Scholarly Abstract Assignment


Create a 1-2 page single-spaced Analysis of Research abstract published scholarly articles related to a topic you selected in 2.2. (topic  cybersecurity)

Brevity and being concise are important as this analysis is intended to be a brief summation of the research.

Each abstract must therefore consist of the following in this order:

1. Bibliographic Citation – use the correctly formatted APA style citation for the work as the title of your abstract, displaying the full citation in bold font.

2. Author Qualifications – name and qualification of each author conducting the research

3. Research Concern – one paragraph summary of the reason for the overall research topic

4. Research Purpose Statement AND Research Questions or Hypotheses – specific focus of the research

5. Precedent Literature – key literature used in proposing the needed research (not the full bibliography or reference list)

6. Research Methodology – description of the population, sample, and data gathering techniques used in the research

7. Instrumentation – description of the tools used to gather data (surveys, tests,interviews, etc.)

8. Findings – summation of what the research discovered and the types of analysis that were used to describe the findings (tables, figures, and statistical measures)

Additional information on writing scholarly abstracts can be found via this link

See completed example

MatLab program project

 I have a MatLab project I provided the entire project I only need Exercise 6 done (not the entire project). I highlighted the section that needs to be done as well. Please look over the entire project to see how exercise 6 fit in with the entire project. This project is due project on Sep 27.  

Personal Essay

The purpose of the Personal Statement is for you to share more about your past experiences and to discuss how these experiences have contributed to your personal and professional growth. It allows the applicant the opportunity to explain to the admission committee the distinct qualities and commitment they can bring to the Columbia Engineering community.

A few topics that you may want to address in your Personal Statement include:

·  Describe the reasons you are interested in this program and discuss any relevant past experience.

·  If you have relevant work or research experience, please indicate how it helped you decide on your career path.

·  What are your post-graduation plans or career goals?

·  What do you hope to gain from this program?

·  What about this program excites you?

·  If there are any special circumstances that need to be brought to the attention of the Admission Committee, please include that information.


We recommend that your Personal Statement be 250 – 500 words. If possible, the following format is preferred:

·  All margins should be at least one inch, and the left and right margins should be equal.

·  Text should be double spaced.

·  The preferred fonts are 10-point Arial or 12-point Times New Roman; however, any legible serif or sans-serif standard font may be used. Do not use script or ornamental fonts. 

·  Your name should appear in the Header or Footer of every page.

It is integral to the admissions process that you write and submit this Personal Statement on your own. 

Inputs are attached below


Do a bit  if research into File Inclusion Vulnerability.

  • What is it?
  • Why is is dangerous?
  • What is the difference of low and remote inclusion?
  • What methods can me employed to prevent a security breach?
  • What programming languages are vulnerable to this type of attack.

write in 300words.

It243-2 System analysis and design

1-The Packaged Software has a property, “Rarely a perfect fit with business needs”. What do you mean by this property? Explain in your own sentences.

2-In terms of client-server architectures, can you explain the difference between the two-tier, three-tier, and n-tier?
3-Visit a commercial Web site (e.g., CDnow,  If files were being used to store the data supporting the application, what types of files would be needed?  What data would they contain?
4- Distinguish between transaction structures and transform structures on a structure chart. Can we have one module that will be a part of both types of structures? Satisfy your answer.

Data Mining Techniques in Transportation safety (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – NHTSA)

For this project, you will write a 10-page APA formatted paper followed by a PowerPoint Presentation on a how a particular organization that has experienced some type of Security or Privacy Challenges around Data. You will explain the following: 1) Why the challenges exist, 2) What is the general approach to solve the challenges, 3) What kind of data tools or databases do you plan to use, and 4) Finally what risk concerns were addressed by solving the Challenges. You should describe your problem, approach, dataset, data analysis, evaluation, discussion, references, and so on, in sufficient details, and you need to show supporting evidence in tables and/or figures. You need to provide captions for all tables and figures. 

i m looking for research paper and powerpoint PPT