Provide a reflection of at least 500 words of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have observed these theories and knowledge being applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. 

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. 

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should NOT provide an overview of the assignments given in the course. Rather, reflect and write about how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

final project

 this is one page for the ticketing system project – due in a couple days

1. Apply industry standards to the implementation and support of network systems and computer devices.

2. Demonstrate the principles of information technology security.

3. Use information systems for the collection, organization, and delivery of data.

4. Express relevant information to technical and nontechnical audiences.

5. Design secure network infrastructures for physical and virtual environments.

6. Create information technology solutions based on business needs or requirements.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

  1. For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
  2. Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application.

Ariticles Summary


Task 1: Article: “Real Business Value of IT” write minimum 4 paragraphs article Personal opinion summary with minimum 2 references

Task 2: Article: “Role of Information Technology in the Growth of Business” write minimum  4 paragraphs article Personal opinion summary with minimum 2 references

cyber security

 1.”Lake Point Consulting Services (LPCS) provides security consulting and assurance services to over 500 clients across a wide range of enterprises in more than 20 states. A new initiative at LPCS is for each of its seven regional offices to provide internships to students who are in their final year of the security degree program at the local college.

Predish Real Estate and Auction (PREA) buys and sells high-end residential and commercial real estate across a multistate region. One of the tools that PREA offers is a sophisticated online website that allows potential buyers to take virtual tours of properties. However, PREA’s site was recently compromised by attackers who defaced the site with malicious messages, causing several customers to threaten to withdraw their listings. PREA’s senior management has demanded a top-to-bottom review of their security by an independent third party. LPCS has been hired to perform the review, and they have contracted with you to work on this project.

The first task is to perform a vulnerability assessment of PREA. Create a PowerPoint presentation for the president and his staff about the steps in a vulnerability assessment. List in detail the actions under each step and what PREA should expect in the assessment. Your presentation should contain at least 10 slides” (Ciampa, 605).

2. Create a one-page document of a personal disaster recovery procedure for your home computer. Be sure to include what needs to be protected and why. Also include information about where your data backups are stored and how they can be retrieved. Does your DRP show that what you are doing to protect your assets is sufficient? Should any changes be made?” (Ciampa 649). 

Business Intelligence – 5

1. What is an artificial neural network and for what types of problems can it be used?

2. Compare artificial and biological neural networks. What aspects of biological networks are not mimicked by artificial ones? What aspects are similar?

3. What are the most common ANN architectures? For what types of problems can they be used?

4. ANN can be used for both supervised and unsupervised learning. Explain how they learn in a supervised mode and in an unsupervised mode.

5. Go to Google Scholar (scholar.google.com). Conduct a search to find two papers written in the last five years that compare and contrast multiple machine-learning methods for a given problem domain. Observe commonalities and differences among their findings and prepare a report to summarize your understanding.

6. Go to neuroshell.com. Look at Gee Whiz examples.Comment on the feasibility of achieving the results claimed by the developers of this neural network model.  (go to  neuroshell.com click on the examples and look at the current examples listed, the Gee Whiz example is no longer on the page) 

Statistical analysis using R


Final Exam DPEE


· For demonstrating conceptual understanding, you are required to work on the model that is easier to handle or compute, not necessarily the more suitable (or more complicated) model for the dataset. Follow the question description. 

· You don’t need to check the assumption of a model unless the question asks for it. For example, if the question asks you to make prediction based on a model, you don’t need to check the assumption for the model before making prediction. 

· For any of the testing (hypothesis test) problem, define Ho/Ha, compute the test statistic, report the exact p value, and state the conclusion. The default alpha value is 5%, unless specify. 

· Elaborate your reasoning clearly and show relevant plots, R results, and tables to support your opinion in each step and conclusion. 

· Submit the Rmd file and the corresponding pdf file knitted from it, along with your answer, this format is similar to your homework. 

· The data is real, just like the project you are working on. Hence it is possible that even after the remedial method has been done, the model is still not perfect. When this happens, evaluation will be based on the level you execute the methods covered in Stat512 to improve the model. Don’t worry if your model is not perfect, try your best to demonstrate the skill set you learn in this class. 

