PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation outlining guidelines for college students on how to have a successful interview. The presentation must be at least eight slides in length and use at least two references. You may include your textbook as one of the references. Be sure to cite your sources in a reference slide and use proper APA style. All sources and their use must have accompanying APA citations. Be sure to include the content listed below in your presentation.

Describe the steps of an interview.

Differentiate the three types of interviews: information-gathering, job, and appraisal.

Discuss the interviewer and the interviewee’s roles during the opening, body, and closing portion of an interview.



reply to the students’ response and not the question  in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference. Respond to the students response as though you are talking to them, use name 


Jason works for a car rental agency. Part of his religious observance is to pray several times per day.  He approaches Supervisor Jan with a request for two additional 10-minute breaks per day in order to engage in prayer.

Instructions: Please write in essay format.  Include the guidance below in your analysis:
a) Set forth the federal statute and/or theories of law that are applicable.
b) Identify the legal issue(s) that exist.
c) Apply the facts of the case to the elements of the law/theories of law.
d) Cite a case in the text which is on point with the scenario, or compare and contrast with a case in the tex

students response


Statutorily, it shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer— (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s . . . religion . . . or (2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual’s religion . . . [Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; 42 U.S.C. § 20002-2(a). Bennet – Alexander (2019.

According to title VII, section (j) states the term “religion” as includes all aspects of religious observance and practice as well as beliefs.Considering the case of Jason religious observance to pray several times per day, Jason’s right under title VII civil rights act of 1964 is secured. However, the employer can discriminate against employee for religious reasons; if to do otherwise causes the employee undue hardship. When the employer discovers a religious conflict between the employer’s policy and the employee’s religion, the employer first responsibility is to attempt accommodation. If accommodation is not possible, the employer can implement the policy even though it has the effect of discriminating against the employee on the basis of religion. See Bennet – Alexander (2019) Pg. 547. The duty to accommodate is not a static concept for the employer and the employee. Critically looking at Jason’s case, he was asking for two additional 10 minutes breaks, which denotes, that the employer has previously granted his request of breaks for him to observe his religious practice. Employee’s duty to co-operate in accommodation of what the employer can give is necessary because the protection Title VII provide for employment discrimination on the basis of religion does not mean that the employer must resolve the conflict in the way the employee wants. The employee also must be reasonable in considering accommodation alternatives. 

Jason’s case can be compared to the EEOC v. Firestone Fibers & Textiles Company, that the fourth circuit found that the employer met the accommodation requirement for the employee’s religious belief prohibiting him from working on a Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday and seven religious holidays during the year. The employer sought accommodation by altering Friday work shift, where it could and using the collective bargaining agreements seniority system. But, the employee requested 11 additional days to observe two religious holidays and was terminated, when he violated the company’s attendance policy prohibiting taking over 60 hours of unpaid leave. As far as the employer can convince the EEOC and the court that the employer has successfully borne the burden of reasonably accommodating Jason’s religious practice then Jason will not have a case against his employer.


Bennett-Alexander, D. (2019). Employment Law for Business. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781260031805/

Assessment 4

• Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation to explain a selected company’s transportation and warehousing strategy to potential investors and lenders. 

Supply chain managers coordinate all of the activities in the supply chain process into a seamless network. The transportation function of the supply chain focuses on the movement and delivery of goods and services in the supply chain network from suppliers to manufacturers to the ultimate consumers. Decisions must be made as to which mode of transportation is used to move products along with the type of warehousing systems that will be used. Many companies are choosing to outsource their supply chain to companies such as UPS.

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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

• Competency 1: Design a supply chain to support an organizational strategy. o Describe the overall transportation objectives of a selected company.o Evaluate the modes of transportation that an organization uses to move products from factory to customers.o Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the locations for an organization’s factories and warehouses.o Analyze the economic and political factors that can impact an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.• Competency 2: Improve efficiency in the supply chain. o Describe how technology is used for managing an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.• Competency 3: Manage a supply chain in order to satisfy customers. o Recommend improvements for an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.• Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner that is consistent with the expectations for supply chain managers and participants. o Exhibit proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and academic integrity by appropriately attributing sources.• Questions to Consider 

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

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• For the following questions, refer to Terdiman’s article, “UPS and the Art of Sorting a Million Packages a Day,” linked in the Resources. o What are the advantages and disadvantages of their central cross dock Worldport facility in Louisville, Kentucky?o What is the impact that cross docking has on inventory costs, material handling costs, transportation costs, and customer satisfaction?• For this assessment, consider that you work for a company that develops and sells case studies and case study analyses. Your company’s primary customers are colleges and universities wanting to use them within their courses, but your company also has customers using them for management training and development. Your manager asked you to conduct research and develop a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to explain your selected company’s transportation and warehousing strategy to potential investors and lenders. She’s specifically interested in you creating the presentation associated with one of a small set of possibilities she provided to you. You may use the same company you selected in Assessment 3 or select a different company from this list:• L. L. Bean.• Amazon.com.• Starbucks.• Intel.• Johnson and Johnson.

