cloud computing

Define Moore’s law and discus how it might influence cloud migration.

1-2 page, at least one scholarly reference. NO plagiarism 

Need Practicum Assignment on this subject

 Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of stud 

Research paper on emerging technologies

Please write a research paper of 3000 – 3500 words on Describe and contrast the operational challenges faced by the following startups: (a) consumer Web services startup, (b) iPhone application company, and (c) electronic device company.provide at least five appropriate, properly cited sources. project (paper) must be formatted according to APA guidelines as a Word document, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-font, with one inch margins. do not do plagiarism. this is a research paper for the course emerging technologies.


Write an essay discussing sqlmap, an automated tool for sql injection and database takeover in 500 words or more. Why do we need an automated tool for sql injection? 

Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.  

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences

400 words

Home>English homework help
Current Issue Response
The purpose of the Current Issue Response or CIR has several layers. Each CIR
should do the following:
1. Improve analytical skills
2. Improve argumentative writing skills
3. Expand critical thinking
4. Attain knowledge of current issues, locally, nationally and globally
5. Challenge personal ideologies
Your Task
For each CIR you will research a current issue. Each CIR should be on a different
topic and should vary from local news to world news.
§ Begin your CIR by properly introducing the topic, the name of the article and
it’s author or editor
§ Explain what sparked your interest in this particular topic
§ Respond to the issue – here you can discuss how you feel, offer solutions,
validate the issue or problem, expand on frustrations, etc.
Keep in mind that response papers are informal records of your thoughts,
impressions and reactions; therefore writing a complete summary of the issue is not
acceptable. Being right is irrelevant: there are no right or wrong responses. What I
want is your thoughtful engagements with these current issues, happening now,
· Length: at least one FULL page, please not more than 1 ½
· you must include a works cited page and provide in-text citation if you incorporate
quotes. Failure to do either of these is a form of plagiarism and will result in an
automatic zero
· You ARE allowed to use first and second person references (“I” and “you”)
· Follow ALL MLA guidelines
· Title – should be CIR #1, CIR#2, CIR#3, and so forth
Please refer to your Writers Reference textbooks or MLA guidance upload on D2L
for more help on formatting.

Identifying and Interpreting Descriptive Statistics


Examine the survey results downloadable from the link below. Choose one of the items, determine the descriptive statistic that is reported, and indicate what it means. For example, “What is the highest level of education of this group?” (Please do not repeat the same topic as your classmates.)

Sorting – Java Coding Assigment



*** To do this assignment you are not to use any of the Collections API, or any 
   pre-implemented sort routines in Java. ***
In this assignment you are required to make use of the sorting routines in chapter 8 of you text book. You must ask the user to select which sorting routine he/she wants to use out of those routines implemented in the book (Insertion Sort, Shell Sort, MergeSort, or QuickSort). Based on the user input, you need to call the corresponding routine.

You are required to write one main program that will read in any number of integers and store it in an array of ints (not an ArrayList). What you need to do first is to ask the user what sorting routine he/she would like to use. Then you need to ask the user how many integers to be entered as input, and then ask the user to input that these integers.

Your program will store these integers into an array of integers first. Then your program is supposed to remove the duplicates out of this array by first sorting the array (using the user-specified sorting routine), and then removing any duplicates. Your program must not copy these elements into another array to remove the duplicates, the duplicates should be removed in place which means in the same array. Also, you must sort the array first before you start duplicate removal.

Once your array (the same array you started with) has only unique numbers, your program should print out the array followed by a list of all the numbers that were duplicated.
The numbers that were duplicated can be stored into another array.

The following would be a sample scenario of running your program:

Make your choice of a sorting routine first. Then continue as follows:

Enter the number of integers: 10
Enter the 10 integers: 7 9 8 1 9 24 23 24 9 8

The resulting array is: 1 7 8 9 23 24
The numbers 8, 9, 24 were duplicated in the input.

The only file that is to be submitted is a (or and no other file.

Best of Luck

Week 6 – Assignment 6

1. Week 6 Assignment

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document: Chapter 10 –discussion question #1-2 & exercise 1 & 7Chapter 11- discussion question #1-4 & exercise 4When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week. All work must be original (not copied from any source).

2.  Portfolio Assignment

Portfolio Project: This week discuss a current business process in a specific industry.  Note the following:-The current business process itself.-The industry the business process is utilized in. After explaining the current situation, take the current learning from the course and:

  • Explain a new technology that the business should deploy.  Be specific, don’t only note the type of technology but the specific instance of technology.  (For example, a type of technology is smart automation a specific type of automation is automated light-dimming technology).
  • Note the pros and cons of the technology selected.
  • Note various factors the business should consider prior to deploying the new technology

The above submission should be three pages in length.  Remember the total length does not include the APA approved cover page or the references.  There should be at least three APA approved references to support your work.

3.  Week 6: Discussion 1

Create a discussion thread (with your name) and answer the following question:  Discussion 1 (Chapter 10): There have been many books and opinion pieces writ-ten about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas for societal responses to address the issues. Two ideas were mentioned in the chapter – UBI and SIS. What are the pros and cons of these ideas? How would these be implemented?Your response should be 250-300 words.  Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post.  Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.

4.  Week 6: Discussion 2

Create a discussion thread (with your name) and answer the following question:

Discussion 2 (Chapter 11): Explain how GDSS can increase some benefits of collaboration and decision making in groups and eliminate or reduce some losses.

Note: The first post should be made by Wednesday 11:59 p.m., EST. I am looking for active engagement in the discussion.  Please engage early and often.

Your response should be 250-300 words.  Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.

There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post.  Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.


Robotics, Group Decision Making, Collaborative Systems, and AI Support

Chapter 2 briefly introduced robotics, an early and practical application of concepts developed in AI. In this chapter 10, we present a number of applications of robots in industrial as well as personal settings. Besides learning about the already deployed and emerging applications, we identify the general components of a robot. In the spirit of managerial considerations, we also discuss the impact of robotics on jobs as well as related legal issues.The focus in this chapter is on physical robots, not just software-driven applications of AI.

In chapter11, several topics related to group decision support and collaboration were covered. People work together, and groups (or teams) make many of the complex decisions in organizations. The increase in organizational decision-making complexity drives the need for meetings and group work. Supporting group work in which team members may be in different locations and working at different times emphasizes the important aspects of communications, computer-mediated collaboration, and workplace methodologies. Group support is a critical aspect of decision support systems (DSS). Effective computer-supported group support systems have evolved to increase gains and decrease losses in task performance and underlying processes. New tools and methodology are used to support teamwork. These include collective intelligence, crowdsourcing, and different types of AI. Finally, human–machine and machine–machine collaboration are increasing the power of collaboration and problem solving.

Project Assignment:


Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  • Why are organizations interested in fostering good business ethics?
  • What approach can you take to ensure ethical decision making?
  • What trends have increased the risk of using information technology in an unethical manner?

Provide three articles to substantiate the above three questions.

Using the APA format provide a citation for each of the articles you read

Suggestion: Use a search engine (Google) and keywords