Work as a team to complete a Lean Six Sigma implementation case.  EVERYONE will interview two different person(s) who have experienced or associated with the Lean, Six Sigma, or Lean Six Sigma implementation project.  The interviews can be via phone, f2f meeting, or video conference and focus on the following topics:

–  The project’s objectives and outcomes (successful/failure), brief explaining methodology

–  The roles of this person in the project

–  Any forces and factors enabling the implementation process

–  Any barriers or obstacles that limited or constrained the process

–  Any techniques/tools and relevant metrics used by the organization

Section 1 – brief description of all interviews following the above topics

–  Section 2 – drawing tables/figures finding similarities and differences of these interviews focusing on forces and factors enabling the implementation, as well as the barriers or obstacles that limited or constrained the process. Any other useful information on Lean Six Sigma implementation process should be presented.

A list of reference noting the interviews conducted (names of individuals and organizations can be masked), data utilized, and additional source materials cited or consulted.




Human Resource Management: An Overview        

Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability 

Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Workforce Diversity

Strategic Planning, Human Resource Planning, and Job Analysis



Performance Management and Appraisal 

Training and Development

Direct Financial Compensation (Monetary Compensation) 

Indirect Financial Compensation (Employee Benefits) 

Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining 

Internal Employee Relations

Employee Safety, Health, and Wellness 

Global Human Resource Management


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment, To a role “Product Manager”

Ensure Product manager responsibilities is captured and related to the topics – syllabus mentioned above 

For example,

Roles of product Manger –  involves bridging gaps between different functions within the company and aligning all of the teams involved — namely marketing, sales, and customer support.

Syllabus subject- Global Human Resource Management- how it is related to my role. Leading people from different work zones, understanding cultural differences. Attaining the goal of the project. Refer to last 5 years of papers and reference them as well


  • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Use last 5 year of peer reviewed articles 
  • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment “Product Manager”. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 
  • You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

Project Management Overview : Unit I Research Paper/Unit II Research Paper

Each assignment should be done on its own word document. Please read all instructions and follow all guidelines. Information for Ebook is posted also link to CSU Library is posted. If you have any questions please let me know. 


Unit I Research Paper

E-BOOK  Contemporary Project Management, 3rd Edition

Unit I, Chapter 1 will cover an Introduction to Project Management and will review basic project management concepts. The Chapter will also emphasize and touch on some major project failures. 

[email protected]



Conduct research using the CSU Online Library and your textbook to answer the following questions:

  1. What is appreciative inquiry (AI)?
  2. What are the implications of AI on defining project scope? 

Create a two- to three-page Word document in APA format to answer these questions. Include a title page and a reference page (not included in the total number count of pages).

Unit II Research Paper

E-BOOK  Contemporary Project Management, 3rd Edition

Unit II, Chapter 2 will cover – Project Selection and Prioritization. In this Unit, we are going to further illustrate major project failures as a continuation from Unit 1. 

[email protected]



Conduct research using the CSU Online Library ( CSU Online Library Research Guide )and find at least two articles on prioritizing projects. Compare and contrast the two articles you found and create a three- to four-page Word document (synopsis) in APA format on what you found different about each article.

Other items that need to be addressed in your paper include the urgency of each project, the cost of delaying the expected benefits from various projects, and practical details concerning the timing.

Include a title page and a reference page (not included in the total number count of pages).

write a theory

 Use theory to underpin/ explain the systems as they are.For example, Australia may be pluralist, China may be unitarist. Why is this the case? This final question will help provide the context to the information presented in the earlier questions. 

Compare the three countries are   1.China, 2.Canada, 3.Australia!!!

Introductory Speech Outline


Introductory Speech Outline


Strong oral communication skills will be valuable to you  throughout your academic journey. They are in high demand by many  employers. Creating an outline is critical to your success in crafting  an effective speech.

For this assignment, you will create an outline. The speech based on your outline is due next week. 


  1. Select either Topic A or Topic B for your introductory speech.        
    • Topic A: Elevator Pitch. Deliver an elevator pitch that  describes your professional background and experience for a potential  employer during a job interview.
    • Topic B: Dream Career. Discuss your dream career.
  2. Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.        
    • Download the Sample Outline [DOCX], which provides guidance for the structure of an outline.
    • Focus your speech on 2–3 main points so you’ll stay within the 2-minute time limit.
  3. Submit the completed outline in a Microsoft Word document.


