High speed rail


Employ: Research Process

Evaluation Title: Research

You will have to complete a major research paper (8 to 10 pages) for the final assignment in this course.  In order to do this, you will need to write in a style appropriate for an academic discourse community and read numerous scholarly articles.  At least five of the articles must be located in the Herzing University Library.

For this week’s assignment:

  • Identify 3 a minimum of primary resources and 2 secondary resources, for one of the following topics:
    • 3D Printing
    • High speed rail
    • Stem Cell Research
    • Crowdfunding
  • Complete a literature review for each of the resources identified
  • Following your literature review include the introduction to your paper which should include the claim statement and thesis statement.
  • Include a reference page

Your literary resources, and introduction should be in APA format. All citations and references should be in APA format.

3 pages


  • For each approach, discuss what methods can be used to circumvent the attack, prevent it, or minimize the disruption caused by the event.
  • Include 3 pages of material covering the 3 discussion areas.

Food for thought


1. After viewing the attached videos, select ONE that peeks your interests. 

2. In an APA formatted essay (not to exceed 5 paragraphs) the Author will address the following in a response to the discussion board: 

  • Discuss the pros and cons that may cause the difference in perspectives.
  • Apply a minimum of one Theory and one Principle to analyze the ethical implications of the issue.
  • What are the possible long term risk to humanity.
  •  As a member of the moral community, propose a boundary and/or limitation that may lead to an ethical resolve.

DQ 150 word min with reference

Using a practical example, what are the benefits and potential problems associated with conflict? What are examples of strategies that can be applied for resolving conflict?


 Select a age between 0-24 months old. Go  to  Youtube  and  search  for  this  age with  the  words  “Child  observation”.    Find  and  watch  30  minuets  of  Video  (you may  combine  videoe  to  reach  30minuets.       Use the summary at the end of the sections in your book on the first two years (Chap 5,6,7,)as a guide in your observation. You may  also observe a child of familymembers or friends or you may select a childcare center that has infants and toddlers.2.Remain as uninvolved as possible during your observation and spend approximatelyone hour observing.  Take notes and record as many words, actions, and expressionsthat you can.  Be as descriptive as possible; include body movements, facialexpressions, and emotional reactions.3.Immediately after observing, expand what you have in your notes with whatever elseyou remember. 

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining


Outline the difference in responsibilities of a local union representative, a shop steward, and an international or national union representative.

  • How do their roles differ in the labor relations process?
  • This essay needs to be one page in length.

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining


Part One

Create a chart to compare and contrast the major legislative influences on the labor relations process. Your chart must contain at least five major legislative acts and how they affect management and unions. Columns should include the law, coverage, major provisions, and federal agencies.

Part Two

Find a recent Supreme Court or U.S. Court of Appeals decision concerning a labor law issue. Summarize the case. Findlaw Legal Information Center is a good commercial site for researching case law. You can also use the CSU library, LexisNexis, or Westlaw, for example.

  • What legal principles does the court rely upon in determining the case decision?
  • Be sure to support your response with specific examples.
  • Use one resource from the CSU online library.
  • This homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.

HR Trends


Select three articles (published within the past five years), each from different peer-reviewed academic journals/magazines. [Utilize the above publications or other peer-reviewed academic journal/magazine publications you find through the Trident Online Library.] Find articles that specifically address the following:

  • Future HR trends. What main point(s) does each author make? Do you agree? Why or why not? Provide actual employer best practices in place now to meet the challenge of future HR trends. Also include the employers names.

In your 3-page submission (not counting the cover page or the References page), provide the citation to each peer-reviewed academic journal/magazine article and include the three sources in the References section. Include an appropriate Introduction and Conclusion to your paper.

BUS409: Compensation Management

11 week class. Must be completed on time. Assignments must be done weekly.
that is the course guide. Work can not be late. Login in will be provided. 

MGMT Powerpoint Presentation

This presentation should be 12 – 15 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page.  Use bullets on most slides but each page should include a note section with at least 150 words in addition to the slide.  Cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.  Quotes should always be rare and properly cited.  Slides or notes with excessive quotes will have deductions.  Use your own words.  

Assignment – Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral,  Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership

Prepare a presentation as if you were a leadership instructor.  You are to prepare it so you will be able to teach a lesson to a class.   Using the five approaches/theories of leadership we have discussed in the first three weeks of class, document what the approach or theory is based on, how it is different than the others, and when it is best used.   Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each one.   Give examples of when each theory would work best.   For example, consider different positions like a construction plant manager or a school principal or a nurse. What approach would work best for different positions?   Incorporate that into your lesson.   Your goal is to have your audience (students) understand the five approaches and when to use them.

Do not copy definitions from the book.  Use your own words to get your students to understand the different aspects of the theories.  Use the 12 – 15 slides for the five approaches/theories, approximately two- three pages for each one.   


Please see the attached templates for helpful hints to a good presentation.

Title Slide – Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your paper, course number, course name, & date.

Introductory Slide – Include a short introduction of your agenda/topics.

Length – 12 – 15 slides plus the title page and citation page. Make sure you have at least 150 words in the note section of each page.  Do not include any quotes in your notes.   

Reference Page – Include at least two outside sources in addition to your textbook and other course articles on a separate reference page.  Use references with authors, not websites. All references must have citations within your presentation

Leadership Theory : Cultivating Critical Perspectives

John P. Dugan

Leadership Theory : Cultivating Critical Perspectives