Professional Behaviour


In this Assignment, you will have an opportunity to view a set of slides. After viewing all of the choices of sets of slides, choose one of the sets that best represents your desired career field. Then, describe and analyze what you viewed according to the following directions. Each paragraph should be a minimum of 5–7 sentences.

Choose a set of slides to view.

Your Assignment should include:

Part 1: View and Analysis (3–4 paragraphs)

Describe and explain what you viewed. Answer the following questions in your response:

  • Which set of slides did you choose to view? How does this set of slides relate to your own career?
  • Were the individuals professional? What made the individuals professional (consider attire, non-verbal communication skills, presentation of self, and identify and describe specific things in the slides that made the individuals professional)?
  • After reviewing the slides, list and explain specific areas that would be unprofessional on the slides as well as in your field when considering attire, non-verbal communication skills, and presentation of self.
  • Include any additional thoughts focused on professionalism based on what you viewed on the slides.

Part 2: Personal Reflection and Connection (4 paragraphs)

  • Describe the appropriate attire for an individual in your profession. Provide specific examples of appropriate attire. Note: you may want to research this by talking to those in your profession or researching appropriate attire for your profession as this may differ from what you viewed in the presentation. In addition, review the Credibility Robbers information from the Unit 2 Learning Activities.
  • Describe and analyze what makes someone a professional in your field. Use research to support your ideas for this paragraph.
  • Explain the behavioral attributes you practice that identify you as a professional (review Units 1–3 for information).
  • What aspects, such as attire, non-verbal communication skills, and presentation of self, do you possess that make you professional? How do these aspects relate specifically to your field?

Assignment Format

Your submission should:

  • Have a brief introductory and concluding paragraph
  • Be about 2 pages, double-spaced, in length using 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  • Include a title page and reference page (note: these do not count towards the two-page content requirement).
  • Be clearly written in Standard English. Be sure to proofread your assignment before posting to ensure you have proper grammar and writing mechanics.
  • Be unified, original, and insightful
  • Follow proper APA format for both in-text citations and sources on reference page.



Enterprise Risk Management Integrating with Strategy and Performance Executive Summary. (2017, June). Retrieved from

Do, H., Railwaywalla, M., & Thayer, J. (2016). Integration of ERM with Strategy (p. 35). Retrieved from Poole College of Management, NCSU website:

  • Which case study in the paper was most interesting to you and why?
  • Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources . Use proper citations and references in your post.

Role of Data mining in Manufacturing Industries

Choose a manufacturing industry (e.g. auto, steel, or book making) and apply data mining to an individual step in the process.  Also address decision tree classifiers as part of the research paper.


Must have 4 pages double spaced Research Paper excluding Title and Reference page.

Use proper APA formatting. No Plagiarism. Proper Citations.

Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation based on the Research Paper.

bsp w6

In 250 words

Do a bit of research on JSON and AJAX.

How do they relate to the Same-Origin policy?

Digital Forensics Tools and Tech

Explain the concept of information stores. Why is an understanding of how different clients store messaging information critical to the success of an email search?

Write your answer using a WORD document. Do your own work. Submit here. Note your Safe Assign score. Score must be less than 25 for full credit.

300 Words

Discussion question, 350 words and 2 references.

Search the peer-reviewed literature for examples like below. You may select any topic relating to technology that illustrates the potential for really messing things up. Include, in your description, an analysis of what might have caused the problems and potential solutions to them. Be sure to provide supporting evidence, with citations from the literature

Example:   Protection of patient data has become a critical part of the scope of practice of all healthcare professionals. Routine data breaches underscore the importance of training clinical employees in protecting these data. However, beyond exposure to HIPAA regulations, little is done to educate the healthcare student about the risks and vulnerabilities of the online environment as it pertains to health data” (Swede, Scovetta, & Eugene-Colin, 2018).

(IT and Organization Learning)

  • Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc.  Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions.  What are the key concepts from each section? 

Complete the assignment using narrative paragraphs and explain your thoughts and findings in detail. Adhere to APA format requirements and do not use lists or bullets. Use Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced. Include a coversheet with your name, class ID and the title of the assignment. Your submission needs to be at least one page in length. The coversheet, figures, tables, and reference list doesn’t count toward the page count. Post the assignment as one MS Word document by the due date in the syllabus. Do not submit any other format such as PDF. Please provide and cite two references IAW APA.

Digital Forensics

  Discuss in 400 words on the below topics.

  • Proactive collection of evidence in Digital Forensics
  • Post-incident collection in Digital Forensics
  • Router and switch in Digital Forensics