on your characteristic.
  • Research and identify how organizations have or can protect themselves

Paper Requirements:

  • Write a 3-4 page double-spaced, 12 font, and APA formatted paper that addresses the questions above. 
  • Do not use first person. This paper isn’t your opinion. Your paper is guided by your research. 
  • The 3-4 pages is counted from the introduction through the conclusion. It does not include the title page or reference page.
  • Include a title page properly formatted in APA. 
  • You Do NOT need to include an abstract
  • Make sure to include an Introduction to your paper. Your introduction needs to include a strong preview sentence. 
  • Create headings in the body of the paper (between the Introduction and Conclusion) that are named based on the content in that section of the paper. For example, your headings could be the trends you identified. Please review the APA Heading Format Guidelines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.) in order to develop a good understanding of how to format the headings in your paper.
  • Include a Reference page. You must include a minimum of 5 references (textbook and 4 scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles from Welder Library E-Resources). 

Please refer to the rubric for the grading requirements.    

Your submission will go through turnitin. Turnitin evaluates the originality score of your paper. Your turnitin score should be 25% or less. 

Select a Topic for Research

Review and reflect on the following major topics in this course that address the various aspects of cultural diversity:

  • Cultural Diversity
  • Global presence
  • Personal and Societal Mindsets
  • Developing Diversity Consciousness
  • Communication
  • Leadership

    Select one of these topics for which you have a personal interest and write a scholarly article suitable for publication in a related HRM professional magazine or journal. Make sure to incorporate knowledge gained from the first seven weeks of this course. Consider the following:

  • Why did you choose the topic you chose to write about?
  • What do you recommend as an outcome to this topic or issue? How has this topic affected you personally at work or in your community?
  • Why this particular topic is of interest to you and why society should also share this same concern as you.
  • Evaluate how this topic relates to the human resources profession, and cite experiences and ideas that would support the need for this topic to be addressed at the human resources level within an organization.

    Support your paper with at least seven (7) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Length: 12-15 pages (not including title and reference pages).

Topic for PowerPoint Presentation4

Q: develop a compensation and benefits package that you would like to be offered from your organization. 


prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides per student not including the cover slide and the reference slide. Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section. 

 You must use at least one reference, in addition to your book. You need to use in-text citations. Your in-text citation and your reference (on your reference slide) must be in APA format.

Administrative Dental Assistant


Researching Supplies and Products

Research dental supply houses and view the online catalog from four dealers. You can find dental suppliers by initiating a web search. Browse through the websites and compare the available products. Choose five items that are available through all companies (they do not have to be the same brand since most companies have their own branding) and write a brief essay explaining the differences in cost. Which company would you use for ordering if you were the inventory manager in a dental clinic? Would there be a benefit to using more that one company?

Note: This assignment must be completed in one sitting. It is recommended that you type the assignment in another word processing program and then copy the text into the Submission window. You can then edit further in the Submission window if you wish. There are no maximum or minimum words required, nor do you have to use any special format. This assignment is not timed. Once you submit your assignment, your facilitator will be notified and assign your grade. If you have any questions, contact your facilitator.

To submit your work for grading, click New Submission. Under Upload Your Work, drag your file into the window or click in the window to select a file from your computer. Once your file is uploaded, press the Submit button. 


Topic 1:

Discuss the following statement: “Health care costs are out of control in the United States, and increasing conflicts between employers and employees are likely as employers try to reduce their health benefits costs.

Topic 2:

 What should be included in disaster planning for a large employer in Annapolis, Maryland, that is concerned about natural disasters such as floods and snowstorms that might shut down the company and parts of the city?


  1. More than 200 words for each Topic
  2. NO plagiarism
  3. Always cite your sources using APA format
  4. Always use in-text citations
  5. 2 References must.

project manager

Write a page answering the questions below.

Sometimes projects fail. Such failure can be contributed to unreasonable time constraints, poorly estimated financial estimates, poorly systematized planning process or organizational goals not understood at lower organizational levels.

As a project manager, what key factors are absolutely vital to prevent such failure?

Discuss the role of the leader and manager in a project environment or project initiative.

Be sure to identify how the duties of project managers reinforce the role of leadership. Use real-life examples.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.