Security Architecture & design

Length:  Minimum of 600 words

Simply, no plagiarism

Vestige, Inc. is an online software company that specializes in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine.  Vestige manages an online database that allows their customers to upload and pay for their business ads for magazine placement.  Because Vestige’s database needs to connect to the parent company’s database, the parent company has requested that the Vestige system be assessed and verified as secure.

Your company has designated you to be the lead architect for this project because it’s a small company and perfect for the first time.  Since you have spent the past 7 weeks in training to be a System Architect, perform your assessment:



we will work with the Sailingdatabase. Download the sailingDB-JS.sql from and load it in MySQL.Submit your lab report as Word document.

1.Read the statements in sailingDB-JS.sql. For each type of statements, choose one example to explain what that statement does. Refer to the textbook or MySQL reference manual for information.

2. Describe briefly each relation in the Sailing database. Point out the entity relations and association relations and explain your rationale.

3. Queries A and B below demonstrate the impact of order when we use outer jointo connect three or more database tables. Execute each query, then compare the query results, and include in your lab report:

•A screenshot of the results for each query

•An explanation of where and why the results of the two queries differ

Query A: SELECT SA.sid, SA.sname AS Sailor_Name, CONCAT(‘S:’,RA.sid,’-B:’, AS Reserv_Track_id,, BA.bname AS Boat_NameFROM reserves RA right outer join sailors SA on RA.sid=SA.sid right outer join boats BA on;

Query B: SELECT SA.sid, SA.sname AS Sailor_Name, CONCAT(‘S:’,RA.sid,’-B:’, AS Reserv_Track_id,, BA.bname AS Boat_NameFROM reserves RA right outer join boats BA on right outer join sailors SA on RA.sid=SA.sid;

4.QueriesC, D, and E attempt to find the names of sailors who have reserved BOTH a red boat and a green boat. Execute each query, compare the results, and include in your lab report:

•The screenshot of results for each query

•A comparative analysis of the different results

•Explanation of why Query E does not work

Query C: SELECT S.snameFROM Sailors S, Reserves R1,Boats B1,ReservesR2,Boats B2WHERE S.sid=R1.sid AND S.sid=R2.sid AND B1.color=’red’ AND B2.color=’green’;

Query D:SELECT S.snameFROM Sailors S, Reserves R, Boats BWHERE S.sid=R.sid AND AND B.color=’red’AND S.sid IN ( SELECT S2.sidFROM Sailors S2, Boats B2, Reserves R2WHERE S2.sid=R2.sid AND B2.color=’green’);

Query E:SELECT S.snameFROM Sailors S, Reserves R, Boats BWHERE S.sid=R.sid AND (B.color=’red’AND B.color=’green’);

Reference to database below:

Practical Connection Paper for Access Control Course

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced APA) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of Access Control course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. 

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace

NOTE: I am working as a Software Developer. Please relate the skills and theories of Access Control that have applied in the current work.

Business Intelligence


Compare and contrast predictive analytics with prescriptive and descriptive analytics. Use examples. 


1. Go to Find information on the five styles of BI. Prepare a summary table for each style.

2. Find information about IBM Watson’s activities in the healthcare field. Write a report.  (limit to one page of analysis) 

 The above assignments should Include an APA cover page and a reference page. 


Discussion Topic – Define Scalability and list five (5) to ten (10) potential relationships that align with the Pareto principle, such as how 80% of sales come from 20% of customers. 



write a paper on governing the cloud. The following are the items to discuss in the paper (please use a different section heading for each topic):

  • List and describe five ways you think the cloud will change the future of TV.
  • List and describe five potential uses for intelligent fabric.
  • List and describe five ways the cloud will influence the mobile application market or vice versa.
  • Discuss the importance of HTML 5.
  • Discuss how the cloud will impact future operating systems.
  • List and describe three potential location-aware applications.
  • List and describe five ways intelligent devices may work together.

