Great Day Fitness Tracking Final Plan


Assignment Content

  1. During your last week working with Great Day Fitness Tracking, you will create a 9- to 12-page final plan in Microsoft® Word.

    Your final plan should:

    • Explain the relationship between processes and information systems, including a flowchart and a discussion of security ethical concerns. (Week 1)
    • Describe the plan to select the appropriate hardware and software and the different approaches for managing data. (Week 2)
    • Explain the benefits of using transaction processing systems, customer relationship systems, and supply chain management. (Week 2)
    • Describe the potential benefits of using business intelligence. (Week 3)
    • Describe the information systems plan and potential methodologies. (Week 4)
    • Describe the used utility and cloud computing services and how these services might replace or augment the initial system design. (Week 6)
    • Describe a high-level, 3-year strategic plan for your information solution. (Week 6)
    • Note: You may include graphs, tables, and diagrams in addition to your summaries for each week’s content.

      Submit your assignment.

Discussin week 7

Initial Post

“Why do we need to understand data visualisations? There is more and more data around us, and data are increasingly used in decision-making, journalism, and to make sense of the world. One of the main ways that people get access to data is through visualisations, but lots of people feel like they don’t have the skills and knowledge to make sense of visualisations. This can mean that some people feel left out of conversations about data.” –

Please conduct the following activity located at the following address:

Tell us what you think of the visualisations that we used in our focus group research. Instructions below!

What to do

  1. Look at the visualisations by clicking on the images below. You can choose to open the visualisation in a NEW tab or window (we recommend this) or view it in a pop-up window if you prefer to stay on this page. Some are interactive (i) and some are static (s).
  2. Place the images on the grid. When you’ve looked at one, go to the grid and position the image according to whether you liked or didn’t like and learned or didn’t learn something from the visualisation (‘learning something’ could also mean confirming something you already knew). Only place the visualisations that you have looked at onto the grid. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Compare your views with others. You can compare your responses to the visualisations with those of others, by clicking COMPARE.

Choose three of your favorite visualisations. Post a 3 – 5 sentence summary of why you chose the visualisations. What caught your attention? Were they effective in presenting the provided data? If possible, explain how you would you do to improve the visualization?

Reply Post

When replying to a classmate, offer your opinion on what they posted and the visualisations they chose. Using at least 3 – 5 sentences explain what you agree or disagreed with their evaluation of the visualisations.

Algorithm analysis


We  have n stations along a river, numbered 1 to n in the direction of the  current. You can rent a boat at any station i, go down the river to a  station k> i, return the boat and pay a fee c (i, k) for the tour. It  is possible that c (i, k) is greater than c (i, j) + c (j, k), with j  being an intermediate station between i and k. In this case, it is  cheaper to rent a boat from i to j and then another from j to k. Give an  efficient algorithm that calculates the minimum cost of a trip from 1  to n. Depending on n, how long does your algorithm consume?

computer science


using C++ program

Purpose: using 2-dimensional Array and template functions to Add, subtract and multiply two matrices.


      Note: all functions must be written with template format

  1. Write one function for header

Header looks like:

Matrix operation:

Select A/a to add two matrices

Select S/s to subtract two matrices

Select M/m to multiply two matrices

Select T/t to select all types

  1. Write a function to ask the user for number of rows and columns for matrix A and/or matrix B
  2. Write a function to read data into an Array for matrix A
  3. Write a function to read data in an Array of matrix B
  4. Write a function to add two matrices
  5. Write a function to subtract to matrices
  6. Write a function to multiply two matrices ( use the one provided for you)
  7. In main () provide a switch and case statements to call those functions.

          The project is for a 2 dimensional and 3 X 3 data

discussion help minimum 300 words

Discuss a particular type of Malware and how has it been used in “todays news” and the respective impact on cyber security. Add to your discussion ways the Malware could have been detected and potentially avoided.

Read Chapter 1 of the assigned textbook.

Book reference:

Computer Security: Principles and Practice

Fourth Edition By:  William Stallings and Lawrie Brown


In this week’s discussion, you were introduced to Wireshark and GlassWire, two free network monitor & security tools. Compare and contrast these two tools. explaining the benefits and features of each, then decide which of these two choices you would prefer to use if you were the Network Manager. Explain why you made your decision.

1 Discussion , 1 Case Study and weekly summary

Discussion 4.1

What are some methods used to identify attackers? (How can we attribute an attack to a person or organization?)

Case Study 

Midterm Requirements

  • Individual Paper:
    • Describe each of the following Non-State Actors: NGOs, Organized Crime, Corporations, Terrorists, Activists, Individuals

Writing Requirements: 

  • 4 full pages paper in APA format, for citations and refereneces
  • Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.
  • Each team member submits the team assignment

References should not be older than 2015

References should not be older than 2015

Weekly Summary 4.1

Each week you will write and submit a brief summary of the important concepts learned during the week. The summary will include a summary of the instructor’s weekly lecture including any videos included in the lecture.

Assignment 5-Fast Scrabble Words


You shall write a C++ program that:

  1. Reads an arbitrary number of whitespace-delimited tokens from standard input.
  2. Determines and prints (to standard output) two decimal integer values:
    1. The number of input tokens that are valid Scrabble words (case-insensitive), i.e. those that can be found in /srv/datasets/scrabble-hybrid.
    2. The total number of points that all those words would be worth in Scrabble, according to the letter values in /srv/datasets/scrabble-letter-values.

Specific Requirements

  1. You may assume that the number of valid words and the total number of points will not exceed the range of an unsigned 64-bit integer.
  2. Open and read the contents of each relevant data file exactly once.
  3. Make sure to use STL components that will avoid any gross inefficiencies (excessive computation and/or storage) in your program. Your program should at least be able to process each of the example inputs below in no more than 5 seconds, on our server.
  4. Print the two integer values in the order specified above, and make sure your output contains no other numeric decimal values. Otherwise, the format of output is up to you.

cloud computing


Part 1: Hypervisors

Review case 8-3 and 8-4. Select one of the two cases from chapter 8 and complete the written exercise.

Case 8-3 Hyper-V (Jamsa page 115)

Review case 8-3 and complete the exercise. Provide a minimum of 2 references to support your writing.


Case 8-4 VmWare (Jamsa page 115)

Review case 8-3 and complete the exercise. Provide a minimum of 2 references to support your writing.

Part 2: Cloud Security

Chapter 9 lists several common security threats to cloud-based environments. Analyze 3 types of cloud security threats and describe methods to mitigate the risks. Compare and contrast the difference between these security threats in a data center/on site versus from the cloud. Provide a minimum of 3 references to support your findings.


Total page count should be a minimum of 3 pages.

Make sure to cite any content provided from your sources.

Minimum number of references for the assignment is 5.