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to explain your selected company’s transportation and warehousing strategy to potential investors and lenders.

You and your manager discussed the high level outline of your presentation and agreed you should address the following items. As the basis for your research you can use any of the resources noted in this course, in the Capella library, and on the Internet.

• Slide 1: List the presentation title, the selected company name, the date, and your name.• Slide 2: Analyze and describe the overall transportation objectives of the selected company.• Slide 3: Describe and evaluate the modes of transportation that the company uses to move products from factory to customers, and recommend improvements to the modes of transportation.• Slide 4: Identify the locations of the factories and warehouses.• Slides 5–6: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the locations for the organization’s factories and warehouses, and recommend strategies to mitigate the disadvantages.• Slide 7: Analyze the economic and political factors that can impact their transportation and warehousing network.• Slide 8: Analyze and describe how technology is used for managing the organization’s transportation and warehousing network.• Slide 9: Recommend improvements for the organization’s transportation and warehousing network, and support those recommendations with examples and research.• Slide 10: List at least three references.

You may use additional slides, if necessary. Provide your information as a bulleted list on the slides and insert explanations where applicable. Use the notes section in MS PowerPoint to add additional information and clarity to your presentation.

SCM Case Analysis: Transportation and Warehousing Scoring Guide

SCM Case Analysis: Transportation and Warehousing Scoring Guide 






Describe the overall transportation objectives of a selected company.

Does not identify the overall transportation objectives of a selected company.

Lists transportation objectives of a selected company, but does not describe their significance.

Describes the overall transportation objectives of a selected company.

Analyzes the overall transportation objectives of a selected company. 

Evaluate the modes of transportation that an organization uses to move products from factory to customers.

Does not analyze the modes of transportation that an organization uses to move products from factory to customers.

Lists modes of transportation used by an organization to move products from factory to customers, but does not describe their significance.

Evaluates the modes of transportation that an organization uses to move products from factory to customers.

Evaluates the modes of transportation that an organization uses to move products from factory to customers, and recommends improvements to the modes of transportation. 

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the locations for an organization’s factories and warehouses.

Does not analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the locations for an organization’s factories and warehouses.

Lists advantages and disadvantages of the locations for an organization’s factories and warehouses, but does not describe their significance.

Evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of the locations for an organization’s factories and warehouses.

Evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of the locations for an organization’s factories and warehouses, and recommends strategies to mitigate the disadvantages. 

Analyze the economic and political factors that can impact an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Does not describe the economic and political factors that can impact an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Identifies economic and political factors that can impact an organization’s transportation and warehousing network, but does not describe their significance.

Analyzes the economic and political factors that can impact an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Analyzes the economic and political factors that can impact an organization’s transportation and warehousing network, and relates the factors to improvement recommendations. 

Describe how technology is used for managing an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Does not identify how technology is used for managing an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Identifies how technology can be used for managing an organization’s transportation and warehousing network, but the relationship or significance is unclear.

Describes how technology is used for managing an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Analyzes how technology is used for managing an organization’s transportation and warehousing network. 

Recommend improvements for an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Does not evaluate an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Explains strengths and weaknesses of an organization’s transportation and warehousing network, but does not explain their significance or impact.

Recommends improvements for an organization’s transportation and warehousing network.

Recommends improvements for an organization’s transportation and warehousing network; supports recommendations with examples and research. 

Exhibit proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and academic integrity by appropriately attributing sources.

Does not exhibit proficiency in writing and critical thinking; does not appropriately attribute source.

Exhibits inconsistent proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and appropriately attributing 

workplace diversity

Discussion #1

1. Review the  reading for this week (Can Unions Survive Technology).  Provide a response to this article based on what you have learned in this course. Be specific.

2. Initial comments to this discussion topic are due by midnight Saturday and you must substantively respond to at least TWO student’s comments in this discussion topic no later than 10pm Tuesday. See Discussion Expectations for rules on discussion requirements.

Discussion #2

1. In many organizations, Employee Relations and Labor Relations are the same department. Do some research on your own organization. a. How is that set up? b. Is it good to have employee relations and labor relations in the same department? Pros and cons? Be specific. 