Paper requirements:

  • Minimum 1500 words (excluding title page, table of contents, abstract, and references pages)
  • Minimum of seven (7) references
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
  • When submitting the assignment, please ensure you are submitting as an attached MS Word document.



Write a 4-5 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  • What does the term intellectual property encompass, and why are organizations so concerned about protecting intellectual property?
  • What are the strengths and limitations of using copyrights, patents, and trade secret laws to protect intellectual property?
  • What is plagiarism, and what can be done to combat it?

Sync Sessions are held four times per term.  For the exact dates and times please check the course schedule under the Course Overview area.  To connect to a Sync Session, please click on the Sync Session Classroom area and select the appropriate session.

Due: Assignment is due Thursday of the second week in the module.

Project 1: Subnetting

In CCA 610: Cloud Services and Technology, you assumed the role of an IT analyst at BallotOnline, a company providing electronic voting solutions worldwide. Your proposal to begin migrating systems to the cloud has been approved.BallotOnline has now initiated preparations for the cloud deployment. The company decided to start with deeper investigations of crucial technologies enabling cloud computing. You became acquainted with the basics of these technologies in CCA 610. In this project, you will conduct more in-depth investigation of cloud networking, which makes cloud connectivity on-demand operations possible. You need to have a good understanding of this as you prepare the BallotOnline network for migration to the cloud as well as designing the appropriate network infrastructure in the cloud for BallotOnline.To do that, you will assume the role of a BallotOnline network engineer. You will explore the network protocols that enable the company and its customers to connect to the cloud, as well as technologies making it possible to create on-demand in-cloud virtual networks into which the cloud resources will be deployed.You will conduct two lab experiments exploring the TCP/IP protocols and software-defined networking. You will also perform a subnetting task to demonstrate your understanding of TCP/IP network addressing. Your final deliverable will be the technical report describing your findings and explaining the use of these technologies for BallotOnline’s cloud deployment.

Step 1: Review Networking Concepts

In this step, you will establish an understanding of networking concepts and terms. It will help the recipients of your technical report, including BallotOnline’s technical management, to become familiar with networking vocabulary and definitions. You will start by reviewing basic networking concepts such as local area network (LAN), Ethernet, and packet switching—the technique of splitting transmitted data into smaller portions and transmitting them separately. Splitting data into packets, transmitting the packets reliably, and reassembling the data is performed by networking software. It is important to know about basic networking concepts since they serve as the underlying technology for cloud computing. This will ultimately prepare you to submit your technical report for this project. ( software follows the popular model of the layered design of network protocols, with each layer using the functionality of the layer below it and implementing new functionality to be used by the layer above. The technical report should include the popular internet suite of protocols—TCP/IP. Application protocols such as HTTP or SMTP are implemented in layers above TCP/IP. ( basic networking concepts include Domain Name Service, network firewalls, and Network Address Translation. As the network engineer for BallotOnline, you know that these protocols play an important role in enabling cloud computing. 

Step 2: Explore Internet Packet Switching—IP

The Internet Protocol (IP) is the workhorse of today’s internet connectivity. As the network engineer for BallotOnline, you know that today’s cloud computing is built on top of IP. Most communication between systems in the cloud is done using this protocol.IP employs the technique of packet switching, which breaks the data to be transmitted into smaller parts, called packets or datagrams, that are sent over the network independently. Understanding IP is crucial to designing and maintaining cloud deployments, which are provisioned within virtual IP networks and accessed via global internet. You will review the basic elements of IP protocol and include their brief discussion in your technical report.Network devices have a network address to allow other devices to connect to it. The network addresses used in IP are called IP addressing. BallotOnline will need IPv4 addressing to be able to provide network addresses to a cloud system and to create a virtual network in the cloud.Every system on the network must have an IP address. The assignments of IP addresses to the network systems can be done manually or dynamically through a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. As the network engineer for BallotOnline, you know that manually assigning IP addresses is time-consuming and should only be used on a small number of systems where the IP address will not change frequently. ( numeric addresses are not human-friendly, a domain/machine naming convention defines human-readable names for internet hosts. An internet-based service called DNS (Domain Name System) provides translation between the IP addresses and the domain names. In general, people will use the domain names when addressing a system on the internet instead of using its IP address. You will need to explain in the technical report how DNS is used alongside IP addresses.  As the network engineer for BallotOnline, you also know the importance of IP routing, the mechanism used to route the IP packets across the internet from the sender to the recipient. IP routing of IP packets is accomplished by network routers, which determine the next destination for each packet and are able to learn new routes. ( (