Study the data with a linear analysis and complete the problems. The data set, dataDPEE.csv has 3 continues predictors and two categorical predictors. 


Problem 1. Consider only the first order model with X1, X2 and X3, perform the following hypothesis. 

a. (10) whether X1 can be dropped from the full model. 

> dpeemod <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)

> plot(dpee)

> summary(dpeemod)


lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)


Min 1Q Median  3Q Max 

-15.948 -11.640 -1.480 6.402 31.650 


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 

(Intercept) 90.79017 22.07408 4.113 0.00106 **

x1 -0.68731 0.47959 -1.433 0.17377 

x2 -0.47047 0.24227 -1.942 0.07254 . 

x3 -0.06845 0.46523 -0.147 0.88513 

Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 14.75 on 14 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.6257, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5455 

F-statistic: 7.8 on 3 and 14 DF, p-value: 0.002652


Ho: X1 is significant and cannot be dropped from the model.

Ha: X1 can be dropped from the model. 

Using the model Y~X1 + X2 + X3, 

b. (10) whether X1 can be dropped from the model containing only X1 and X2. 


Problem 2 (10) Consider the first order model with X1, X2 and X3, simultaneously estimate parameters (beta1, beta2 and beta3)  with a confidence level of 75%. 


Problem 3 (20) Perform appropriate analysis to diagnose the potential issues with the first order full mode with X1 X2 and X3, improve the model as much as possible with the methods covered in Stat512. You should also consider the assumption checking for your revised model.  


Problem 4 

a. (10) Compute AIC, BIC, and PRESSP to compare the following two models. 

· The model on the first order terms for X1 and X2 and the interaction term X1X2.

· The model on the first order terms for X1, X2 and X3 

Do they all yield the same better model? If not, explain. 

b. (10) Select the model that you think is better to predict the mean response value, then predict the mean response for the following case, at a confident level of 99%. 









Problem 5 

X4 and X5 are two factors on Y.

a. (10) Is there any significant interaction effect between X4 and X5 on Y? 

b. (10) With the ANOVA method, compute the 95% confidence interval for the following difference, respectively: 

D1= The difference in the mean of Y when (X4=high, X5=less) and (X4=high, X5=more) 

D2= The difference in the mean of Y when (X4=low, X5=less) and (X4=low, X5=more) 

c. (10) With the ANOVA method, compute the 95% confidence interval for 


Where D1 and D2 are described in b. 

How is your result related to a? 

descriptive narrative essay


In this essay, I would like you to describe a physical location (i.e., a place) that you have strong feelings about—whether those feelings are positive (i.e., it is a place you like) or negative (i.e., it is a place you dislike intensely).

When you write, be sure to arrange the descriptive details of your scene in an effective, efficient order that best represents the location in question. Though visual details will probably be the aspect that you emphasize the most, take care not to short the other elements of perception (sounds, smells, etc.) since they will lend depth to your description and keep it from becoming merely a snapshot.

In addition to describing the scene, I would like you also to tell the story behind this location’s significance—that is, relate for the reader the sequence of events that occurred there that make it a memorable location to you.

Physical Security

Topic: Complete a Physical Security Assessment (internal and external) of your place of work or living area.  If you use your work area make sure you inform the Security Manager to get permission as to what you are doing. If you live in a gated community inform the security guard of your activities. Refer to your text on the importance of Lighting and Access Control and be sure to cover the salient issues discussed in the text.

Instructions: Please download the Assignment 2 Physical Security Assessment template (MS Word), which is already in APA 7 format, using size 12 Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, TOC, Headings and Reference page. If you insert images or tables in your report make sure you label them appropriately according to APA. 

Discussion – Enterprise Risk Management (350 words)


After reading both articles this week (see below), and any other relevant research you locate, please discuss the following: 

Please summarize, in your own words, a description of enterprise risk management. Why do you feel ERM is different from traditional risk management?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.


Reading Assignments

Reading Assignments