2. a. Who is responsible in your organization for diversity and inclusion? b. Do you think they are doing a good job? Why or why not?  

NOTE: If you are not employed in an organization, then search for how a specific company is set up regarding diversity and inclusion.

3. Initial comments to this discussion topic are due by midnight Saturday and you must substantively respond to at least TWO student’s comments in this discussion topic no later than 10pm Tuesday. See Discussion Expectations for rules on discussion requirements.

Discussion Board – APA – 300 Words – Due in 48 Hours – For Wizard Kim

Compensation is a controversial workplace topic. Throughout the years, specifically the past decade, average employee wages have not greatly risen. However, managerial and executive pay has steadily increased.

Despite current economic stability and low unemployment rates, U.S. businesses are constrained from raising employee salary and benefits due to low-wage foreign competition.  This week’s readings showcase a case study on pay compression at Envelop City and on how McDonalds uses praise (intrinsic factor) and individual incentive pay (extrinsic factor) to ensure satisfied and happy employees.

Discuss how an organization can motivate its employees to maintain/increase their productivity and performance without significantly increasing employees’ compensation.  Additionally, as a compensation consultant, how would you develop market value for positions within your organization? Propose a compensation plan to ensure that rewards (i.e., wages, benefits, and other compensation) match job duties, tasks, and responsibilities.

Answer the above using the question and answer (Q&A) format.  The Q&A format should include the original question along with your response. Within your post, support your responses with information from at least one peer-reviewed/scholarly source (not older than 3-5 years) from  CSU Global online library or the Internet, and provide the full citation at the end of your post. Use APA guidelines (at the CSU Global Writing Center )  to format your references. Your total word count must be at least 300 words excluding the original questions.

Human Relations and Development: Unit V Journal, Unit V Essay

E-BOOK  Human Relations, 12th Edition


[email protected]



This Unit covers Chapter 8 in the textbook titled “Cross-Cultural Relations & Diversity”.  The chapter goes into the role and importance of a diverse workforce and ways to tap into the talent each culture brings to the table as well as how to avoid possible conflicts based on lack of awareness of cultural norms when interacting and working with a diverse workforce.The assignment title is “Essay” but it is a “full paper“.   This is a full paper and not to be written as an essay or as a series of “Questions & Answers”.  You need to use standard scholarly paper format with a clear introduction, the body that will go into detail and cover all the requirements explained in the syllabus such as who, what, where, when, why, & how, and the conclusion to sum things up with any final comments. The syllabus states the paper to be three pages in length without counting the title or reference pages.  Consider a page to be no less than 300 words.  Be sure to use current references and sources under 10 years old. 

Unit V Journal


According to DuBrin (2015), “Cultural intelligence is an outsider’s ability to interpret someone’s unfamiliar and ambiguous behavior the same way that person’s compatriots would” (p. 177). In this case, how would you incorporate cultural intelligence within a team setting? Please explain.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Unit V Essay


The use of teams can bring about great change within an organization; however, effective outcomes often depend on how teams are assembled and incorporated. A key component to the assembly of a team is the level of diversity that will be included. As discussed throughout this unit, the presence of diversity can provide an advantage for a team but can also create some difficulties that must be overcome. The essay topic is the advantages and disadvantages of diverse teams within an organization. The following questions should be addressed: 

  1. What are some advantages to utilizing diverse teams within an organization? 
  2. What are some potential difficulties that might need to be overcome in order for a diverse team to be successful?  
  3. What are some methods and tactics that can be utilized to overcome the potential difficulties? 
  4. As a conclusion, is it worth the effort to attempt to overcome the difficulties in light of the potential advantages of a diverse team? 

Your essay should be at least three pages in length, including an introduction, a body of supported material, and a conclusion. The reference and title pages do not count toward the total page requirement. A minimum of three scholarly references are required. Please use the CSU Online Library to locate the supporting references to write this essay. 

Be sure to apply the proper APA format for the content and references provided. Consider reviewing the link below for the Success Center’s tutorial on essay writing:

hr paper

 Job Analysis / Job Description
Go to YouTube, located at http://www.youtube.com/, and search for an episode of “UnderCover Boss”. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode.Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Compare two (2) job positions from the episode and perform a job analysis of each position. 
  2. Describe your method of collecting the information for the job analysis (i.e., one-on-one, interview, survey, etc.).
  3. Create a job description from the job analysis.
  4. Justify your belief that the job analysis and job description are in compliance with state and federal regulations.
  5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.