

This week, you have read about server virtualization and cloud computing in chapter 6 of your textbook. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

 • Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.

• Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.

• Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.

• Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities

Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your midterm research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length (1200-1800 words), not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Assessment 3: Digital Forensic Report This document supplies detailed information on assessment tasks for this unit.

Students should demonstrate their ability to review and critique the digital forensic hackathons hosted in recent

years and their write-ups. Understanding these digital forensic tasks and their technical solutions will significantly

help students deepen the understanding of the industry’s standard practice and general expectations of forensic

abilities in the job market. Hackathon experiences and achievements have been valuable in the cybersecurity

industry. Students will identify, investigate, and evaluate six forensic hackathon tasks and the associated write-ups.

Students will be assessed on their ability to identify the appropriate tasks and write-ups, reproduce the technical

solutions, justify the technical findings, reflect on the learning experiences, and present a professionally written



Students are required to independently write an essay of approximately 4,000 words and exhibits to support the

findings and a bibliography. This essay should consist of the following parts:

• a professionally made title page with student name and student ID

• an abstract of 200 words capturing the highlights of the findings

• a non-technical section summarizing the six identified hackathon tasks and brief descriptions of their

write-ups along with justifications of their digital forensic relevance

• a non-technical section critiquing the issues of the existing write-ups of each hackathon task in multiple


• a technical section reproducing the solutions of the six hackathon tasks by using proper digital forensic

tools with supporting evidence (screenshots)

• a non-technical section reflecting personal learning experiences towards solving these tasks and aligning

these to our curriculum

• conclusion (around 150 words)

• reference (Harvard style)

discussion api

 Name the three essential elements of a basic structured cabling network? How are they installed and what are the components that are involved with them? 

Project Assignment


Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  • What are the principles and limitations to an individual’s right to privacy?
  • What are the trade offs between security and privacy?
  • What is the issue of freedom of speech versus the protection of children online?

Due: Assignment is due on the day stated in  the Course Schedule

  • Provide three articles to substantiate the above three questions.
  • Use APA format to provide a citation for each of the articles you read.
  • Suggestion: Use a search engine (Google) and keywords.


Scenario Summary: 
This scenario covers a contract dispute situation. The contract in question is an agreement between Systems Inc. and Big Bank. Please review the contract located in Scenario Summary of the “You Decide” page to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the contract.
Your Role/Assignment:
You are the manager of a large data processing project. Your company, Systems Inc., worked very hard to obtain a contract with Big Bank to do the data conversions from their recent acquisition, Small Bank.  The bank met with several companies to discuss who would do the best work on the contract. During your meeting with Big Bank, you told them that you had “never missed a conversion deadline.” At  the time, your company had never missed a conversion deadline, but the company had only done three conversions. You also told them that “your data processing systems were the fastest around.” After months of negotiation, Big Bank signed the contract. The President of Big Bank said, “We like fast, and you guys are fast. We choose you.”
You started work on the data conversion immediately (ahead of contract). According to the contract, your team was responsible for ensuring that the new bank’s data was converted to Big Bank’s data processing system. The contract involved six large conversions. The first involved converting Big Bank’s savings accounts; the second,  its checking accounts;  the third,  its investment portfolio;  the fourth,  its credit card operations;  the fifth,  its mortgage portfolios;  and the sixth,  its large business loans. Your team completed four of the six conversions without a problem. The fifth task, the largest and most important, has encountered numerous problems. Some problems have been based on personnel issues on your part and other issues have been based on the bank’s failure to provide you with necessary information. One issue resulted when the conversion was delayed for over one week. The data to be converted was formatted differently than the bank’s previous specifications provided.  For that reason, the data conversion fields needed to be changed.  A provision in the contract required your company to receive the approval of four individuals  before making any changes to the conversion data fields, and one of those four people, Glenda Givealot, was out of the country doing missionary work in an area of the world that did not have cell phone reception.   Another issue arose when the conversion was supposed to occur. Because of the change in the timeline, the conversion schedule had to change. The weekend the conversion was rescheduled to occur, an ice storm struck the state where your data processing computers were housed. Your facility lost electricity for three days, causing the conversion to be delayed once again.  
1. Question: (17 points) 
Can Big Bank’s President rescind the contract?  Under what circumstances can a contract be rescinded by either party?  What facts have to be alleged and proven?   What is the result of a contract that is rescinded?
2. Question: (16 points) 
Big Bank’s President also threatens legal action.  What potential causes of action could you foresee him bringing in court?  Would he be successful?  Why or why not?   What arguments could Systems Inc. raises in its defense?  What are Big Bank’s potential damages?
3. Question: (17 points) 
Review the facts provided and the sample contract.  What provisions of the contract could you cite to support an argument that it is not in Big Bank’s best interest to rescind the contract?  What facts could you cite to support an argument that Big Bank be responsible for some of these issues and/or not in compliance with the contract?
4. Question: (16 points) 
In this situation amicable resolution of problems is greatly preferred by your company.   Would this be true in all contract disputes? In what situations would you decide to  litigate?  Why would you decide to move to litigation rather than attempt to reach an  amicable resolution?
5. Question: (17 points) 
There are 3 types of contract performance: 1)complete performance;  2)  substantial performance;  and 3)  material breach.  Describe the differences (and similarities) among the three, and explain some of the legal ramifications for one or more of these types of performances. (For example, what happens if one party performs completely but the other party performs only substantially?)  Give examples from outside readings or experiences in your career or personal business life.
6. Question: (16 points) 
What are the two most important concepts from this exercise that will help you in future contract negotiations?
Solution answers must be at least one half page each.  Show each question on a separate page. 


