Human Resources Mngt


As a new Human Resources Manager, you’ve been tasked with creating (or redesigning) an incentive plan for a common job in your organization. Based on what you’ve learned in class, consider the following:

  • What factors will help you create an effective variable rate (aka incentive) pay plan?
  • How will you decide whether to use individual employee, work unit/team, organization-wide incentives, or some combination?
  • What key performance indicators will determine employees’ variable pay?
  • What type of incentive pay-out structure will be most appropriate for this specific job, and why?  How will it motivate employees while maximize organizational success?

Write an initial post that addresses this in detail

HRM 510 Week 10 Assignment 4 Avoiding Wrongful Employee Terminations

Need help writing the above assignment 4 in APA format plagiarism-free which needs to be 5 to 6 pages not including the cover page and the reference page are not apart of the 5 to 6 pages. It also needs to have at least 5 references. I need the assignment in the next 24 hours. This assignment is  ONLY FOR MAESTRO. Please see the attachment below. Thanks

Brief the case


Review and follow the format located in Appendix A or Law and Ethics in the Business Environment. The written assignment for this week consists of two sections:

  • Section I. Brief the case United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. Hilton Hotels Corporation et al., Defendants, western International Hotels Company, Defendant-appellant. This should be 2 pages in length. 
  • Section II. Present a summary critique of the court ruling in the case. This area of discussion ought to be 5 pages in length. Here, you are to discuss your opinion regarding the court’s decision. You may agree or disagree. Whatever your position on the case, be sure that you support your thoughts and ideas with adequate research as evidenced by in-text citation in accordance with APA standards. As such, you should have your researched sources cited throughout the body of your discussion in accordance with APA standards and should also have a corresponding entry in the reference area.

Section I and Section II of this assignment should be ONE FULL DOCUMENT 7 pages not including the cover page and reference section. As is standard references should include a minimum of 5 sources.

Case study

Case Study 1: Walmart Manages Ethics and Compliance Challenges

Due Week 3 and worth 200 points

Read “Case Study 3: Walmart Manages Ethics and Compliance Challenges,” located on page 407 of the textbook. Then, research and read two or more articles related to Walmart and ethics.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Examine the manner in which Walmart’s business philosophy has impacted its perception of being unethical towards supply and employee stakeholders. Provide one (1) example of Walmart in an unethical situation. 
  2. Determine the major effects that Walmart’s business philosophy has had on its human resource practices and policies. 
  3. Analyze two (2) of the legal mandates that workers and U.S. government has accused Walmart of violating. Provide an explanation as to why these legal mandates were violated, citing specific violations. 
  4. Evaluate the efficiency of the structure of the ethical decision making framework that Walmart has used in making its decisions. Provide a rationale for your response. 
  5. Recommend two (2) actions that Walmart’s Human Resources Department should take in order to improve the employees’ perspectives of Walmart’s human resources policies. Provide a rationale for your recommendations. 
  6. Go to to locate at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. 
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the business ethics issues and definitions, theories, and frameworks important to organizational ethical decision making and the role of a human resource professional. 
  • Determine the role of stakeholder interests, the interrelationship of ethics and social responsibility, and the role of corporate governance in ethics. 
  • Examine ethical issues and dilemmas in business. 
  • Write clearly and concisely about issues in ethics and advocacy for HR professionals using correct grammar and mechanics. 
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics and advocacy for HR professionals.

LDR531 Week 3 Learning Team Communication Challenges Conversation


Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply communication theories and research to actual business situations. The discussion with other learning team members is designed to identify and consider different perspectives. 

Assignment Steps

Read Case 2: Global Shared Services, McDonald’s Corporation, located in Mastering Leadership

Discuss in your learning team the communications and group behavioral issues that might arise in an organization that hires employees for their first job.

Note: Each team member must write at least two substantive responses (with a minimum 350 words each) and submit them via the Assignment Files tab.

Note: Grades are awarded based upon individual contributions to the Learning Team assignment. Each Learning Team member receives a grade based on his/her contributions. Not all students may receive the same grade for the team assignment.

Unit VI Journal MBA 5501


Identify a brand in your cabinet or pantry. Do you believe this brand will have a finite lifespan or one that lasts forever? Support your reasoning.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Critical path



1. Visit the Tech Republic  website –

2. Read the article: “Why critical path is critical to project management”

There are several additional topics on critical path. Please read them and answer the following questions in a page:

· Which of the articles gave what you believe to be the most value in relationship to critical path?
Explain why.

· Based on what you have read in the chapters (copied below)

and in the articles do you see a relevant critical path for your project forming, if so explain what it might look like and roughly how many tasks will your project include?

· Will all of your critical tasks be deemed critical and will they potentially have dependencies? Explain

· Explain which of your tasks on a critical path can present the most risk to a project, and explain what types of contingencies you need to put in place to protect the success of a project? Provide substantive details.

Book info on critical path:

The critical path method (CPM) was developed by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. as a way to schedule the start-up and shutdown of major plants. Since these plant activities were repeated frequently, the times were fairly well known. However, the time of any activity could be compressed by expending more money. Thus, CPM assumes a time–cost trade-off rather than the probabilistic times used in PERT. The CPM method of project scheduling uses a time–cost function of the type shown in Figure 14.9 for each activity. The activity can be completed in proportionally less time if more money is spent. To express this assumed linear time–cost relationship, four figures are given for each activity: normal time, normal cost, crash time, and crash cost. The following definitions are provided. Normal time: the planned activity duration. Normal cost: the budgeted cost for the normal time. Crash time: the minimum activity duration for additional cost. Crash cost: the cost needed to achieve the crash time. The project network is solved initially by using normal times and normal costs for all activities. If the resulting project completion time and cost are satisfactory, all activities will be scheduled at their normal times. If the project completion time is too long, the project can be completed in less time at greater cost by crashing (using less time) for certain activities. 

Extra stuff– Youtube video explaining about critical paths if you need to learn more 


Please read and respond to the attachment.

Note: Only up to 20% of the content in the written response can be quotes from third parties. 

Human resource

In Unit 2, you learned about a number of legal issues that impact the field of staffing. In this unit, you have seen that one critical tool for maintaining a legal staffing system is the job analysis. The “work product” of a job analysis that most of us see is a job description. Based on your current job (or one that you have previously applied for), use the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP) to respond to the following:

  • Did the job have a job analysis/job description? If so, was this document in writing? If not, how was it provided to you?
  • Was the job description current? If so, describe how you knew it was up-to-date. If not, how did you know it was out-of-date? Explain whether the old information was critical to successful job performance.
  • What three methods described in the UGESP (criterion, content, or construct validity) would you use to update this job analysis/job description? Justify why.
  • How would using O*Net OnLine be better for generating the job analysis for this position? Describe the specific job title you researched on the website and what your findings were from this resource.