Step 3: Investigate Internet Transport—TCP

As robust as the IP protocol is, it does not perform the actual transmission of the data. In this step, you will investigate the network protocol called Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), responsible for creation, reliability of delivery, and proper assembling of data packets. In addition to IP, TCP is also widely used on the internet, especially for any network communication where it is essential to confirm receipt of the transmission. Many of the network protocols used to implement cloud computing use both TCP and IP. You will review TCP’s workings and discuss them in your final technical report. In general, there is no guarantee that a data packet will reach its destination. Packets can get lost or corrupted during transmission, and there are network applications where you need assurance that the packets have reached their destination. To achieve reliability, TCP establishes connections between communicating hosts, using port numbers to refer to applications on these hosts. Then, packets are created, sequenced, transmitted, acknowledged, and retransmitted if missing or containing errors. Finally, at the destination, they are reassembled into the original messages. To synchronize the flow of packets between sender and receiver, and avoid packet congestion in case of varying speeds, TCP uses sliding windows for packets remaining in processing at a given time, at both the sender and receiver ends. (

Step 4: Review Advantages of IP Subnetting

One of the drawbacks of IPv4 is the maximum number of network devices it can support. IPv4 addressing uses a 32-bit network address. This allows for 232, or a little over 4 billion devices. However, today there are significantly more devices on the internet. Even though the more robust IPv6 version has been introduced and efforts are underway to assure wide adoption, IPv4 is still widely used. One method used to more efficiently use the IPv4 network addresses is a technique to optimize the addresses by splitting them into network addresses and host addresses within designated networks. 

You will need to take advantage of IP address splitting so that you can efficiently use and allocate the IPv4 network addresses that have been assigned to BallotOnline.For a given large network, rather than addressing all the hosts using the host part of the address, subnetting allows for splitting the network into several smaller ones by borrowing the host part bits and adding them to the network bits ( ). 

It supports efficient management of local networks composed of multiple LANs. In this step, you will investigate subnetting conventions and discuss them in your final report in order to lay ground for the use of subnets by BallotOnline.As the network engineer for BallotOnline, you know that subnetting a network into several smaller and variable-sized networks will be best for the organization’s needs. 

BallotOnline has been assigned a network address block by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). ( )Because BallotOnline has several offices around the world, you will need to subnet this network address to assign just the right number of addresses to each office location based on the number of systems at that office location. The following is the network address assigned by IANA and the number of offices along with their sizes: subnetted to 16 subnets and provide information for subnets #1, #4, #5, and #16

Your task is to create the appropriate number of subnets with the right size to optimize the network. Your technical report should include Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) notation, which allows for specifying a variable-length network as part of the IPv4 address, leaving the rest for addressing hosts within the network. ( )

***Network address assigned by IANA and the number of offices along with their sizes***

+++Submission for Project 1: Subnetting+++

The first interim deliverable for Project 1 is for you to learn about subnetting and demonstrate that you know how to do this. subnetted to 16 subnets and provide information for subnets #1, #4, #5, and #16

The deliverable is for you to provide the following information for each of the subnet identified (there are four of them for each problem):

  • Network address
  • Subnet Mask
  • Range of IP Addresses available
  • Broadcast Address
  • The number of subnets that you will be able to get
  • The number of hosts that each subnet will be able to have

You will also need to show the calculation on how you get your answers.