Develop a broad vision, an architecture, and a detailed plan of action that follows a life cycle concept for Developing IT Compliance Program for Alibaba


Prepare an investigative report of the forensics data capture conducted using the tool FTK imager lite. 

The paper should provide the following information: 

· Executive Summary of your investigation, including a description of the device or systems and the tool used for the forensics analysis

· Step-by-step description you used to gather data for analysis

· Report on the information that was obtainable from the device

· Graphics evidence that you conducted the forensics data gathering and analysis

The paper should be in a form that would be used for reporting to a court or a law enforcement agency. Be sure to provide graphics evidence of your forensics investigation effort (Screenshots, reports, etc.). References should be in APA format.

   No Plagiarism 

· APA Format required

· 5 pages without References.

Physical Security

Topic: Complete a Physical Security Assessment (internal and external) of your place of work or living area.  If you use your work area make sure you inform the Security Manager to get permission as to what you are doing. If you live in a gated community inform the security guard of your activities. Refer to your text on the importance of Lighting and Access Control and be sure to cover the salient issues discussed in the text.

Instructions: Please download the Assignment 2 Physical Security Assessment template (MS Word), which is already in APA 7 format, using size 12 Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, TOC, Headings and Reference page. If you insert images or tables in your report make sure you label them appropriately according to APA. 

3-1 Project One


You decide to research several organizations and focus on one to start. Select one organization from the Business Organizations document in the Supporting Materials section below. You will compare and contrast Currier Grocery (the organization you currently work for) and the one organization you select. To guide your research and personal job notes, address the following in the template provided:

  • An organization’s form is the overarching characteristics that define the type of organization, including how and why the organization formed; the organization’s location(s), size, and type of ownership; whether the organization is nonprofit or for-profit; the goods and services the organization offers; how long the organization has been in business; and the organization’s mission, vision, and core values. Compare and contrast the characteristics of each organization’s form. Specifically, be sure to identify the characteristics of each organization’s form and take note of the similarities and differences between each.
  • Organizations are typically organized or structured into groups of functional areas. These functional areas develop groups of staff, or departments, to ensure the smooth flow of information and operations within the organization structure. Describe the role of key functional areas within each organization. Consider the following:
    • What key functional areas exist within each organization?
    • What role does each function play within the organization?
    • How might a data professional support the organization’s functions?
  • Discuss the relationship between each organization’s form and its functions within the organization. Specifically, address the following:
    • How might the purpose of each functional area vary based on the form of the organization?
    • What functional areas might a data analyst work closely or consult with?

 Review the business organizations in Supporting Materials and select one. You will compare and contrast your current employer, Currier Grocery, to the organization you selected. Prepare and organize your notes into 2 to 3 pages. All references must be cited in APA format.