SQL assignment


Write a comprehensive and cohesive essay answering the following questions:

  • Define Join and explain different type of joins?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of views in a database?
  • What is lock escalation?

Click the link above to submit your completed assignment.


  • A minimum of 350 words. 
  • Use APA format. 
    • Times New Roman 12 pt font, double spaced with 1″ margins.

CIS 275

USE IMDB    — ensures correct database is active


PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’

PRINT ‘Read the questions below and insert your queries where prompted.  When  you are finished,

you should be able to run the file as a script to execute all answers sequentially (without errors!)’ + CHAR(10)

PRINT ‘Queries should be well-formatted.  SQL is not case-sensitive, but it is good form to

capitalize keywords and table names; you should also put each projected column on its own line

and use indentation for neatness.  Example:

   SELECT Name,



   WHERE  CustomerID < 106;

All SQL statements should end in a semicolon.  Whatever format you choose for your queries, make

sure that it is readable and consistent.’ + CHAR(10)

PRINT ‘Be sure to remove the double-dash comment indicator when you insert your code!’;

PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’ + CHAR(10) + CHAR(10)



PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 1  [3pts possible]:

Write the query to display the name and year of birth for all people born after 1980, who have

directed at least one show (i.e. those who appear at least once in the title_directors table).

Limit results to those who have died (who have a value in the deathYear column).


Columns to display:    name_basics.primaryName, name_basics.birthYear

Sort in descending order by birth year.’ + CHAR(10)

— [Insert your code here]


PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 2  [3pts possible]:

Show every genre of television show which has had at least one title with 500 episodes.

i.e. limit results to the titleType ”tvEpisode” in the title_basics table, and to titles

containing a row in the title_episode table with episodeNumber 500.


Columns to display:    title_genre.genre

Display genre name only, and eliminate duplicate values.’ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]


PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 3  [3pts possible]:

Write a common table expression to identify the WORST shows: join title_basics against title_ratings

and limit your results to those with an averageRating value equal to 1.  Project the title,

type, and startYear from title_basics; and label your CTE as BADSHOWS.

In the main query, show a breakdown of BADSHOWS grouped by type, along with the total number of

rows for each (i.e. GROUP BY titleType)


Columns to display:    titleType, COUNT(*)

Sort results in descending order by COUNT(*).’ + CHAR(10)


— [Insert your code here]


PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 4  [3pts possible]:

Identify the least popular professions.  Show each profession value from the name_profession table,

along with the total number of matching rows (GROUP BY profession).  Use the HAVING clause to limit

your results to professions with less than 1,000 rows.


Columns to display:    name_profession.profession, COUNT(*)’ + CHAR(10)

— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 5  [3pts possible]:

Use the query from #4 above to display the names of all people belonging to these professions.

Use the previous query as a subquery in the FROM clause here to limit the results.


Columns to display:    name_basics.primaryName, name_profession.profession

Sort results in ascending order by primaryName.’ + CHAR(10)

— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 6  [3pts possible]:

Show the name of every writer, along with the total number of titles they”ve written (i.e. rows in the 

title_writers table).  Limit results to those who have written between 5,000 and 10,000 titles (inclusive).


Columns to display:    name_basics.primaryName, COUNT(*)

Sort results in descending order by primaryName.’ + CHAR(10)

— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 7  [3pts possible]:

Show the actor and character names for everyone who has performed the same role in more than one

show with the title ”Battlestar Galactica”.  i.e. identify the combination of (primaryName, characters)

which occurs in the title_principals table more than once for matching titles.


Columns to display:    name_basics.primaryName, title_principals.characters, COUNT(*)

Sort results in ascending order by primaryName.’ + CHAR(10)

— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 8  [3pts possible]:

Identify the names of people who have directed more than five highest-rated shows (i.e. title_ratings.averageRating = 10).

For each of these people, display their names and the total number of shows they have written.


Columns to display:    name_basics.primaryName, COUNT(*)

Sort results in ascending order by primaryName.’ + CHAR(10)

— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 9  [3pts possible]:

Display the title and running time for all TV specials ( titleType = ”tvSpecial” ) from 1982; if the run time is

NULL, substitute zero.


