4-1 Discussion: Patents

After learning about the process an organization follows in obtaining a patent for an e-commerce business, answer the following question: How can internet patents be used to protect, or safeguard, numerous businesses practices on the internet? Explain using specific examples.

When responding to your peers’ posts, reflect on how patent infringement affects cyberspace and e-commerce. One area of focus could be the gray areas created by recent court rulings. 

Two C program

 In Problems 2, you will be reading input from a file; use the fscanf() function to do so. When reading input from a file, you do not need to verify its validity. You can assume that it has the expected type and the expected value(s). In Problem 1, you will be reading input from stdin; input verification requirements for Problem 2 are described therein. 

In each of the three problems in this lab, you will be required to declare and define certain functions. Doing so is essential: code that compiles and runs correctly, but does not implement all the required functions will not receive full credit. You are also welcome to implement additional functions. While this is not required, it can make your code easier to write. 

And you should not use any functions from the C standard library, except for those functions that are declared in the file , such as printf (or fprintf), scanf (or fscanf), fopen, fclose, etc. In Problem 1, you can also use the functions rand and srand declared in and the function time declared in    

Health Informatics & Inform System – Assignment 5


1.       What effects could telemedicine have on healthcare delivery disparities in the US?

2.       Discuss 3 current challenges to widespread telemedicine use

3.       Why is a common standard necessary for transmitting and displaying medical images?

I expect 3 pages of fact-based material to answer these questions.

Paper should be APA formatted with citation.



Based on the knowledge you have achieved thus far in this class, compose a brief synopsis compiling what you have learned about today’s networks. Describe how you would create a better network at your home or office utilizing the knowledge you’ve gained with this class. An example of this knowledge would be the cabling selected, as well as the IP address scheme utilized.


  • At least 4 paragraphs in length not counting the title page, include a title page, double space, font size 10 or 12
  • Includes a highly developed viewpoint, purpose and exceptional content
  • Demonstrates superior organization, is well ordered, logical and unified
  • Free of grammar and spelling errors 5. No evidence of plagiarism

EH Week9 DB



i need this paper by 10/21 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Cybercriminals use many different types of malware to attack systems. Select one common type of malware listed in this article link and using your own words, explain how to defend yourself against it.   https://www.esecurityplanet.com/malware/malware-types.html#maliciousmobileapp

300 words

Make sure Strictly No plagiarism content should not match and even the reference should not match in plagiarism 

A security Incident

Your friend just referred you to his Uncle Harry to help him with a security incident and to conduct an investigation.  

Write a 2 – 3 page report for Uncle Harry that includes the following:

  1. A description of Uncle Harry’s security incident (“make up” your own incident)
  2. Create an incident response plan to address the incident
  3. Describe how incidents should be handled in the future by Uncle Harry 
  4. Detail the steps necessary in the investigation process.