300 words

1. List Outcomes from the  Course – List the outcomes (objectives) as written in the course syllabus from the course.
2. Apply Your Work Experiences to The Course – Correlate your job responsibilities with the  course outcomes listed above.
3. Length of Assignment –350 words, double-spaced using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.

Physical security- failed

 Physical security Failed – 5 pages APA format – No plagarism


For this Homework Assignment:

Search the Internet for an article where physical security failed:

  • Propose a possible change in that organization’s physical security that could have prevented the breach/failure for that scenario
  • Submit at least 5 full pages double spaced (not including your required cover page, reference pages, abstract, or table of contents)
  • No photos or graphs
  • Reference all sources used
  • Your paper must be APA formatted (including a separate cover page and reference page) 
  • Your paper must include at least 2 references that are properly cited inside the body of your paper and listed in your reference section


Topic: VEEM and Blockchain Technologies Transforming Global Marketing.

 Write 4-5 page paper & accompanied 8-12 slide power point.

  • Paper: Must be APA format, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, with title page and references page. Minimum 2-3 references. Title page and References page do NOT count towards minimum.
  • Power Point: Is a summary presentation overview of paper, with additional charts/graphs to help demonstrate your insights on the topic.  Any template is fine to use.


Answer the following questions in your paper and power point.

1) Define how VEEM and Blockchain is expanding the global marketing efforts of companies

2) In your company of choice, who are they, are how do you think they use Blockchain and VEEM technologies to operate their digital marketing efforts?

3) How does this company use those technologies to expand globally their marketing efforts?

4) What challenges do companies in general face when it comes to implementing these technologies for their marketing efforts?

5) What forward thinking 1-2 key strategies do you think this company and their industry can implement to be competitive in the global marketing landscape?

You can use magazines, company websites, journals, news articles, interviews etc, to research and uncover your information.  There is no exact right or wrong answer to the questions on the strategies and challenges you think face that company and their industry, as long as your supportive research supports your thoughts. Looking for more what you think based on the research conducted. 


Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it.  This is considered a research article review.Your paper should meet these requirements: 

Mitre ATT&CK framework

I need a 5 page in-depth review of the Mitre ATT&CK framework. This paper must include a  description of the framework, how it is used, its advantages and disadvantages, and how it could be improved.

Information Systems Essays

APA format

Strictly plagarism free

Attached two text books, assignments are from two different text books.

Assignment 1 ( 1 page)

Discussion: This week we discuss the overall process of developing new software.  Please also note the differences between software development and methods.

Assignment 2 (1 page)

Chapter 9 –  complete Exercise 3 (Information Systems for Business and Beyond)
Chapter 10 – complete Exercise 1 (Information Systems for Business and Beyond)

The above assignments should be one page submitted in a single Word document.

Assignment 3 (2 pages)

Chapter 7 – Review the section on dealing with multiple locations and outsourcing. Review figure 7.2 and note how virtual team communications further reiterates the importance of this model. (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

Chapter 8 – Review the Siemens AG case study. Note the importance of understanding the interrelationships amongst all the senior leaders at every location. Pay special attention to Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2. Note how the corporate CIO should engage with each of the regional leaders. Why is this important? (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

GO16_WD_CH03_GRADER_3G_HW – Newsletter and Research Paper 1.3


Project Description:

In the following project, you will format a newsletter by inserting pictures and screenshots, applying two-column formatting, and adding a border to a paragraph. You will edit and format a research paper by inserting footnotes, creating citations, and formatting a bibliography.

Data Science

Write a short paragraph on various R-objects and describe the linear hierarchical difference between them.

APA-Format 300 words 2 pages