Columns to display:    title_basics.primaryTitle, title_basics.runtimeMinutes

Sort in descending numerical order by the resulting calculated run time value.’ + CHAR(10)

— [Insert your code here]



PRINT ‘CIS2275, Lab Week 6, Question 10  [3pts possible]:

Identify every movie from 1913 (startYear = 1913, titleType = ”movie”); limit your results to those with a non-NULL value

in the runtimeMinutescolumn.  For each movie, display the primaryTitle and the averageRating value from the title_ratings table.

Use DENSE_RANK() to display the rank based on averageRating (label this RATINGRANK), and also the rank based on runtimeMinutes

(label this LENGTHRANK).  Both of these should be based on an asecending sort order.


Columns to display:    title_basics.primaryTitle, title_ratings.averageRating,

                       RATINGRANK, LENGTHRANK

Sort results in ascending order by primaryTitle.’ + CHAR(10)

— [Insert your code here]




— This is an anonymous program block. DO NOT CHANGE OR DELETE.



    PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’;

    PRINT ‘ End of CIS275 Lab Week 6’ + REPLICATE(‘ ‘,50) + CONVERT(CHAR(12),GETDATE(),101);

    PRINT ‘|—‘ + REPLICATE(‘+—-‘,15) + ‘|’;



Please go through the attached document for assignment details.

I need a website built

It needs to have 6 pages to include an index page with each bike listed and picture that you can click on to get to each bike. 

A comprehensive review on E-BIKES 

There needs to be an index page along with 5 pages reviewing the pros and cons of each E-bike.

It needs to have substantial information along with CSS, multimedia, images, Pros & cons in an unordered list. 

The list of of E-bikes that need to be reviewed are:

SONDORS FOLD X https://shop.sondors.com/products/sondors-fold-x-october-2020

JETSON METRO FOLDING E-BIKE https://ridejetson.com/products/metro-folding-electric-bike

Nakto Skylark https://www.e-bikes.com/products/folding-16-black-skylark

Quitekat  750 https://www.bikeberry.com/quietkat-750-bandit-folding-frame-electric-bike.html

E-MOJO 500 https://www.bikeberry.com/electric-bikes/folding-e-bikes/e-mojo-500w-lynx-pro-fat-tire-folding-electric-bike.html


Explain three different ways that freedom of expression is limited in spite of the unequivocal language of the First Amendment.
Explain how common law state court rulings prompted Congress to pass the Communications Decency Act. What does the CDA do?
What constitutional and statutory protections of privacy existed before the Internet became prevalent?

Organ Leader_week_1


Required Reading:

Chapter 1 Journal articles


 After completing the reading this week, please review table 1.2 in the text and review the distinction between leadership and management.  Then think about this in regard to how senior leaders versus senior managers lead change in an organization (especially when it comes to technical change in an organization).

This week please reflect on these concepts and answer the following questions:

  1. When implementing change in an organization, there are always culture issues that are faced, such as not accepting change, determine how differently this would be handled thinking about the management versus leadership constructs?
  2. When dealing with performing work, how is this implemented differently within the management versus leadership constructs?

Please be sure to answer all of the questions above in the initial post.

Please ensure the initial post and two response posts are substantive.  Substantive posts will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Expand on the topic, by adding additional thoughtful information
  • Answer a question posted by another student in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source
  • Make an argument

At least one scholarly (peer-reviewed) resource should be used in the initial discussion thread.  Please ensure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library.  Use APA references and in-text citations.


This week’s journal article was focused on the Complexity of Information Systems Research in the Digital World.  Complexity is increasing as new technologies are emerging every day.  This complexity impacts human experiences.  Organizations are turning to digitally enabled solutions to assist with the emergence of digitalization. 

Please review the article and define the various technologies that are emerging as noted in the article.  Note how these emerging technologies are impacting organizations and what organizations can to do to reduce the burden of digitalization.

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.