Your assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • The outline is complete and on topic.
  • The outline provides solid flow for the speech.
  • The outline is clear and free from spelling and grammar issues.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For  assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing  Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your  professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Outline a speech using a structured flow and proper spelling and grammar.

Disc 8

Lesson 8 Discussion Forum 1: 

Suppose a coworker just brought you a union leaflet urging employees to sign an authorization card. What questions would you ask of the union supporter? What may happen from this point on?

Your discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format with a minimum of two sources

Students are required to post their primary response (300 word minimum) by Wednesday midnight. 

Students will respond to at least 2 other postings (160 Words)

Reply to post 1:

Once signed, the authorization is officially granted.  This factor has made signing a critical and sensitive role in the atypical organization and official working environment. In the context of this question, there are several questions that I would ask before signing the authorization document. This would take quite some time as if scrutinizes the document and it’s authentic.  Else, it can lead to the singing of document that does not meet the threshold and standard of the organization and those stipulated trade union and labor consecutively (Jessica Voigts, 2019).

 First, I would question the sources of the document and the authenticity that comes along with it.  

The legal stipulation that has been integrated into the document; this is inclusive of policy and terms of signing the labor document.

 The third question which is very important is considering the benefits package that is associated with the actual signing of the document.   

I would seek the position of the firm concerning the leaflet introduced.   Even though labor relations has been authorized in every working environment, the independence of the Labor is subject to organization doctrine, culture and models of work

In case of withdrawal processes, I would be very determined to understand procedures set aside by the union. The cost associated, any submission and deduction needed should be well communicated.

 The five significant questions would give me the assurance and security tenure of signing the document or no.  If it does not meet the minimum threshold, I will turn down. It’s advisable to shun away from unclear processes and signing (Best, 2010).

Reply to post 2:

It does not make a difference association wins or loses the political race, yet the cost of directing association political race is about $1000 per labourer. At the point when a gathering of representative concludes that they need to speak to by initial association step, they take to document appeal with the NLRB. A worker who is in the assigned work unit alluded as a dealing unit which gives dated mark on association approval card or mark sheet which are showing that they are intrigued to spoke to the specific association. Association and business need to send names and address for qualified workers inside seven days after NLRB demonstrated the political race would be held. What is more, in the excelsior list in which the Organization notices the worker who is qualified to cast a ballot in a political race. 

Workers and associations can compose and cast a ballot to most loved associations, yet they can do just lunch or break time. Representatives likewise need to go to organization meetings so the board can talk about the association (“Boeing issues smart ID cards to its employees”, 2003). During work hours, there is no gathering that can sort out. Managers have consented to do just one gathering yet that one is just about association issue and that data provide for the worker by composed. Association coordinators labourer are working for the association, not for representatives they are not permitted to arrange battle on organization property they can appropriation the data in open regions. A card check is processed in which Organization perceives association when association show verification to an organization that more significant part of worker have sign approval card which is demonstrating that they need to speak to association. As indicated by a lack of bias understanding in which Organization concurs that they will not give any view on association during the season of the mark. I figure when workers will meet from association supporter, then they can pose inquiry on how the association can battle from manager to get reasonable wages, treat everybody similarly, and improve staffing and for advantage. If worker enjoys the possibility of association supporter and like the pioneer of association, then they sign the card (“News Comment: The enterprise identity challenge”, 2007).



  • art One
    Create a chart to compare and contrast the major legislative influences on the labor relations process. Your chart must contain at least five major legislative acts and how they affect management and unions. Columns should include the law, coverage, major provisions, and federal agencies.
    Part Two
    Find a recent Supreme Court or U.S. Court of Appeals decision concerning a labor law issue. Summarize the case. Findlaw Legal Information Center is a good commercial site for researching case law. You can also use the CSU library, LexisNexis, or Westlaw, for example.

    • What legal principles does the court rely upon in determining the case decision?
    • Be sure to support your response with specific examples.
    • Use one resource from the CSU online library.
    • This homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.
    • Submit Unit II Homework Assignment »