Unit 7: Discussion
Unit 7: Discussion
Review the case study Maruti Suzuki India: Defending Market Leadership in the A-Segment and identify a problem that can be addressed by a research report. Draft a preliminary description of the problem and a research question based on the problem identified. For this journal and the first final project milestone, you will not need to reference the data sets provided, but you may want to review the data briefly to help inform the development of your research question.
Note: You will notice that there are both qualitative and quantitative data sets accompanying the case study. While both can be used to address a business problem, you will be using quantitative data sets for the purpose of the final project in this course.
EBBD EMAIL – for Internal Use Only
To: You
From: Danny Wilco <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Quarterly Ordering Decisions
Here is what we would like you to do. We want you to use the Import Beer product line as a test case for developing an optimization program. Use the Excel file that we have developed with the forecast information for the import beer product line. Other information that you will need has been provided by Accounting: inventory holding costs, product costs and price markups.
This information with the Sales Forecast and costs and prices has been provided in the Excel file. [EBBD-ImportsData]
We want you to develop a method that will determine the optimal ordering quantities so that we maximize the gross profits and also take into account inventory holding costs.
After you have developed this method, write a short report to management explaining what you did and how this method can be used going forward on a quarter by quarter basis and for the other product lines.
Also attach any calculations or analysis that you did in an Excel file.
Let me know if you have any questions.
~DW, VP LogOps.
If you have done all of the exercises successfully you should be able to easily complete the EBBD assignment from Wilco. Be sure to watch the videos.
Download the EBBD-ImportsData Excel (click on link above) file and look at how it compares to the practice examples in the EBBD Exercises spreadsheet.
Setup the decision cells, the inventory cells and inventory constraints. Then add the calculations for income and costs. Make sure you get the timing right for which inventory is sold in which quarter. You could develop intermediate cells that calculate the costs, just to help you keep track of this. Be sure to use the quarterly inventory holding cost rate. Then calculate the gross profit cell.
Then, open up Solver and add the aspects to it. Make sure that you add a constraint that keeps your inventory values positive.
Once you have the correct solution, save your Excel file and write the report.
Upload the Report and the Excel file with the solution to Case 3 Dropbox.
The report should thoroughly address these aspects in depth and breadth:
Case Resources
Linear Programming (L.P.). (n.d.). Absolute Astronomy. Retrieved from http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Linear_programming
Linear Programming, Introduction (n.d.). Purplemath. Retrieved from http://www.purplemath.com/modules/linprog.htm
YouTube LP example: DJJ Enterprise (3 PARTS)
Linear Programming Formulation in Excel (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/TNLqtmkK4EA
LP Formulas in Excel (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/wQhNEMvh3MM
Using Solver to Optimize LP. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/9tHqa8EV3rc
As companies view themselves in a global marketplace the selection of locations for offices may take on a more strategic focus due to administration, marketing or tax reasons. Many firms are choosing to locate themselves in different international locations to maximize their organizational impact.
Write a page answering the questions below using resources in APA format with intext citations:
see attached
4. Critiques determinants and measurements of health and disease in epidemiology, public health, and promotion of health and disease prevention.
5. Distinguishes the health services organizations and delivery structures, functions, and professionals.
6. Compares unique characteristics of law and ethics in health services.
Coursework_ais 624 9 _fourth
Topic ais 624 9-Fourth
Subject Area Coursework
No.of pages/Wordcount
2 pages
Urgency 6 to 12 hours
Citation Style —-
Assignment Details
Use the E vision of the exam.
and the booklet could be find under the
the booklet is on this website
Attached file:
Assessment 1
What does it mean when we discuss the future of work? It means that we are moving away from a classic employment model in which most careers tended to follow a particular path: after graduation, you got a job in an office where you worked 40 hours a week alongside everyone else at your company. You’d get promoted along a predictable path, before eventually retiring in your sixties.
The future of work is, in fact, not the future. It is happening now. You may remember learning about the industrial revolutions of the past and the way in which these revolutions transformed the economy and the nature of work. We are now in the fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0. This new world of technology is characterized by:
Respond to this discussion
My life is project management. I have to use schedules with my wife, grown children, colleagues I work with and especially myself. I am a very disciplined person when I set my mind to accomplish something. What keeps everything ticking like clockwork (along with the occasional work mishaps and home bloopers) is my personal mission and vision statement. It is the reason why I go to work everyday and it keeps everything in balance no matter the adversity that comes. I am man about fulfilling the Creator’s purpose in my life and therefore because I know certain aspects of it, the way project management’s approach to stating and completing a project is how I approach many things in my life. I am a sound decision maker and assess the risks of decisions and weigh them against the project outcome or real life situational outcome of my life. Key pertinent questions include, “If I make X decision what is every possible outcome it could have? What is the actual problem I am facing? (The book gives a fascinating insight concerning this. It notes that “the way you define a problem determines how you will solve it,” (p.59 or Location 970 in Kindle). The example goes on to note a person experiencing a car breakdown and in an attempt to define the problem, they devise a solution that cannot solve the immediate concern of getting to work. Yes you need to get the car repaired but asking how funds to get the car repaired is not the right question. The right question is how am I going to get to work. Other questions I ask include, “is the outcome of the decision I make a memory I want to live with?” “How will this impact the budget and well being of all involved?” Lastly, in a more personal way, will the choice I make I make regarding this situation move me one step closer in the direction of purpose and destiny? I hope you would consider these same aspects regarding decisions you have to make and apply principles and concepts from project management to your life. It will help you become more organized, effective and efficient in your personal performance.
Heagney, J. (2016). Fundamentals of project management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Writing assignment directly related to the virus and impact on your personal lives, local, and regional community.
Minimum 6 full pages double spaced, with thoughtful and well written responses to the following:
My location is Kentucky, United States. My community would be laurel county, ky.
1. What is the current issue/crisis for your location (use official language and definitions)?
2. Identify and discuss how it is creating problems in living for members of the community and what they are specifically?
(remember problems in living occur when individuals or groups cannot meet their basic needs i.e. homelessness, social isolation, work difficulties, education issues, relationship problems, malnutrition, access to healthcare, lack of ability to succeed or develop etc.)
3. Are there groups that are being more impacted or disadvantaged than others (social justice component)? How are they being disadvantaged and what impact does it have on them?
4. What programs/services are developing to meet those needs (like the delivery of lunches to the impacted children)? Be specific who or what is providing the services, what services are provided and who is being assisted?
5. What needs are not being met by current services?
6. What program/ services would you propose to meet client/ community needs?